Reading a Video (Part Four): Four Fallacies
- Opinión
(Fallacy: deception, fraud or lie with which one attempts to
harm someone)
There have been, and there are, others, but there were four
primary fallacies brandished by intellectuals of the right,
judges, legislators and officials in order to oppose the San
Andrés Accords, the Cocopa legislative proposal and the
putting into practice of those accords by the zapatista
indigenous communities with the creation of the caracoles
and the Good Government Juntas in August of 2003.
Like latter day fortune-tellers, at that time they predicted
the disintegration of the Mexican State, the creation of a
State within another State "for" Marcos (that was the title
of an August 2003 edition of the newspaper owned by Ahumada,
paradoxically called El Independiente), an increase in
inter-community conflicts and the violation of individual
human rights through the exercise of collective rights.
According to this, the EZLN was preparing a political-
military offensive, which included an attack on the federal
army barracks located in the San Andrés municipal seat and
other similar nonsense. They grew alarmed, the Army, the Air
Force, the Navy and the PFP were alerted, weapons were
readied, as were arrest warrants, police operations, money
for buying silence and words. They made statements which
they contradicted moments later, and then they contradicted
themselves again (regardless of what might be said of anyone
else, the champion was, and is, Santiago Creel). They
hysterically exchanged rumors disguised as intelligence
reports and intelligence reports disguised as rumors. During
that period, the Mexican Southeast was just a few words away
from once again turning into (as in 1994, as in 1995, as in
1998) a scene of combat.
But there was someone, from above but from outside, who said
no, that it was a political initiative, not a military one,
and it was nothing other than putting into practice what the
federal government and the EZLN had agreed to in February of
1996, but 7 years later.
Someone else recommended letting them do it, waiting for the
failure and preparing the "I told you so" along with the
military advance by the federal Army on zapatista positions.
What I'm recounting actually took place at the meetings of
Vicente Fox' cabinet in the months of July and August a year
As is obvious, they decided to wait for us to fail. And, as
always when they make a political or military calculation
about us, they failed.
Not only did we not fail: in addition to significantly
improving the living conditions of the indigenous peoples,
we now have practical arguments which can serve as contrast
in order to refute the fallacies that formed the basis for
the rejection of the Cocopa Law.
Disintegration of the State?
A few years ago, a member of the Supreme Court of Justice of
the Nation, that body which hands out impunity to the
powerful (but written in legal terms), argued its position
against the constitutional recognition of indigenous rights
in this manner: "The Mexican State will break apart, there
will be many countries in one land and there will be
individual laws everywhere. In summary, the country will be
One might think he was referring to drug trafficking and its
ties to officials and judges, but no, he was speaking of the
advisability of recognizing the existence of the Mexican
Indian peoples, that is, of recognizing their collective
With the creation of the caracoles and the Good Government
Juntas, the zapatistas decided to put the San Andrés Accords
into practice and to demonstrate, in action, that we wanted
to be part of Mexico (of which we were not a part without
ceasing to be what we are).
One year from the creation of the caracoles and juntas, the
country is indeed disintegrating, but not because of
indigenous autonomy. It is because of a real internal war,
through the ruthless destruction of its foundations:
sovereignty over natural resources, social policies and the
national economy. These three bases – the ones which, among
others, were destroyed in the secessionist and imperial wars
– are now being dynamited by the three federal branches.
Sovereignty over oil and the creation of energy, to give one
example, is one of the objectives of the constitutional
reforms which are pending in Congress. Social policy (or the
State of Social Well-being) has become something laughable:
the agencies in charge of this arena are nothing but
institutions of charity and handouts, and the victories of
the workers are being tossed out through secret pacts
accompanied by strident media campaigns (the IMSS case, to
cite a recent one). The national economy ceased being one
some time ago, and it turned into the "chagarrización" of
survival. The national productive capacity is a pile of
industrial scrap and nostalgia, business is monopolized by
large transnational companies, the banks are saturated with
foreign capital and the ups and downs of financial
speculation are driven by global, not national, variables.
Translating: fewer, and more precarious, jobs; more
unemployment and underemployment; high prices; low salaries;
what we can produce is bring imported; production is for a
global market - of which we are just a macroeconomic
variable – and not for domestic consumption. Poverty now
affects not just workers, but also small and mid-size
businesspeople, and the Mexican rich are now fewer in number
but richer.
In sum, the federal government has relinquished its duties,
and the national State is staggering, bludgeoned by those
from above, not by those from below.
There is a term for changes as profound as the ones which
our country is suffering, when they are done from above and
in disregard of any manner of consensus or consultation with
those of below: it is called counterrevolution.
The only thing left to do will be to re-found the nation.
With a new social pact, a new Constitution, a new political
class and a new way of doing politics. In sum, there will
need to be a program of struggle, built from below, based on
the real national agenda, not on the one being promoted by
politicians and the media.
On our side, nothing that has been done, as will be seen
here and in a subsequent part, by the Good Government Juntas
and by the Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities, has
contributed to the disintegration of the national State.
A State Within Another State?
He who governs well should govern for all, not just for
those who sympathize with him or who are in his
organization, nor just for those are of his same race,
culture, color or language.
In the zapatista conception, the struggle for inclusion of
one is not the struggle for the exclusion of the other. If
the existence of the mestizos should not entail the
disappearance of the indigenous, our recognition as what we
are does not entail the negation of those who are not like
us. And that is valid for the indigenous and for the
The Good Government Juntas are proof that zapatismo does not
try to dominate nor homogenize - under their ideas and in
their way - the world in which we live.
The JBGs were created in order to attend to everyone, to
zapatistas, to non-zapatistas and even to anti-zapatistas.
They were created in order to mediate between the
authorities and the citizens, and between authorities and
different areas and hierarchies. They have done so, and they
will continue to do so. A year ago, on the occasion of the
birth of the caracoles and juntas, Comandante David offered
respect to those who would respect us. We are fulfilling
that pledge.
And so the Good Government Juntas maintain respectful
contact with different social organizations, with many of
the official municipal governments with which the autonomies
share land, and, in some cases, with the state government.
Recommendations are exchanged, and they seek to resolve
problems through dialogue.
Unlike the federal government, whose "commissioner" is
devoted to doing the ridiculous while in charge of the
treasury and to issuing press bulletins, the state
government preferred not to engage in a media campaign (as
regards zapatismo), and opted to give signals and to wait
patiently. Knowing that zapatismo's sights are not local,
but federal, the government of Chiapas chose to not be part
of the problem and to try and be part of the solution.
While some artful dodgers con Don Luis H. Alvarez,
convincing him that they have contact with the EZLN, taking
money from him and carrying him from one place to the next
with the promise that he's going to see "that one" (Marcos),
and he tries unsuccessfully to build a PAN "campesino force"
by handing out building materials and solar cells, the state
government has a real line of communication with the
zapatista communities.
On this point, we are not opposed to the Fox government's
paying the salary of the self-styled "peace commissioner",
but we think they should redefine his work: instead of
paying him to seek dialogue with the zapatistas (something
which he doesn't do), they should pay him for covering the
expenses of anti-zapatistas.
The Good Government Juntas have mediated, along with the
state government of Chiapas, in the cases of individuals who
were kidnapped by the CIOAC in Las Margaritas, in part of
the indemnification of those who were attacked in
Zinacantán, in the indemnification of campesinos affected by
the stretch of a highway in the Tzeltal selva region, in the
problem of the "bicycle taxis" on the Chiapas coast, and
perhaps in another which escapes my memory right now. When
you consult the individual reports of each Junta, you will
see all of that, because nothing is hidden. Overall, there
has been a continuous attempt to avoid confrontations among
the indigenous.
Currently communications are being maintained concerning the
cases of the recent assassination of a support base
compañero in Polhó and of the rape of an 11 year old girl in
Respecting is recognizing, and the Good Government Juntas
recognize the existence and jurisdiction of the state
government and of official municipalities and, in the
majority of cases, of official municipal authorities, and
the state government recognizes the existence and
jurisdiction of the JBGs. The Good Government Juntas
similarly recognize the existence and legitimacy of other
organizations. They respect, and they demand respect.
It is only in that way, by respecting, that accords can be
made and carried out.
It took a while, but now non-zapatista and anti-zapatista
persons and organizations know that they can go to the JBGs
in order to deal with any kind of problem, that they will
not be detained (the JBGs are bodies of dialogue, not of
punishment), that their case will be assessed and that
justice will be done. If someone wants punishment for
something, they go to an official municipality or to an
autonomía, but if someone wants resolution through dialogue
and accord, they go to the Good Government Junta.
More Conflicts?
The JBGs' actions are already beginning to produce effects
in the Autonomous Municipalities and in the official ones.
There is less recourse to the use of force or to the
exchange of hostages for social problems among groups,
communities and organizations, and an ever increasing use of
dialogue. In this way it has become evident that many cases
are not confrontations between organizations, but individual
problems which are presented as organizational ones.
The most important thing we have is our word. That is what
the moral authority has been built upon, the authority of a
movement which seeks, not without setbacks, a new way of
doing politics. Previously it had been taken as a given that
any attack which occurred had a political origin, the
denuncia was issued and demonstrations were held. Now there
is first an investigation to see if something was caused for
political reasons or if it was a criminal act.
In order to accomplish this, the JBGs maintain a channel of
communication, through the Department of Indian Peoples,
with the government of the state of Chiapas. When an attack
takes place against zapatistas, and there is no contact with
the aggressors in order to determine the reason for the
problem and to try to reach an agreement through dialogue,
the Good Government Juntas advise the autonomous authority
to open an investigation. At the same time, they turn the
facts of the case over to state officials. They do not
resort to denuncias, demonstrations or reprisals as long as
no clarification of the matter has been determined.
If the matter is not political, and it's criminal, they wait
a reasonable amount of time for state justice to take
action. If they do not, then zapatista justice goes into
In those cases which have been presented thus far, the
justice system of the government of Chiapas has been notable
for its slowness and inefficiency. It would appear that the
Chiapas judicial apparatus is only expeditious when it is
punishing the political enemies of the state government. In
the case of the Zinacantán officials, whose crime was
flagrant and documented, the state government limited itself
to helping with the indemnification of the aggrieved. As far
as determining who was responsible for the attack and
prosecuting them legally, there has been nothing up to now.
And in the case of Chilón, where an 11 year old girl was
raped in the context of a confrontation between zapatistas
and non-zapatistas, the differences over the origins of the
confrontation have been sorted out, all the information on
the rapists have already been handed over (including the
medical analysis which confirmed the rape of the girl) to
the proper authorities…and nothing (at least as of the day
I'm writing this). The rapists are still free, despite the
fact that they do not have the support of the organization
to which they belong (which distanced itself from the
Nonetheless, it must be said that the most important attacks
suffered by the zapatistas this year have not come from the
federal Army, nor from the state Public Security police
(concerning the paramilitaries, the possible political
causes in the case of a compañero assassinated in Polhó are
currently being investigated).
Paradoxically, the most serous problems and attacks which
have occurred this year have been with organizations and
governments affiliated with the PRD: the official CIOAC of
Las Margaritas region and the official municipal president's
office of Zinacantán (of the PRD). In both cases, zapatistas
have suffered attacks. In Las Margaritas, compañeros were
kidnapped, and in Zinacantán they attacked a peaceful
demonstration with firearms.
The official CIOAC of Las Margaritas region (I make the
distinction because there have been understandings and
mutual respect with the CIOAC in other municipalities) only
wants to maintain its corrupt status within the municipality
and have its leaders continue to be supported by the
official authorities.
In Zinacantán, the PRD government planned and executed an
ambush which left several zapatistas with gunshot wounds.
Plunged into the "video crisis," the national PRD maintained
a complicit silence, and it only just began a process for
removing the municipal president from the PRD. In select PRD
circles it is said that that was the price the zapatistas
paid for not supporting their party in the elections. That
is the platform that they will be promoting nationally in
2006? Beatings and bullets for those who don't
unconditionally support the PRD? It's a question.
With other organizations with whom there have been, and are,
contentions - and with whom things had been previously
resolved through the logic of "there's a problem, I'll grab
one of yours, you grab one of mine, we'll exchange them, and
the problem will stay the same" (or "get a lot of people
together, I'll get some others, we'll beat each other up and
then the problem will stay the same") - they are now seeking
to talk, to learn about both sides' versions, to reach an
agreement. Like that, without confrontations or kidnappings.
Problems have been resolved in this manner with
organizations such as the ORCAO, ARIC-Independent, ARIC-PRI,
the CNC, and many others which are present in the lands
where the JBGs operate and where their influence extends.
Unlike in previous years, conflicts between communities and
between organizations in the lands of the Good Government
Juntas have diminished, and the crime rate and impunity have
been reduced. Crimes are resolved, not just punished. If you
do not believe me, consult newspaper records, in the courts,
in the public ministries, in the jails, in the hospitals, in
the cemeteries. Compare the before and after and come to
your own conclusions.
Justice A La Mode?
Good government does not seek to grant impunity to those who
sympathize with it, nor is it made for punishing those with
conflicting ideas and positions. In other words, it should
not act like the federal government, which gives impunity to
criminals because they're from PAN (Estrada Cajigal, for
example) or because the PRI made a deal (Luis Echeverría,
for example), and attempt to punish one of their adversaries
(López Obrador) and leave him out of 2006.
The laws which are in force in the Rebel Zapatista
Autonomous Municipalities are not in contradiction with the
elements of justice which govern the state and federal
systems, but in many cases they complete them.
I said that good government is not for granting impunity to
their own and punishing the others.
As an example, and in illustration, I have a copy of the
official letter issued by the Autonomous Municipal Court of
San Juan de La Libertad, Chiapas, dated August 19, 2004,
directed to the constitutional government of the state of
Chiapas and with a copy to the municipal president of
Chalchihuitlán and to the municipal court of Chalchihuitlán.
The text serves as argument (I have respected the original
"C. Fulano, EZLN support base, 17 years old, from
Jolik'alum, municipality of Chalchihuitlán, Chiapas, was
brought before the authorities of these autonomous bodies
and before the authorities of the municipal court on August
14 of this year by the local authorities of that community,
who, having committed a common crime on August 13 of this
year, when C. Zutano of the National Action Party (PAN),
having left his house in order to make some purchases at the
market in Jolitontic, and upon his return, as he was walking
along the path, met this young man Fulano hidden in the
scrub, armed with a single shot 22 caliber rifle who
attempted to fire upon C. Zutano from a distance of 5
meters, but the weapon was no longer of any use.
"Now appearing before the autonomous municipal judges, the
young man Fulano stated that the complainant himself, C.
Zutano, had caused the beginning of this provocation when he
had cut down 300 high quality coffee plants belonging to the
young man Fulano, and for that reason this young man had
been angry for a year. The autonomous judges characterize
what C. Fulano has committed as a serious crime under
revolutionary zapatista order and discipline. On this matter
we confirm his immediate detention, for which there exist
facts which prove the elements that make up this type of
crime. However, at the moment of detention of the guilty
party, the complainant, C. Zutano, left, escaping from the
municipal judges, refusing to testify as to the beginnings
of this matter, as if he were the one guilty of this
incident. The autonomous authorities are able to resolve any
kind of issue or common crime. At this time, C. Fulano is
punished by deprivation of liberty (…) C. Fulano's weapon is
in the hands of the autonomous authorities of San Juan de la
Libertad. The weapon is in bad condition since it does not
function reliably, and it will be destroyed."
Collective Rights Versus Individual Rights?
I imagine that there are, or will be, legal studies which
demonstrate that there is no contradiction between the
recognition of the two. We are speaking now about what we
see in reality and about what we are practicing, and we are
open for anyone to come and corroborate whether the exercise
of our rights as Indian peoples are violating any individual
Collective rights (like the decision as to the use and
enjoyment of natural resources) are not only not in
contradiction of individual rights, but they allow them to
be extended to everyone, not just to a few. As will be seen
in the part about the advances that have been made, there
has been no increase in the violation of individual human
rights in zapatista territory. What has indeed increased are
better living conditions. The right to life is being
respected, as is the right to religion, to party
affiliation, to liberty, to the presumption of innocence, to
demonstrating, to dissent, to being different, to the free
choice of maternity.
This year, instead of involving ourselves in a discussion of
legal terms, we zapatistas have chosen to demonstrate in
reality that the flag of the recognition of the rights of
the Indian peoples, raised by the Mexican indigenous and
many others along with them, does not entail any of the
dangers which were argued against them.
The disintegration of the Mexican nation is not evolving on
zapatista lands. On the contrary, what is being created here
is a chance for its reconstruction.
(To be continued…)
From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
Mexico, August of 2004. 20 and 10.
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
Mexico, August of 2004. 20 and 10.
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