Cuba-EU: On the 21st “se rompe el corojo” [We ride again]

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The phrase [se rompe el corojo, meaning: we start riding again] so famous in our War of Independence, can be used again. It was mainly related to the Protest in Baraguá, where Antonio Maceo showed Spain the intransigence and determination of the Cubans to fight for the dignity and freedom of their country.

A United States mission, led by Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Roberta Jacobson, will arrive in Cuba. Its main objective is to implement the start of the restoration of diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba.

Ms. Jacobson was interviewed by journalist Margaret Warren for the United States Public Broadcasting System in relation to the objectives of her mission. She said that the talks in Havana will have a broad agenda, but will begin dealing with the normalization of diplomatic relations.

So far, so good

On other issues raised, she said they hope they will be allowed to engage with those who are self-employed and entrepreneurs, to develop the telecommunications sector to give Cubans more access to information, and go as far as possible in terms of trade; read: the blockade.

Here she started crossing the line

There's not much change in these statements. Strengthening the private sector so that it surpasses in economic power and independence the revolutionary government; providing opportunities for Cubans to receive all the manipulation that information produced in the United States entails; and finally… the carrot: if you behave, I’ll let you expand trade, if you don’t, the blockade remains the same.

Responding to the comment of the interviewer about the words of Raúl Castro on maintaining a prosperous and sustainable [communist] system, while the economy is revitalized, Ms. Jacobson suggested that this sounded like something impossible. She said that the Cuban economy was in a tailspin and that its economic model was not working.

After these statements sustained by her capitalist approach on how to conduct a nation, she said:

I think one of the things we want to do is see how far we can really encourage Cubans to take control of their own destiny. Whether that is going to exist within the confines that President Castro has outlined, I really don’t know. But that’s why the new policy was designed.”

It seems that this lady does not know that we Cubans have control of our own destinies, and do not need the Americans to come and propel us toward something we have always been against, from the founding of the Republic to the Batista government. In those years, our destinies were in their hands, and now they hope to have them again. As she said very clearly: "that’s why the new policy was designed".

Crystal clear

According to her statements, the United States has no illusions that the Cuban government is willing to allow improvements in freedom speech, freedom of assembly and other civil and political rights. She believes that dissidents and activists continue their struggle and are losing their fear, even though the government maintains the level of repression and control over them. She finished the sentence by saying, "and that really does have to end.”

This reveals again the hegemonic and subversive intentions with which all US administrations have addressed the problem of Cuba. Their only interest is to destroy the Cuban Revolution. This was confirmed by the words of this lady who concluded, saying, arrogantly and disrespectfully, "and that really does have to end”.

Really what really has to end is the interference in our internal affairs, the financing of the political subversion, for which the State Department, where this lady works, has just launched a call to distribute eleven million dollars among all those who submit projects to improve democracy and human rights in Cuba. THAT'S WHAT REALLY DOES HAVE TO END.

ack to Baraguá

Most people from the United States have not bothered to read our history. We Cubans do not accept impositions from a foreign power and are willing to continue the fight, for as long as it takes, to reach our goals.

We are ready to discuss any ideas about lack of democracy, repression and freedom in any place of the world. But just as they have views regarding the situation in Cuba, we have our views about the situation in the United States.

If Ms. Jacobson comes to try to normalize diplomatic relations between our two countries, she must know she will be received with the greatest respect. But she should also respect us. She must know that at no time there will be any offense from us. But she should also not offend us. If she comes in a spirit of peace, reconciliation and good intentions, her actions will be reciprocated.

This could determine the success of her mission.
A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann.
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