A Trip to Planet Mumbai
- Opinión
Four images from the World Social Forum in India, and a question:
how would the meeting evolve, after feeling how globalization of
inequality and injustice is like?
I. To exist, what is it for?
" Planet Porto Alegre needed to step on beaten earthen floor, to
breathe this dust, to fell the smell of the people" says the Cuban
José Miguel Hernandez, who represents the Pan-American campaign
against FTAA at the International Council of the WSF. He is in the
geographical center of WSF 2004: a huge map of the facilities of
Nesco Conventions Ground, the exhibition park of about one kilometer
square, chosen to host the event. In front and behind him, there are
two of the not many permanent constructions of this huge open field:
Hall 1, the mega-auditorium for 8 thousand people, and the building
that shelters the Media Center and the Organizing Committee of the
Around Jose Miguel there is an anthill of people, a whole parade
with hundreds of cords of people following and entwining each other.
Even if remarkable ( here is an advance, for example, with the call
for the international day of protest against war for March 20th,
anniversary of Iraq invasion) the blocs that express explicit
political demands are the minority. Much more larger are those who
want to show to the WSF – and maybe mostly to themselves - that
they have identity, beauty, culture, expression. They emerged from
the abysmal poverty to say that they do exist.
They come with dances from all around the world, with disconcerting
gestures, with exotic sounds ( the most outstanding of which is an
acute cornet, played in long whistles); with skin tones that go from
( talking about Indians and Pakistanis) almost white to almost
black, but they always conserve the olive- skinned shine; with
colored and infinitely shaped clothes. All of them drum, with a
style that reminded Maria Oliveira from Bahía, the ancient carnivals
of Salvador, before the arrival of the electric trios.
A big part of the multitude will remain in this never-ending and
vibrating parade for four days. Some of them will sleep on the floor
every night. All of them will suffer the almost absolute lack of
bathrooms. Victorio Agnoletto, spokesman of the Italian Social Forum
and also member of the International Council, will tenderly say, "
In Mumbai, there wasn't one, but two different Forums" -- the one
of the formal discussions, and the one of the six streets of beaten
land. José Miguel will add, about the new actors: " What counts is
to be here, to be integrated in the world of the WSF".
II. From the color of the streets to the corridor of the ideas
Nesco Ground constructions are huge and rustic hangars –
practically, walls raised on the ground and covered with flagstones.
– that the organizers reserve for the big conferences and panels.
Were misled, however, those who imagined that the energy of the IV
WSF would be generated in here.
It broke out from the streets, but also from more than a thousand
workshops and seminars – the so called " self- managed activities" ,
that any organization registered in the WSF can propose and
organize. In Porto Alegre, were carried out in the rooms of the PUC.
In Mumbai, it was necessary to improvise.
Four areas of the Nesco Ground were transformed into debate
corridors. Along them were raised the frameworks of the rooms: thin
wooden logs, tied with sisal. Then , these frames were covered with
cotton, to become lateral walls and ceilings. The earthen floor,
almost always irregular, was covered with bags of jute. The same
material was used for the " front" - the external walls. These
ones, more rigid, had the extra advantage of working also as
permanent murals, where were fixed posters informing about what was
being discussed inside. The organizers counted on the climate ( it
almost never rains at this time of the year in Mumbai) and with the
fortune ( a fire would have caused a tragedy)
There were 140 installations like this, and the Forum of the
workshops and the seminars was as diverse, plural and colorful as
those of Porto Alegre. Who walked 19th morning, along part of one
of the corridors, could find debates about the increasing abortion
of female embryos in India ( qualified as " hidden femalecide");
about the international campaign against North – American bases
(promoted by a 25 organizations network based in different
countries); about Cordillera Peoples' Alliance ( a Philippine woman
explained, in English, that for many Asiatic communities, the
concept individual, sees in each human being, a part of the
community), about the new international relations system ( emerged
from a refined critic about the lack of transparency and democracy
in WTO, IMF and WB); about dwelling rights and livable cities ( a
fiction in Mumbai), about the struggle against monarchy in Nepal (
besides the rounded faces and the hard eyes of the Nepalese, it
attracted the attention the fact that they reached to understand
each other, even if they were speaking so low, that many times the
voices were replaced for the microphone of the room next door),
about the impact of globalization among the " untouchable" Indians (
the debates on these topics were always the most crowded and able
to attract the street Forum).
Also in the workshops the large majority was Indian. But English
confronted Hindi , as dominating language. Two volunteer translators
networks ( Babels and Solidarity International) mobilized tens of
activists to Mumbai. But, because of the lacking material means,
there weren't simultaneous translation system, nor in the workshops,
neither in the big conferences and seminars,. To solve the problem,
goodwill and patience were required: volunteer and consecutive
translations were done, many times including Spanish, French and
other languages
Thanks to the All India's People Science - an organization with 300
thousand members than promotes alphabetization and political
formation all around India – it was inaugurated the practice of
cultural workshops. Along the four days, one of the 140 rooms, was
the scenario of a series of amazing music, dance and theatre
spectacles, performed not by professional artists, but by Indian
communities. Although amateur, the performances were produced
carefully: uniformed, practiced, and proud groups. The public
frequently invaded the scenario, to sing and dance. The aim of the
organizers was to show, through art and emotion, that Indians must
be proud of the extraordinary diversity of the country – instead of
shutting in the peculiarity of the local traditions.
III. Starving and financing Manhattan
Sony Kapoor was one of the attractions of the workshop promoted by
fiscal auditors unions from Brazil and France, to debate the need of
a new international financial architecture. He is, himself, a signal
that the world can be changed. He is an Indian, that lives in the UK
since many years, he dresses as a young British man, he uses gel to
keep his hear combed upside. He worked for international investment
banks in London City. He helped to fatten up huge fortunes, and to
promote speculative attacks against the South countries currencies.
He earned money, traveled around the world and…he got tired. Two
years ago he left the market, and founded an NGO called Tobin Tax
Network and he started to denounce the financial savagery in the
global capitalism
He impresses for the rich information that he has, for the agility
with which he manages, for his capability to formulate concrete
alternatives. He already defended the creation of a Word Taxes
Organization ( to fight the fiscal wars between countries), a new
IMF, an international mechanism to automatically interrupt the
currencies negotiations, when they are under speculators attack.
But one of his information will cause special impact on the public.
The international financial order in force nowadays is so unfair,
explains Sonny, that, under it, is India who aids to support the
consumptions and the investments of North American people (
including the arms race) and not vice- versa
In front of the public's astonishment, he proves that this country,
where sometimes the heart must be closed to avoid despair, it
finances Manhattan and the Pentagon. 1.- The US has in its current
account an external deficit equal to 5% of the GDP – in other words,
they consume much more than what they produce, then they need to
attract the wealth from outside. 2.- As they have world currency and
they are the center of the international financial system, they can
do it by selling dollars or Treasury bonds to the rest of the world.
3.- Following the IMF recommendations, India strongly increased its
dollars and North American bonds purchases, in the former years. The
amount of the Indian wealth lent the US through this mechanism,
already reaches Usd 100 billion.
One question hovers in the air, after this explanation. If the WSF,
in fact, wants to build a new world, doesn't it have the obligation
to stimulate the research of common alternatives, for certain
topics? And couldn't it, in these cases, go from the words into
IV. Arundhati´s challenge
Present at the last conference in Porto Alegre 2003, next to Noam
Chomsky, the Indian writer Arundhati Roy attracted attention also in
Mumbai 2004. She participated in the opening conference, next to
almost ten speakers. But she stood out because of her concrete
proposal. The WSF, she suggested, should identify two international
firms very involved in Bush imperial war, in human rights attack or
in nature destruction – and it should spark off an international
boycott against them.
The proposal would mobilize the intellectual energies of the WSF (
because it would demand the effort of identifying and choosing the
firms). Besides, it would allow to combine diversity, one of the
main marks of the Forums, with common action. To participate, none
organization linked to Porto Alegre planet would be forced to leave
its aims, methods or strategies aside. There would be great chances
of success. An international boycott concentrated in just two firms
would cause real damages: Invoicing and shares´ prices fall, flight
of investment. A first success could, later, stimulate other kind of
common initiatives
A week later, Arundathi receives two reporters at the hotel lobby,
for an interview. Her permanent charm, however calm, seems to be in
the fact that she expresses at the same time force and delicacy,
decision and doubt, certainty and anguish. She answers one of the
questions, warning: " Don't make illusions. The India that you saw
is the best this country has- but it's an image many times filtered"
Arundhati tells how hard life is, outside Nesco Ground. Pressed by
IMF, the government insists with the elimination of social
protection systems built after Independence. Since many years, the
incentives for the national industry are over, which caused the
shutter of many factories and forced hundreds of million workers to
submerge in the informal economy. Now the guaranties for the
familiar agriculture ( Of which million peasants depend) and the
State companies ( what can became the public services prohibitive)
are threatened
To obstruct public opinion, specially of the poorest people and of
those of the lowest castes, the government instigates hate,
simultaneously, to Hindus and Muslims. Arundathi accuses the
supporters of the PJP, the party in power, of being responsible of a
massacre that only in one day, took 2 thousand people's life, in
the Gurajat state, some months ago. Nobody was punished. In the
former elections for governors of the states , the PJP and the
Congress Party, also supporters of neoliberal ideas, extended the
control they have over Indian politics.
Suddenly Arundathi´s optimistic side prevails again over the side
that torments her. She goes back to the idea of selective boycott. "
Bush is offering us such a fantastic opportunity. We think in
several different ways, we have so varied points of view and
ideologies – and meanwhile, why can´t we join together around a
common action?
Would it be necessary, in that case, to increase a little bit more
the idea of open space, that made possible the WSF and made it, for
four years, a remarkable event in the international political
Arundathi´s answer has two tones: " To preserve its diversity, the
World Social Forum can´t move back to the practice of final
statements, that eliminate diversity. And it was very good to have
done it, until now, exactly in the way we did it " she says.
Immediately, she changes the tuning . " It's necessary to change,
as the times change. Nobody can stay stuck. The Forum needs to flee
from this great risk. It absorbs our best energies, mobilizes the
most generous minds only for us to start thinking, after four days,
about the next meeting. In that case, it wont bother our enemies. It
will keep being our own music, but it will ever reach to be our
A WSF International Council meeting openen, two days after Mumbai
2004 ending, the process that will lead to Porto Alegre 2005. In a
year, the meeting of those who want a new world, will be again
organized in Brazil. From now on, there are twelve months of work,
to guarantee the flame to keep lighted.
* Member of ATTAC Brazil and of WSF Secretariat
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