Genocide is always punishable and immoral

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Israeli Major General (Ret) Giora Eiland, former head of the National Security Council of Tel Aviv, in an article published in the newspaper Ynet News commented that there are no innocent civilians in Gaza, "all of them there are as responsible for the current violence as the Islamic movement Hamas."
The retired Zionist senior officer likened Gaza to Nazi Germany because "the people of Gaza are responsible for the current situation just as the population in Germany were guilty of Nazism for having chosen Hitler as their leader and therefore had to pay a well-deserved high price."
Eiland considered that the distinction between Hamas and Gaza residents is nonexistent. He recommended the complete exclusion of Gaza and the closure of all access to the strip, including the movement of people and the supply of gas and electricity.
A few days ago, Israel's newspaper Times of Israel was forced to remove from website a blog post whose title read "When Genocide is Permissible" after protests from its readers. Previously, a right-wing member of the Knesset (parliament) of Israel called the Palestinian children "little snakes."
Statements like these give the exact measure of the degree of hatred which has promoted a long-standing conflict between two peoples which are inevitably called by geography, history and reason to live together as good neighbors.
In a "letter to the editor" published byThe New York Times on 2nd December 1948, a group of prominent Jewish personalities living in the United States at the time, among whom physicist Albert Einstein stood out, warned the government and public opinion that "in the newly created State of Israel, a political party by the name of Tnuat Hajeirut has been founded which --by its organization, methods, political philosophy and social program-- is closely related to the Nazi and fascist parties. They denounced the fact that it was made up by members and supporters of the nationalist extreme-right terrorist organization Irgun Zvai.
The head of that party --then visiting the United States to gather Washington's support for his organization in the elections about to be held in Israel, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in North America-- was Menachem Begin who would become prime minister of Israel and managed to impose his ideology on the Jewish state.
"Before irreparable damage may arise due to financial contributions and public demonstrations in support of Begin which can give Palestinians the impression that the US largely supports fascist elements in Israel, the American public should be informed about the past and the objectives of M. Begin and his movement", the document said. The signers of the letter to the editor of the Times intended to disclose some enlightening facts about Begin and his party to warn of the danger that their fascist ideology represented.
Followers of the stock of those accusers are the American Jews who are now mobilizing in organizations such as the Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), whose numbers and popularity grow rapidly in view of the atrocities that Tel Aviv carries out in the Gaza Strip.
They are striving to ensure that the leaders of the American Jewish communities condemn, as do thousands of Jews around the world, "the immoral, intolerable and disproportionate violence; the crimes and destruction that the government of Israel is inflicting upon the people of Gaza."
They want them to recognize that Israel is guilty of the occupation and the blockade of Gaza, to affirm the humanitarian equality of all peoples, to unite in the denunciation of the murder of innocents instead of justifying them, to oppose the policy of collective punishment instead of financing it, to join together to reject Israel's cynical propaganda of Israel, instead of echoing it.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared that Israel is preparing for a prolonged military operation in the Gaza Strip and that he “will act aggressively and responsibly" to fulfill that mission.
It is known that he is now seeking Washington's good offices to prevent being brought before the International Criminal Court (ICC) on the charges of war crimes that will inevitably be brought against him for conceiving that the entire population of Gaza is guilty and has to pay for the defiance of Hamas which he believes is guilty for having democratically-elected members of that Islamic movement as their leaders.
August 9, 2014.
A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann.
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