Brazil's Lula: A Challenge to Washington?
- Opinión
Elected in a landslide victory with over 61 percent of the vote, Luis
Inacio Lula da Silva will become president on January 1 of Latin
America's largest country with 175 million inhabitants. Lula, as he is
commonly known, received three million more votes for president than
George W. Bush did in the United States in 2000.
Leonardo Boff, a progressive theologian in Brazil declares that Lula's
triumph "represents the victory of a project from below, one of the
poor." Lula's first act as president-elect was to create the
Secretariat for Social Emergencies. Its primary responsibility is to
end hunger and malnutrition among more than 20 million Brazilians. "If
at the end of my presidential mandate every Brazilian has three meals a
day then I will have realized my life's mission," proclaimed Lula.
This was Lula's fourth run for president. In this campaign he abandoned
much of the leftist platform of previous campaigns, forging an alliance
with more centrist political forces. This shift is symbolized by his
choice of vice-president, Jose Alencar, who is Brazil's largest textile
magnate and a leader of the centrist Liberal party. Alencar declares
that the alliance is the product of a "novel political society,"
reflecting a new social pact, "where Lula represents labor and I
represent capital." Asked why he accepted the position of vice
president, Alencar notes: "In the history of civilization labor came
first, and then capital. And also in my personal history…it was labor
that built my capital."
But it is an open question whether the United States and international
bankers will adopt as enlightened a position as Alencar. Brazil has a
public debt of $240 billion, the largest in Latin America. In the run
up to the election on October 27, foreign capital began to flee Brazil,
leading to a depreciation of the country's currency, the Real, by over
40 percent. Much of Lula's campaign questioned the free trade policies
launched under the "Washington Consensus" during Ronald Reagan's
administration in the 1980s. The consensus has meant not only the
opening of Latin American markets to U.S. trade, but also the
privatization of state enterprises and the slashing of social spending
in health and education.
According to a Brazilian financial advisory firm, ABM Consulting, the
ten largest banks in Brazil, including Citibank and BankBoston, earned
returns of 22 percent on their holdings in Brazil in 2001 compared to
12 percent on a global level. George Soros, a forward-thinking
international financier with significant holdings in Brazil, declares:
"The system has broken down," it "does not provide an adequate flow of
capital to countries [like Brazil] that need it and qualify for it."
The Bush administration in its initial response to Lula's victory
declares it "looks forward to working productively with Brazil." But
even before Lula's victory, the U.S. Under Secretary of the Treasury,
Kenneth Dam, stated, "we have a contingency plan" if Brazil declares a
moratorium on its international debt.
Dam provided no details, but the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the
leading financial institution backing the position of Washington, moved
to lock the future government of Brazil into an economic straight
jacket when it leant $30 billion to the outgoing government of Fernando
Henrique Cardoso in an attempt to prop up the Real. Only $6 billion
will actually be spent under Cardoso, while the remainder will be
released to the incoming government if it has a budget surplus of 3 ½
percent. No government in South America has achieved such a surplus in
recent years.
Right wing pundits and policy strategists in the United States have
already begun to criticize the Lula government. Constantine Menges, a
Senior Fellow of the Hudson Intstitute who served as the Latin American
adviser in the National Security Council under Ronald Reagan, recently
released the study: "A Strategic Warning: Brazil." In it he decries the
"Castro-Chavez-Lula axis" referring to Fidel Castro of Cuba and
populist president Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. Menges argues that these
countries are "capable of pushing other South American countries to the
Left and establishing a dangerous alliance with communist China, as
well as with Iran and Iraq, two terrorist countries." This would
constitute a gigantic "South American Left bloc", which would have a
domino effect in countries like Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador and
While Lula certainly is not intent on provoking the United States by
consorting with Iraq, he is looking to other Latin American countries
to strengthen an independent economic stance and to expand regional
trade agreements. His first international trip will be to Argentina,
which has defaulted on its international debt and is Brazil's leading
partner in the regional trade bloc known as Mercosur.
Lula has made it clear that he will not support the trade initiative of
the Bush administration, the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA),
unless the United States abandons trade policies that discriminate
against Brazil. Among other provisions, the FTAA advocated by the
United States envisions the protection of Florida orange juice
interests and Midwest soybean producers along with US steel exporters.
Brazil is the world's largest exporter of orange juice, a leading
exporter of soybeans and also exports large quantities of steel.
(Interestingly, Lula began working in the metallurgical industry when
he was just 14 years old.)
If there is one position Lula consistently articulated in this
presidential campaign, it was his call for "expanding Brazil's
productive capacity." In his last presidential debate with Jose Serra,
who represented the outgoing government, Lula stated: "Brazil is a
great country. It has enormous resources that we have not even begun to
turn to the benefit of our people." The day after his election Lula
proclaimed that budgetary restrictions would not prevent him "from
expanding social programs," decreasing unemployment and "expanding
educational opportunities for Brazil's poorest."
* Roger Burbach is co-editor, with Ben Clarke, of September 11 and the
U.S. War (City Lights, 2002), and author of the forthcoming book The
Pinochet Affair: Globalizing Human Rights. He is director of the
Center for the Study of the Americas (CENSA) in Berkeley, CA.
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