Fidel Castro Guerrillero
- Opinión

This booklet was prepared in homage to Fidel Castro. It contains, in English, Spanish and French, the text of a presentation by Arnold August from August 2016 on the occasion of Fidel’s 90th birthday and an article he wrote later the same year following the death of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution.
The articles in this booklet are “Fidel the Guerrilla in 2015–16 and Beyond” and “Fidel’s Legacy to the World on Theory and Practice.”
This booklet is offered free of charge to the public for circulation, printing or distribution.
Arnold August, periodista y conferencista canadiense es el autor de Democracy Cuba and the 1997–98 Elections y, más recientemente, Cuba y sus vecinos: Democracia en movimiento. Una comparación de la democracia y las elecciones entre, por un lado, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia y Ecuador y por otro lado EE.UU. Su sitio web:
Siga a Arnold en Twitter @Arnold_August
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