Ebola stimulates corporate appetites

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“History shows that behind every outbreak of such diseases is the drug cartel, one of the most powerful, influential and wicked of world industries.” This is the conclusion derived from an investigation carried out by Russian news agency RT on the relationship between the Fort Detrick biological weapons research center in the United States, the recent outbreak of Ebola in Africa, and those who have been the beneficiaries of pandemics throughout history.
According to an August 7 release by RT correspondent Karen Mendez, the attention of specialists in epidemiological matters worldwide has been caught by the fact that it was CNN television --considered the network which most accurately reflects the current media agenda of the US government-- which sounded the alarm about the Ebola outbreak in several African countries. CNN also insisted most forcefully on the need to achieve a vaccine, and was first to publicize advances against the disease made by certain American laboratories.
CNN, in an exclusive, launched the news that the United States had found a treatment --not yet tested on humans-- to cure Ebola. It said that the drug had been administered to Dr. Kent Brantly, an American affected by this disease in Africa; and that the effects on the patient had been "miraculous".
It was then learned that the drug was developed by Mapp Biopharmaceutica, a biotech company based in San Diego, California, whose scientific team works with the army in the Fort Detrick, Maryland center for biological research and development of chemical weapons. This center has been dedicated to the detection of diseases through genetically-engineered manipulation of infections for half a century. At Fort Detrick, a year ago, a group of monkeys was inoculated with the Ebola virus.
According to RT’s investigative report, during World War II intense research on biological warfare (BW) took place in Fort Detrick supervised by George Merck. He was a great ally of Hitler and president of one of the largest pharmaceutical corporations in the US. It is known that the US government copied from the Nazis the BW program applied by Germany during the Third Reich.
To this end, in 1946, the Truman administration recruited the main scientists who had worked for Hitler. The US military intelligence services, through a then-secret program called Operation Paperclip, brought about 700 Nazi scientists to the U.S. to obtain all their chemical weapons and medical experimentation secrets from them.
Eric Troub arrived in the US in 1949. He had been head of the biological weapons section of the Third Reich and worked for the U.S. Navy ever since. An expert on viral diseases, Troub investigated the 40 most virulent strains in the world. He trained the bio-warriors of Fort Detrick and members of the CIA. As has been pointed out, HIV, Ebola, Bubonic Plague, Anthrax and West Nile Virus were administered to human subjects.
Fort Detrick's name was changed the 1970s and became the Frederick Facility for Cancer Research, under the supervision of the Defense Department, Homeland Security, the CIA, and the National Cancer Institute.
In September 2010, FOX News reported that more than 500 families living near the Fort Detrick had become affected with cancer as a result of the chemical experiments at Fort Detrick.
As Ebola casualties increase and paranoia grows, corporate media promote the stock market value of big pharmaceutical companies. These, in turn, allow the spread of unfounded rumors that they already have the cure.
A news report from CNN in Spanish was headlined "Ebola promotes pharmaceutical companies in the stock market". That's what it actually said:
"The stock market shares of a company based in Vancouver, which works on a drug to curb the disease rose 40% last week. (...) Tekmira Pharmaceuticals, had a greater increase because investors expect the health agencies of the United States to approve a drug known as TKM-Ebola."
"History shows that these huge pharmaceutical firms, along with Fort Detrick, are responsible for inoculating and spreading various types of diseases around the world to maximize their profits at the expense of the lives of others, mostly Africans, who still are used in their experiments," concludes the report.
August 13, 2014
A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann. http://www.walterlippmann.com/docs5153.html
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