Thirteen years of doubt about 9/11

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It's already thirteen years since the heinous terrorist acts of September 11, 2001 and the memory of these is still marked by countless manipulations, mysteries and blatant lies.
And as bad as that is, as time passes, more abundant (and alarming) are the doubts that appear on the many contradictions between what happened in New York and Washington and the US congress' report.  So many that they suggest there was a conspiracy which includes the official version of the events.
In recent days, former Republican member of Congress Ron Paul suggested that his government had prior knowledge of the terrorist attacks but kept it hidden and classified as secret in the 9/11 committee report.
“Our own government did more harm to the liberties of the American people than Bin Laden did. He was a monster himself, but a minor one by comparison. If we ever get the full truth [about 9/11], we’ll find out that our government had it in the records exactly what the plans were, or at least close to it,” said Paul during an interview published by digital website The Washington Free Beacon.
After the attacks of 9/11, it was officially reported that al Qaeda had acted without sponsorship from any state. But the truth is that the White House had censored the publication of an entire section of the congressional report which dealt with "specific sources of external support" in which it was stated that of the 19 aircraft hijackers, 15 were Saudi citizens.
Shortly after the events, the New York Hebrew daily Ha'aretz revealed that e-mail company Odigo received anonymous warning messages about the attacks in New York two hours before they occurred. The fact was confirmed by the director of the company.
Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga told Corriere della Sera in November 2007 that "all Western leaders –although none would say so– know that American and Israeli intelligence services perpetrated the attacks of September 11, 2001."
To think that Talibans out of Afghan caves were able to grab codes developed from constantly changing mathematical algorithms should surprise us.
The idea that various groups of people decided to immolate themselves and, at the same time, to carry out the terrorist act, contradicts the psychology of suicide, a strictly personal and individual act.
Announcing the identity of one of the pilots of the suicide planes, the FBI said they had "found in the ruins of the twin towers his intact passport". But when the urns with the ashes and remains of the aircraft passengers were delivered, the FBI stated that the bodies were identified by fingerprints and DNA. Both facts are incompatible with the official statement that these were inside the fuselage of an airplane which melted at 2500 degrees Celsius°.
Apart from the targeted twin towers, a third building collapsed for no apparent reason. The building held a CIA economic espionage center and, as a result of its collapse, there was a loss –or so it was claimed– of important information on extreme acts of corruption which were in a process of being investigated.
I could go on citing inexplicable events surrounding 9/11, but perhaps most surprising is the acceptance with which the American corporate media received such implausible official information.
Some argue that the silence about those facts in the mainstream media is justified by their psychological impact on journalists and the media in general. It is plausible that this may have been an immediate effect.
But clearly this effect was used to produce the "patriotic laws" which have served to prolong, through panic, the traumatic effects of those events. United States citizens have since seen cut back, one after another, many of their democratic freedoms.
And, it is shockingly clear, that just as the events of September 11, 2001 in the United States are still to be investigated, there is also a cloud over many gruesome aspects of the "war on terror" which the United States declared against its own people and the world after that monstrous crime.
13 years after the tragic event, it is regrettable to see that those in the United States who insist on their search for truths risk being charged, under the "patriotic laws," of taking part in conspiracy theories or being traitors. Or at least they fear so.
September 6, 2014.
A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann.
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