Social Movements discuss plans for networking and struggle actions
- Opinión
The Social Movements' Assembly
started today, within the frame of the 3rd World Social Forum of Porto
Alegre/RS, in the midst of overall demands for making efforts leading
to concrete plans of articulation and of planned struggles against
globalization and neoliberalism. João Pedro Stédile of MST (The Landless
Movement) made the inaugural speach attended by several representatives
of hundreds of social organizations come from the five continents.
Although there are undeniable similarities expressed by the delegates of
the social movements in regard to the struggle against globalization,
there are still some angles to some presentations that cut deeper. For
the Latin American delegates the main point is not only to articulate a
global network of the movements, but also that these movements really
have social grassroots to mobilize people in giving a halt to the
actions already launched by neoliberalism.
One of the cases denounced was the NAFTA, which after being enforced for
10 years is only able to show negative results for the Mexican people
and the Mexican peasants. "We have lost our food sovereingty and the
country has spent 78 milion US dollars importing wheat, rice, corn,
among other food items", said Ursula Oswald, of the National
Coordination of the Ayala Plan of Mexico.
One delegate from one of the Argentinian unions remarked that "one
should not forget that savage capitalism daily boots out into the
streets thousands of workers." Lorena Martinez of the Association of
Rural Communities for the Development of Salvador, demanded a Network of
Movements to become "a space for unity, struggle and assertiveness in
the face of the impositions that neoliberalism is effecting without
consulting our people." These propositions where also ratified by Juan
Tiney, CLOC delegate from Guatemala.
A delegate of the French social movements stressed that one should go
deeper into the discussion not only of the usefulness and the formal
organization of the network, but also to be aware – he called to mind –
that it is not a case of building upon already existing movements. On
the other hand, said a delegate from Austria, the network should be
articulated to become a board for decision making, beyond being a space
for meetings.
From their side, the delegates from Africa and Asia demanded that the
actions against the war hitting the people of Palestine and Irak must be
intensified, on the trail of the actions staged by many European
countries condemning the war. The Assembly will end tomorrow and it is
expected that the resolutions reached shall be equal to the expectations
voiced by the participants.
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