People's Tribunal judgement
- Opinión
Founder: Lelio Basso
President: Salvatore Senese Hearing on Neo-liberal Policies and European Transnational Corporations in Latin America and the Caribbean Vienna May 10-12, 2006 INDICTMENT Members of the Panel: Elmar Altvater (President, Germany), Miren Etxezarreta (Spain), Susan George (France), Lilian Manzella (United States), Francesco Martone (Italy), Freda Meissner-Blau (Austria), Sandra Quintela (Brazil), Roberto Schiattarella (Italy), Gianni Tognoni (Secretary-General, Italy) ENLAZANDO ALTERNATIVAS 2 FONDAZIONE LELIO BASSO – SEZIONE INTERNAZIONALE 1. Why a Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal on European Transnationals? The Enlazando Alternativas 2 (EA2) officially requested to convene a session of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) on Transnational Corporations (TNCs) in Latin America on 2 February 2006. According to the Statutes of the PPT they requested an investigation of the increasingly dominant role of European TNCs in strategic areas, such as services, infrastructure, petroleum, water, finance and telecommunications. They particularly asked for an examination of the threats thereby posed to political sovereignty, development policy, economic autonomy and democratisation in Latin America. The network of organisations represented in EA2 requested a hearing of many cases from Latin American countries on aspects of life and work, rather than a formal judgment. The PPT accepted the request, which appeared specifically relevant for the institutional role of the PPT for two main reasons: 1. The peoples, the movements, the spectrum of actors participating in the EA2 represent one of the most important expressions of the ongoing struggle for the rights of peoples, which is the justification of the existence of the PPT, based on the Universal Declaration of the Right of Peoples in Algiers, 1976. 2. The themes of the request are an important opportunity for continuing and expanding the research role of the PPT with respect to the relationship between economic laws and human and peoples’ rights. This work is ongoing since the beginning of the Tribunal in the second half of the 1970s in a series of judgments, which include sessions on: - the role of transnational corporations in the Latin American dictatorships (Brussels, 1975) - the causes of impunity of those who committed crimes in Latin American countries (Bogota’ 1991); - the conquest of Latin America and the origins of International Law (Venice, 1992); - Transnational Corporations in the Textile, Garment and Sportswear industries and their impact on labour rights and the environment (Brussels, 1998) - the case of the Bhopal-disaster and corporate irresponsibility (Bhopal, 1991- London, 1994); - the wrong-doings of TNCs (Warwick, 2001) - the role of TNCs in Colombia (Berne, 2005; Bogota’, 2006). 2. The Procedure The hearings of the PPT took place in three sessions following an opening session, each lasting around 4 hours. A detailed dossier of case studies and complaints was submitted to the jury. Witnesses and experts presented orally the documented cases and also answered questions posed by members of the jury. The cases covered several areas of TNC activities and their impact on: natural resources, labour rights, public services with particular emphasis on water provision, sewage and electricity, the role of global finance and the role of TNCs active in financial services in Latin America, the food chain and agricultural diversity, the oil and gas industry. (Full documentation will be available on.)
3. General Indictment
The members of the jury of the PPT thank the organisers
of this important event, commend the thoroughness and
high quality of the research and documentation presented
in the course of the hearings and salute the commitment
of the witnesses to achieving justice for their
communities and their countries.
We have heard testimony and case studies concerning
several dozen TNCs and banks headquartered in Austria,
Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the
Netherlands, Spain and one non-EU country, Norway. We
have been presented with overwhelming evidence concerning
European TNCs abuses of human, social, cultural and
workers’ rights, their irresponsible and sometimes
irreversible actions towards the environment and their
complete disregard for the welfare of local communities.
We have heard, in particular, of the complicity of
European governments that aid and abet their own TNCs.
Furthermore, international public institutions including
the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the
International Monetary Fund, the World Trade
Organisation, the European Investment Bank, Export Credit
and national development agencies, as well as European
bilateral free trade agreements, pave the way for the
exploitative activities of TNCs.
We were presented with cases of corporate-led public
service privatisation (notably water, sanitation and
energy), use and extraction of natural resources, oil
exploration, land use and agribusiness practices,
expansion of monocultural plantations for pulp,
liberalisation of financial services and the role of
European Banks in various Latin American countries.
4. The Findings of the Tribunal
On the basis of the above we have identified common
elements and threats that the PPT considers deserving of
further work:
a. Threats to the right to access essential services:
Water has been transformed into a commodity rather
than a common resource. Pricing and distribution
policies implemented by TNC with the support of
International Financial Institutions deprive broad
sections of population (mostly the poor) from the
enjoyment of this fundamental human right.
Electricity privatisation and liberalisation has
similar results;
b. Threats to the right to land: The expansion of
monocultural plantations for export (notably for soya
and wood pulp) is destroying small-scale farmers’
livelihoods, while preventing fair and equitable
access to land;
c. Threat to the right to food sovereignty, safety and
security: Industrial scale production of food for
export, and the privatisation of biodiversity and
seeds, driven by imbalanced international trade
regimes and corporate interests, is destroying the
capacity of Latin American countries to realize these
d. Threats to labour rights: So-called labour
“flexibility”, the push for high returns for private
investment, the need to produce cheap goods for
global markets, together with the repression of Latin
American trade unions, undermine core labour
standards. Furthermore, TNCs use cheap suppliers of
labour in order to keep costs low, thereby expanding
an already huge informal sector;
e. Threats to indigenous peoples’ rights: EU TNCs and
Latin American governments collaborate in invading
and exploiting indigenous peoples’ lands without
their prior informed consent or participation,
thereby violating their cultural identity and
fundamental rights;
f. Threats to environmental rights: Negligence and abuse
by EU TNCs of fragile ecosystems in hotspots of
biodiversity and wildlife, as well as key bioregions
for climate stabilisation augmented by deforestation
for economic reasons, contamination of water,
infrastructure expansion, result into a substantial
ecological debt and contradict EU public commitments
for sustainable development. Irresponsible
exploitation of natural resources by European TNCs
such as oil and gas result in widespread ecological
impacts both at a local and ultimately global level;
g. Threats to civil and political rights: EU TNCs can
proceed undisturbed thanks to the complicity and
cooperation of local and national governments. All
this can occur in spite of popular dissent since
those same governments do not hesitate to repress
dissent and often crackdown on environmental, social
and labour movements.
All of these threats combined with the erratic behaviour
of financial markets result in a major attack to economic
and social rights to development, and hence represent a
major challenge for the future work of the PPT.
TNCs are not solely responsible for this situation. The
responsibility also extends to the host governments and
the EU that allows enterprises to apply inferior
standards to those practised in Europe. The EU, in its
negotiations with Latin American countries, follows an
agenda of trade and financial liberalisation and support
for TNCs. Economic aid is often made conditional to the
acceptance of EU criteria, while the EU maintains trade
and preferential arrangements with certain countries even
where they are in violation of international human rights
norms, such as those established by the ILO.
The PPT has been unfortunately obliged to consider these
cases due to the unavailability of any other forum for
adequate recourse and redress as well as the absence of
binding rules applicable to TNCs. Unless and until such
norms are developed and properly implemented cases as the
ones examined will recur again and again.
Therefore the PPT concludes that the complexity and
seriousness of accusations and the corresponding threats
require further investigation with a view to contribute
to the development of international legal instruments
that would make TNCs truly and effectively responsible
and accountable for their practices.
The PPT purpose and modalities of action have always been
intended to provide support and to empower social
movements and responsible citizens in their different
struggles for justice and human rights. Not incidentally,
therefore, the preparation of this session has generated
an unprecedented level of interest and expectation in
Latin American and European movements, that created new
networks and a basis for strengthening their struggles,
resistance and search for alternatives to the dominant
economic and social paradigm.
At the same time, the opportunities that Latin America is
currently experiencing in its own way to social justice
and self-determination can provide inspiration to
movements in Europe, in their practices and proposals for
an alternative of justice. The cross-fertilisation of
action and analysis, that this Tribunal seeks to foster,
makes its work more than a mere academic exercise, but
rather a genuine effort to contribute with its experience
to a common endeavour of social, environmental and labour
movements in both regions. It is their determination and
visionary action that encourage us to pursue our future
initiatives dealing with the challenges that economic and
financial globalisation pose on the affirmation of
fundamental peoples’ rights. In view of the importance of
the findings of this session, the Tribunal herewith
states its intention to convene a formal session to judge
the responsibilities and activities of European TNCs in
Latin America.
For additional information on these Tribunals visit the website .
President: Salvatore Senese Hearing on Neo-liberal Policies and European Transnational Corporations in Latin America and the Caribbean Vienna May 10-12, 2006 INDICTMENT Members of the Panel: Elmar Altvater (President, Germany), Miren Etxezarreta (Spain), Susan George (France), Lilian Manzella (United States), Francesco Martone (Italy), Freda Meissner-Blau (Austria), Sandra Quintela (Brazil), Roberto Schiattarella (Italy), Gianni Tognoni (Secretary-General, Italy) ENLAZANDO ALTERNATIVAS 2 FONDAZIONE LELIO BASSO – SEZIONE INTERNAZIONALE 1. Why a Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal on European Transnationals? The Enlazando Alternativas 2 (EA2) officially requested to convene a session of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) on Transnational Corporations (TNCs) in Latin America on 2 February 2006. According to the Statutes of the PPT they requested an investigation of the increasingly dominant role of European TNCs in strategic areas, such as services, infrastructure, petroleum, water, finance and telecommunications. They particularly asked for an examination of the threats thereby posed to political sovereignty, development policy, economic autonomy and democratisation in Latin America. The network of organisations represented in EA2 requested a hearing of many cases from Latin American countries on aspects of life and work, rather than a formal judgment. The PPT accepted the request, which appeared specifically relevant for the institutional role of the PPT for two main reasons: 1. The peoples, the movements, the spectrum of actors participating in the EA2 represent one of the most important expressions of the ongoing struggle for the rights of peoples, which is the justification of the existence of the PPT, based on the Universal Declaration of the Right of Peoples in Algiers, 1976. 2. The themes of the request are an important opportunity for continuing and expanding the research role of the PPT with respect to the relationship between economic laws and human and peoples’ rights. This work is ongoing since the beginning of the Tribunal in the second half of the 1970s in a series of judgments, which include sessions on: - the role of transnational corporations in the Latin American dictatorships (Brussels, 1975) - the causes of impunity of those who committed crimes in Latin American countries (Bogota’ 1991); - the conquest of Latin America and the origins of International Law (Venice, 1992); - Transnational Corporations in the Textile, Garment and Sportswear industries and their impact on labour rights and the environment (Brussels, 1998) - the case of the Bhopal-disaster and corporate irresponsibility (Bhopal, 1991- London, 1994); - the wrong-doings of TNCs (Warwick, 2001) - the role of TNCs in Colombia (Berne, 2005; Bogota’, 2006). 2. The Procedure The hearings of the PPT took place in three sessions following an opening session, each lasting around 4 hours. A detailed dossier of case studies and complaints was submitted to the jury. Witnesses and experts presented orally the documented cases and also answered questions posed by members of the jury. The cases covered several areas of TNC activities and their impact on: natural resources, labour rights, public services with particular emphasis on water provision, sewage and electricity, the role of global finance and the role of TNCs active in financial services in Latin America, the food chain and agricultural diversity, the oil and gas industry. (Full documentation will be available on
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