Sympathize with Normalistas Ayotzinapa

Indigenous leaders call on the United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights, resume international instruments in this field

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The Indigenous Peoples Caucus called the Working Group of the United Nations on Business and Human Rights, held in Geneva from 1 to 3 December, taking into account the discussions and conclusions of the Third Forum of the United Nations Business and Human rights, all conventions, treaties and standards on the rights of indigenous peoples, including the content of the final document of the World Conference on Indigenous peoples, adopted by the General Assembly on September 22, 2014 (A / RES / 69/2). 
Global Indigenous Caucus expressed at this international forum that binds to the demand for justice of mothers and parents of student teachers Ayotzinapa and civilians killed in Iguala Guerrero, Mexico 
They say, "we make our demand of the Mexican people of the live presentation of the forty-three students, mostly indigenous and peasant kidnapped by members of the Mexican police and we call on the United States of Mexico to be perform a serious investigation leading to trial and punishment of those responsible for these actions. Because they were taken alive, alive we want, "says the document.  
Participate in the Forum, Carlos de Jesus Alejandro, Federal Deputy, Bettina Cruz Velázquez, Assembly of Indigenous Peoples of the Isthmus in Defense of Land and Territory of Oaxaca, Marcos Matías Alonso, Enrique Victoria, Patricia Torres Sandoval of the National Coordinator of Women indigenous, Francisca de la Victoria Cross, the Casa dela Health "Hands States" indigenous Women, among others. 
In his proclamation, the caucus, coordinated by Bettina Cruz, also calls on states that are in the process of formulating and implementing their national plans for the implementation of the Guiding Principles, do the same.
His voice was heard by the Forum organizers who announced that the Indian ruling will be read at the opening tomorrow December 2 at the Palais des Nations during the opening ceremony. 
Indigenous representations, expressed their support for the recommendations contained in paragraphs 3, 16, 20, 21 and 24 of the final document of the World Conference 
Recommends that States protect, and enforce companies with the responsibility of comprehensive remediation, when the rights of indigenous peoples have been violated because of business development and business projects:
The Caucus stressed that States must guarantee the right to free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples. 
In addition, expose, countries must undertake not to issue regulations and laws that restrict the exercise of this right and adapt its domestic legislation in line with international standards and commitments on the rights of indigenous peoples, such as the Declaration of the United Nations the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the General Assembly on September 13, 2007. 
States point should guarantee the life of indigenous peoples and protect them from all threats. 
They say it is urgent to take measures to halt production and export of agro-toxic and not allow their use in areas and water sources of indigenous peoples in this regard, we reiterate the recommendation of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Affairs, May 2014, to make a legal review of the Rotterdam Convention. 
States say, must respect and protect the economic activities that develop indigenous peoples within and outside their territories without criminalization without discriminatory tax burdens. 
"Indigenous entrepreneurs should have a strong presence in these discussion forums and the United Nations should encourage the realization of a Global Summit of Indigenous Business". 
A business approaches that they must take responsibility for the payment of guarantees to indigenous peoples who have given their free, prior and informed the implementation of its activities consent. 
Companies emphasize should implement comprehensive remediation mechanisms that include public recognition and sincere request for forgiveness for the harm they have caused to indigenous peoples. 
In the next Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights, should include a specific item on access to remediation for indigenous peoples.
They call for multilateral, governmental and non-governmental organizations not to support initiatives that promote that restrict or violate the rights of indigenous peoples (as has happened with the UNIP in Bolivia).

In its comments, complain that in this Third Forum on Business and Human Rights has taken a step backward in promoting opportunities for participation in the official event.
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