Globalization or national bourgeoisie: an outdated debate
- Opinión
THE President of Argentine, Néstor Kirchner is responsible for
reviving the debate about the necessity for a national bourgeoisie
to make possible an alternative national project.. No, we are not
in the 60s. It is worse: half a century seems to have passed in
"It is crucial that national capital partakes in the process of
reconstruction of the society. It is impossible to build a national
project if we do not consolidate a national bourgeoisie," said
Kirchner on September 29th during a meeting with "national" bankers
who signed a 150 million dollar loan to the Argentinian government
to finance public infrastructure works.
Three months earlier, the President of the Industrial Union of
Argentine (UIA), Alberto Alvarez Gaiani, seemed to be thinking
along the same lines: "There is a need for a national bourgeoisie.
A country is stronger when you have the owners of the most
important companies in the country sitting around the decision
making table. Nobody is going to invest a single penny in this
country for a long time." Notwithstanding that, the chairman of UIA
said he had no expectations related to an economic improvement in
the country. "Taking into account the very deep crisis we have
passed through and the present global insertion in the business
structure of Argentine, there are no possibilities of going back to
an economic model such as the one we had during the 70s." (1)
Forty years after the theoretical and political debates in Latin
America about the role national bourgeoisies could play in national
development and to overcome dependency, the issue reappears once
again after the electoral victories of Kirchner in Argentine and
Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva in Brazil. But this time the debate on
national bourgeoisies rather seems to be the comedy of that past and
unconcluded debate.
When asked about the "Kirchner project" in Argentina, the Egyptian
economist Samir Amin said he did not believe that was a realistic
approach. "There no longer exists a national bourgeoisie," he
said. Capitalism as a global system, he said, is, by nature, a
"polarizing system". He criticized a simplistic vision that
consists of believing that "the centers, peripheries and the
different social formations participating in this global system are
not only 'unequally developed formations' but also interdependent
formations within this inequality." Furthermore, he said the last
national bourgeoisie project in Argentina was the one led by Perón,
and that perhaps the only countries where a national bourgeoisie can
exist nowadays are the ex-socialist countries, particularly in
Russia and China. (2)
Immanuel Wallerstein echoes these thoughts: "Concerning the
possibility of national development within the global capitalist
economy, it is simply impossible that every country can achieve it.
The process of capital accumulation demands a hierarchical system
in which surplus value is distributed unequally, both
geographically and amongst social classes." (3) He concludes that
historically, capitalist development has generated and demands an
increasing geographic, demographic and socio- economical
polarization of the world population.
At this point, it seems to be advisable to look at the past.
National bourgeoisies emerged as a part of national development
processes and benefactor states. This is to say: sovereignty,
national identity, universal voting rights and income re-
distribution. These elements were part of the integration project
of the so called "dangerous classes" and was only possible thanks to
a conjunctural combination of difficulties within the 'central'
countries (as a consequence of World War II) and the potent
emergence of new actors in the global and local scenarios: national
liberation movements in Africa and Asia, and workers and peasant
movements in Latin America. In fact, in the Latin American
subcontinent the "national development" processes were in a certain
way a consequence of powerful popular struggles, such as that on
17th October 1945 in Argentina and the 1952 revolution in Bolivia,
among the most important.
But national bourgeoisies could not have existed without the
protection of the state. Their projects were built on an alliance
between industrial bourgeoisies, working classes and government
institutions, and a shared interest in development by means of
imports substitution. For some time such alliances worked, despite
the threats posed by the expansion of the 'central' economies after
the war. But these alliances collapsed when industrial workers
pressed for their demands and resisted industrial discipline until
they finally neutralized it.
In this way, workers insurgency pushed the so called "national
capitalists" to build alliances with international capital, which
was the way of keeping their interests untouched, shifting their
investments and associating themselves with the financial sector.
We can understand the present globalization as the option made by
capital to "escape their incapacity to dominate labor". The so-
called "geographical escape" of capital (synonym of globalization)
is the search for more mobility to avoid the increasing
insubordination of labor - a point of view supported by evaluating
the crisis as "an expression of the power of labor" (4). In this
respect, most leftist specialists agree. This is also the point of
view that social movements are increasingly supporting.
Neozapatism, for example, states that globalization has been
traumatic for humanity as a whole, even for the elites in power.
"The power elites have not yet fully digested the globalization of
the world, neither in terms of time or space. The 'other' is no
longer 'somewhere else' but everywhere and at every time. And for
power, the 'other' is a threat " said subcomandante Marcos.
Regarding the process we are presently living, he makes a double
reading: on one hand he says that nation states are dying, giving
way to the emergence of supra-national power regulating entities as
the WTO (something which, in spite of slight differences, all
analysts agree) and on the other hand he says that "at the time the
supra-national government is being built" power "shelters itself
again in a nation state that is fading". (5)
This is where president Kirchner's proposal of "creating" a
national bourgeoisie comes to bear. It is essentially the same
process that brought Kirchner, Hugo Chávez and Lula to government.
Popular struggles, or, let us say it in a more elegant way, the
democratization of societies (either real or perceived as the
demand for democracy increases in all the fields) undermined
national bourgeoisies and weakened states. Kirchner is a product
of the 19th and 29th December 2001 uprisings as much as Chávez is a
product of the 'Caracazo' in 1989 or Lula a product of a decade and
a half of popular struggles. This is why there is a need to "take
shelter" in the state, as indicated by the Zapatistas, which is a
sphere on which the elites rely to fulfill their main goal as
administrators: that is, to neutralize protests and movements.
The limitations that weigh on any proposal for a national
development project do not rest where Kirchner suggests. In fact,
what has undermined the peripheral nations is not the lack of a
national bourgeoisie but the three elements that took us to the
present crisis: the 'alienation' (estrangement) and
'financialisation' of the economy and the elites, and the increasing
weakness of the state and the popular movements.
In Argentina, a recent report by the Center of Studies and
Education of the Argentinian Workers Union (CTA) states that the
winning economic groups in the 2001 crisis (in relation to the IMF,
foreign creditors and the financial sector) were the "foreign
conglomerates and the transnationalized fractions of capital linked
to exports". (6) This suggests that the substitution of Menemism is
not going to be anything like Kirchner's dreams. In Brazil, the
leftist economist Cesar Benjamin has announced the end of the
hypothesis of a crisis that would lead to a moratorium of payments
to creditors, and says that it is no longer necessary to sign a new
agreement with the IMF, given that Brazil is at a new stage in its
relations with the Fund characterized by the fact that "pressures
from the outside to the inside are no longer necessary." On the
contrary "the conventional conditionalities imposed by the IMF have
been internalized into Brazilian laws and made concurrent with
national economic policy options". Benjamin, an advisor to the
landless peasants movement MST, concludes that "the IMF's structural
adjustment program has been turned into our own business," that is
to say, "we are going to pay the costs of IMF policy anyway, given
that we have already internalized that decision."(7)
Both analyses coincide in the following: as a consequence of the
changes that took place within both societies and in the world
during the last 50 years, there no longer exists a national(ist)
bourgeoisie. Furthermore, one can say that if Brazil became the
eighth industrial power in the world it was because they are world
champions on inequality. The democratization of societies leads
inevitably to economic crisis.
In the end, the key seems to rest with the social movements.
Lula's government began signing agreements with member
organizations to the MST, which is becoming increasingly dependent
of government support. Since last June, two of the MST
institutions, the Confederation of Cooperatives (CONCRAB) and the
Association for Agricultural Cooperation (ANCA), have received
several government grants for literacy campaigns and training
courses for youth and adults. These grants that were signed with
the Ministry of Education, which contributed more than one million
dollars to the MST, while CONCRAB received about U$S 600.000, only
in the month of August and it is expected that more money will
come. (8) In Argentina, government subsidies to the unemployed have
"silenced" the social protests, as they say at the Casa Rosada (the
Presidential house). This seems to be the only reason why
Argentinian elites still support Kirchner.
Is the domestication of the social movements advancing rapidly or
slowly? Ironically, the best organized and militant sectors tend to
be the most easily neutralized or the most easily co-opted. It
remains to be seen how the 44 million Brazilians that earn only one
dollar a day to eat will react, or the fifty per cent of
Argentinians who are presently live under the poverty line. At any
rate, neither the plans that are already underway nor the sympathy
and popularity of presidents Lula and Kirchner seem to be sufficient
to reverse the long-term tendency towards democratization of
societies or, in other words, the long-term tendency to workers'
* Raul Zibechi is a Uruguayan journalist and political commentator.
This article was first published by ALAI-AMLATINA, 9 October 2003. Translated by Alberto
(1) Clarin, May 26, 2003.
(2) Gabriela Roffinelli and Néstor Kohan, interview with Samir
Amin,"I have been and I am still a communist",
(3) Immanuel Wallerstein, "After Liberalism", Siglo XXI, Mexico,
1996, page 169.
(4) John Holloway, "Marxism, State and Capital" Tierra del Fuego,
Buenos Aires, 1994.
(5) Subcomandante Marcos, "The New World",
(6) "The dismantling of the neoliberal model and the construction
of a new alternative"
(7) Cesar Benjamin, "As relacoes do Brasil com o FMI",
(8) O Estado de Sao Paulo, October 5, 2003.
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