Latin America farmers' organizations propose alternative rural model
- Opinión
After three days of intense work, on Tuesday October 11, at the close of
the 4th Congress of the Latin American Coordination of Rural Organizations
(CLOC), the 178 delegates, of 88 rural and indigenous organizations from 25
countries, expressed support for the people affected by natural disaster in
the host country, Guatemala, this "Maya territory, cradle of maize, of
diverse knowledge, cultures, languages and identities".
"Our hearts and solidarity are with our Guatemalan sisters and brothers who
have suffered the effects of hurricane Stan, that has also affected El
Salvador and Mexico, and that is a result of the depredation caused by the
capitalist model, whose greed for profit engenders vulnerabilities
associated with poverty and breaks down the harmonious balance between
human beings and nature", states the Declaration adopted in the final
plenary session.
In this document, the CLOC reaffirms its outright opposition to the
policies of neoliberal Capitalism, imposed by the IMF and the WTO, which
give preference to the interests of transnational corporations, over and
above the environment and human rights; and it declares its on-going fight
against these policies. This is also a fight in defense of humanity and
life, and to develop a new alternative project, from a peasant-farmers'
perspective, for a just and egalitarian future, exempt of all forms of
discrimination, it states.
The Congress, that took place from October 9 to 11, preceded by the
continental Assemblies of rural women and young peasant-farmers, included a
space for assessment, reflection, analysis and self-criticism of the CLOC's
first decade of struggle and mobilization. The delegates also debated the
coordinating body's strategic targets and defined an action agenda.
In their Declaration, they condemn the transnational agro-exporting model
that is transforming the countryside, monopolizing land, natural resources,
biodiversity and knowledge. This model extends monocultures, further
empowers the big estates and large-scale commercial production, endangers
the subsistence of small producers, generates exodus of the peasantry from
the countryside and increases impoverishment of the farming population. As
forms of resistance to this model, the action strategies of rural
organizations include such key aspects as the defense of small-scale
agricultural production, of biodiversity, of locally produced and native
seeds, of food sovereignty and of peoples' right to produce their own food
and to integral agrarian reform.
A further issue is the unequal free trade negotiations taking place mainly
with the United States and the European Union. In the rural areas, these
mean putting land and territories, resources, knowledge and goods up for
sale, in the interest of capital and the market. The CLOC supports the
proposed Bolivarian Alternative for Integration of the Americas - ALBA, and
commits to contributing to its formulation, development and future
The document adds that in order to implant the present model, the
countryside has been militarized and farmers' struggles face repression or
are treated as criminal activities, under the pretext of the fight against
terrorism and drug trafficking. In several countries, foreign military
bases have been installed, "that act as spear-heads for implanting various
projects of territorial control and imposition of imperialist plans such as
the Puebla-Panama, Colombia, Dignity, and others".
"Land, water, mining, energy resources and biodiversity are the heritage of
the peoples; we are therefore against its privatization and
commercialization…. We defend peasant farming, based on productive
practices in a spirit of solidarity and that are respectful of nature. We
call for the recovery and defense of native seeds that are the heritage of
our peoples. We reject the use of GM seeds and the patenting of living
things", states the Declaration.
This document also expresses recognition of the endeavors of the Bolivarian
Revolution in Venezuela to promote agrarian reform. It emits a call for
the demilitarization of the countryside and the withdrawal of foreign
military bases, as well as an end to persecution of rural organizations and
their leaders, and the liberation political prisoners, held in custody
simply because they are fighting for their rights and those of their
Action agenda
The action plan drawn up at the congress contemplates mobilizations and an
agenda of struggle that will continue at the Peoples' Summit of the
Americas in Mar del Plata (November), the pacific march against the
Ministerial Meeting of the WTO in Hong Kong, China, (December), as well as
at the Mesoamerican Forum (December, Costa Rica) and the World Social Forum
in Caracas (January), among other highpoints.
The rural organizations' march in Hong Kong is organized by the global
farmers' organization, Via Campesina, to which CLOC is affiliated. Via
Campesina was represented at the Congress by Min-ung- Park, Secretary
General of the Korean Peasants' League (KPL), organization created in 1990
to defend the rights of Korean farmers, with some 5 million members. In
the opening ceremony, Min-ung-Park indicated that his organization will be
sending a delegation of 1400 peasant-farmers to Hong Kong, and emphasized
that, although not all the Latin American organizations will be able go
there, they can engage in simultaneous mobilizations at the international
level. The Korean leader also expressed the commonality of the farmers'
struggles in Asia and Latin America. He acknowledged the level of Latin
America unity, and cited the organization of women and young people within
the CLOC as a model that could be taken up in other continents.
Several others speakers also recognized that the input from the assemblies
of rural women and young people contributed to enriching the Congress and
to strengthening the CLOC plan for the coming years. Among other things,
the CLOC supported a resolution of the Women's Assembly to launch, this
coming 25th of November, a regional campaign against violence against rural
women and girls, as part of the global campaign being launched by Via
Campesina on the same date.
In the final session of the Congress, Itelvina Macciolli, of the Landless
Workers' Movement of Brazil, considered that this congress has raised the
standing of the CLOC, due to the depth of debate and reflection, and
because it has ratified the achievements and expansion of struggles of the
farmer movement in this past decade of existence of the coordinating body.
"CLOC's principles of anti-capitalism and solidarity among peoples have
been reaffirmed; and a major advancement is having debated the construction
of an alternative project to the system of destruction of life, imposed by
neoliberalism ", she underlined. In reference to the agenda of
mobilizations, Macciolli added that "we have hard tasks ahead that we must
complement with other strategic aspects such as the political formation of
our leaders and our work in the field of the communication",
The congress concluded with the designation of regional responsibilities
within the CLOC, as well as of the new operative secretariat, assigned to
the Caribbean Region. For the first time in the ten years of the CLOC,
the Operative Secretariat will be coordinated by an organization of women
farmers, that is, the National Confederation of Women Farmers, CONAMUCA, of
the Dominican Republic. Juana Ferrer, a leader of this organization,
emphasized that "this it is a great challenge that reaffirms the commitment
of a women's organization like CONAMUCA that has been working for more than
25 years in the fight and resistance against the neoliberal model and in
benefit of women." She expressed conviction that, together with all the
member organizations of the Caribbean region and the contribution of women,
they will be able to take on this responsibility, because the women farmers
have always been an example of resistance, firmness and combativeness.
"Now there is greater recognition of our work from society, and from our
male companions. And that recognition is very important in an organization
like the CLOC, which motivates us to continue working", remarked Ferrer.
The outgoing Operative Secretary, Juan Tiney, indicated that the CLOC
leaves this 4th Congress strengthened, and that the great challenges that
lie ahead are the responsibility of the organizations in all countries of
the region.
* ALAI / Minga Informativa de Movimientos Sociales. For further information on the Congress, in Spanish and Portuguese, see:
IV Congreso CLOC
* ALAI / Minga Informativa de Movimientos Sociales. For further information on the Congress, in Spanish and Portuguese, see:
IV Congreso CLOC
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