Letter to President Lula
- Opinión
Dear Mr. President
This letter is addressed to you by persons who hold you in
esteem, admire your political trajectory and wish to give you
total support so that you can live up to the enormous hopes that
your victory has awakened in the Brazilian people,
Aware of the economic-financial situation of the country, we
have a clear perception of the internal and external
difficulties that have led the government to take measures
restricting spending and raising taxes. We know also that
globalization has provoked substantial changes in the world
economy and that it will be very difficult to develop the
country without participating in some way in the international
financial community.
Nevertheless, these constraints cannot mean the renunciation of
our sovereignty.
Two measures are particularly worrisome in relationship to this
matter: the negotiations on the FTAA and the intended autonomy
of the Central Bank.
The first, as some of us have already argued in extensive and
repeated pleadings, will expose our industrial, agricultural,
and service producers to absolutely unequal competition, whose
primary consequence will be an even greater de-nationalizing of
our productive space. And by its reach that surpasses
commercial agreements, but involves agriculture, investments,
state purchases, currency, and services, leaves clear the
intention of the U.S. Government to re-colonize the continent in
accord with its interests.
The second involves handing over control of our currency to
external capital and therefore the renunciation of the national
project. It cannot be hidden that with the most dynamic sectors
of our economy in the hands of foreign corporations, the
autonomy of the Central Bank means transferring to them the
power to set the value of our currency.
For these reasons, we made the decision to send you this letter.
In our understanding, the FTAA as well as the autonomy of the
Central Bank are non-negotiable matters, given that they involve
the untouchability of the nation's sovereignty. A decision of
such magnitude must made by the owner of this sovereignty--the
Brazilian people. Thus, each Brazilian man and woman must be
called on to have their say about both questions in a plebiscite
convoked for this express goal.
The plebiscite would be the occasion for a great national debate
about the two topics, thus laying the groundwork for a truly
democratic decision.
We are convinced that a firm attitude of Brazil will change the
posture of the forces that are pressuring us and will open up a
path so that we can build, in an autonomous way, the paths that
are most appropriate for our development.
However, if this does not happen, and the government finds
itself placed in the situation of breaking with the forces that
are pressuring it, please believe, Mr. President, that the
retaliation will not be insupportable. Our economy is already
sufficiently strong to resist them and our people sufficiently
politicized to give you the necessary support for this
Brazil, March 2003
Alfredo Bosi. Literary critic and member of the Brazilian
Academy of Letters ; Ana Maria Freire, educator, widow of Paulo
Freire; Ana Maria Castro, educator, daughter of Josue de Castro;
Ariovaldo Umbelino de Oliveira, geographer from University of
São Paulo; Augusto Boal, theater director; Benedito Mariano,
researcher; Bernardete de Oliveira, anthropologist from State
University of São Paulo; Carlos Nelson Coutinho, political
scientist and philosopher; Chico Buarque, composer and writer;
Dom Demetrio Valentini, bishop; Dom Paulo Arns, cardinal; Dom
Pedro Casaldaliga, bishop; Dom Tomas Balduino, bishop; Emir
Sader, political scientist; Fabio Konder Comparato, jurist;
Fernando Morais, writer; Francisco de Oliveira, social
scientist; Haroldo Campos, poet and translator; Joanna Fomm,
actress; Leonardo Boff, theologian, philosopher, and writer;
Luis Fernando Verissimo, writer ; Margarida Genovois, human
rights activist ; Maria Adelia de Souza, geographer, researcher
with Miltom Santos; Manuel Correia de Andrade, geographer,
specialist in Northeast Brazil; Marilena Chauí, philosopher ;
Nilo Batista, jurist ; Pastor Ervino Schmidt, pastor of the
Lutheran Church and director of National Council of Christian
Churches ; Plínio Arruda Sampaio, consultant to the UN Food and
Agriculture Organization on agrarian questions, periodical
director ; Oscar Niemeyer, architect ; Ricardo Antunes,
political scientist ; Sergio Haddad, educator and president of
the Brazilian Association of NGOs ; Sergio Ferolla, brigadier-
general ; Tatau Godinho, feminist ; Valton Miranda,
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