Pro-war manipulation or gambit

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The United States strives to dominate the world and achieve hegemony whenever possible... this has been their main occupation for more than a century; "this is what they do for a living in Washington, DC," the U.S. political scientist William Blum has written with his usual jocularity.
To address historical and current issues, Blum has also recommended a formula that can serve us today in discussing the complexities of the downing of the Malaysian plane flying over Ukraine: "When things are complicated and confused, when so much changing information and so many contradictory explanations overwhelm you, try to put it all in some kind of context by stepping back and looking at it in a bigger and longer-term picture."
After the Russian Federation published the satellite images, radar information and anomalies in the path of Flight MH 17 of Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777, it was the turn of Ukraine, the United States and other Western nations backing the Kiev coup regime to reveal their evidence about the event.
But, as investigative journalist Tony Cartalucci expressed in an article published on July 23, on the Activist Post website, under the title "USA Appeals to the Law of the Jungle in the MH17 Case", to these questions the Western nations have suspiciously responded with silence and evasive.
When offering the official U.S. version of events, US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf told journalists that the summation of US evidence was "YouTube" videos and other forms of social media -- all of which are admittedly unverifiable.
All of Harf's comments assigning blame to eastern Ukrainian separatists so far rest entirely on the alleged veracity of "YouTube clips" and "Facebook posts." Harf left no room for the possibility that the evidence she is hinging her comments on may be fabrications, taken out of context, or otherwise inaccurate.
It is outrageous that, instead of an impartial investigation to ascertain the facts surrounding the downing of MH17, the US has resorted to citing "YouTube" clips as the basis upon which it seeks to undermine, isolate, and diminish the Russian nation.
Harf insists, on behalf of the US government, that "common sense" dictates who is responsible for the downing of MH17. But to that, a simple question can be asked, and demonstrably answered: in whose benefit? Cartalucci believes that the "evidence" contained in the blogs accusing Russia are all designed to isolate the country.
One in particular, "Ukraine at War," is a definitive collection of fabrications, biased propaganda, and dubious claims which appear to precede claims of "US intelligence" whose agenda promotes the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
However, while continuing their investigation into the tragedy, the Russian military community investigates the probability that it was a Ukraine Air Force plane which struck the Boeing 777 with 298 people on board.
Russia demands the publication of the content of the conversation between the Ukrainian dispatcher and the crew as a key element to clarify the why the commercial aircraft changed course when flying over the Donetsk region.
According to Army General Vladimir Mikhailov, former commander of the Russian Air Force between 2002 and 2007, the attack's organizers estimated that the struck plane would fall into Russian territory and that the Ukrainian Flight Control Center in Dnepropetrovsk was involved in the incident.
Mikhailov says the Malaysian Boeing was shot down by an air-to-air missile, shot from the Ukrainian Su-25 fighter bomber, as was detected by Russian radar. The fighter plane was located the same day and at the same time at the site of the tragedy.
By exposing a series of data from the Russian Ministry of Defense, Andrei Kartapolov, spokesman and head of the operational direction of the High Command, confirmed that the Su-25 can reach a height of 10 kilometers and hit targets at a distance from five to twelve kilometers.
Today we might ask whether the downing of the Malaysian plane with almost 300 passengers on board and the accusations against Russia could be a new great manipulation to put the world on the brink of another war, or a desperately needed gambit by NATO and its partners in Kiev to reverse the direction of the tide in a battle they are losing.
July 26, 2014.
A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann.
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