Brazil against Bolsonaro
The new demonstrations against Bolsonaro, in several hundred thousand cities, bringing together millions of people, confirm that Brazil is united against Bolsonaro. The isolation of the government is increasing, Bolsonaro has a decreasing number of adherents.
- Opinión

The new demonstrations against Bolsonaro, in several hundred thousand cities, bringing together millions of people, confirm that Brazil is united against Bolsonaro. The isolation of the government is increasing, Bolsonaro has a decreasing number of adherents.
Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro still has the support of certain sectors: of the military, whose absurd discourse is that there is a plot to bring Lula to the presidency and that their role is to prevent it; of large companies, including soybean exporters, private bankers and large merchants, for whom he offers the dismantling of the State and the privatization of public assets; of those who enrich themselves with the export of primary products, the luxury market and privatizations; of the police, which he depends on as a repressive force that could participate in an eventual coup venture and which, like the military, receives a great deal of privileges; and of minority sectors of evangelicals.
But, on the other hand, he has the vast majority of the population against him. Those who make a living from their jobs, many of whom have lost their jobs, work without an insurance card, with total precariousness, without knowing if they will have an income the following month, to eat, to pay rent, to buy medicine, to pay for transportation. The vast majority of Brazilians, who categorically reject Bolsonaro, are the chosen victims of the neoliberal policies of (economy Minister) Paulo Guedes.
Young people, who see their future blocked by a policy that attacks universities, public schools, cuts resources, attacks teachers, drastically reduces the number of students enrolled in public schools and in educational democratization programs, feel that it is a government that acts against science, against knowledge.
Women are those who most strongly reject Bolsonaro, who systematically attacks them, undermining the rights they have won. Women who realize that Bolsonaro's style, speech and behavior are extremely macho.
Blacks are discriminated against and violently repressed by the Bolsonaro government, realizing the enormous setbacks to their rights under that government. The leaders and symbols of the black movements are degraded and discriminated against, even by those responsible for taking care of them in the government.
Together, workers, women, youth, and blacks make up the overwhelming majority of the population, who flatly reject Bolsonaro.
Also, teachers, students, everyone who values education, are hated by and hate Bolsonaro. All those who value public services bluntly reject Bolsonaro, who takes away resources and attacks public services.
All those who value Brazilian sovereignty, those who value Brazil's good image in the world, good relations with neighboring countries, those who know how solidarity with those most in need is fundamental, all those who reject rudeness, aggression, the lack of respect for others, especially for those who think differently, which is a fundamental condition of democracy: they all oppose Bolsonaro. They know that he could never have been elected president of Brazil if it were not for the coup that illegally overthrew Dilma Rousseff, illegally preventing Lula from being a candidate to win the elections.
The vast majority of Brazilians are now against Bolsonaro, wanting his downfall, preferring Lula as president. They are increasingly mobilizing despite the pandemic, to express their rejection of Bolsonaro.
Brazil is currently against Bolsonaro, looking for a way to defeat him, to remove him from the government, to prosecute him and make him pay for the evils that he has done and continues to do to the country. For the unnecessarily lost lives. For his corruption and that of his sons. For the economic and social disaster of the country. For the degradation of politics and the role of the presidency. For the demoralization of science, vaccines, the SUS, public health personnel. For the shameful image of the country that he gives to the world.
Sooner or later, Bolsonaro will be defeated, removed from the presidency, prosecuted and convicted, to pay for everything he did wrong or did not do as he should have. Justice will be done, the worst government in the history of Brazil will not go unpunished, so that Brazil and Brazilians will recover happiness.
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