Media Plot against Venezuela

Final Declaration - Stop Aggression against Venezuela

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We, writers, journalists, researchers and anti-capitalist activists, gathered at the International Forum "Media Plot Against Venezuela" held in Caracas on the 5th and 6th June 2014, have discussed the role of transnational communication companies committed to distort the current situation in Venezuelan.

As demonstrated in countless examples, the most recent include: the invasion of Libya, the attacks against Syria and foreign invasion in Ukraine, these actions coordinated by transnational press preceded actions of extreme violence, invasions or formation of armies, mercenaries to cause large-scale civil clashes.
1.     We denounce demonization campaigns against the Bolivarian Revolution, Venezuela and its President Nicolas Maduro.
2.     Furthermore we denounce that such campaigns entice preamble actions of armed intervention, invasion and oppression against Venezuela.
3.     We are working every day to put in place communication channels that are more effective to counter the impact of the current scenario of media manipulation and to encourage alternative methods of communication. We are also aware that this is a momentous political battle, whose main protagonist is a people well organized to fight against imperialist and capitalist political action.
4.     We propose the creation of an international front of journalists for peace and life, a common space that will unite those of us who execute this work in different countries so as to build an outlook of ethical, professional and quality journalism which does not provide for the development of a climate destabilization and psychological terrorism.
The front shall have the following tasks:
a) Establishing a collaborative network against media conspiracy targeting Venezuela, a network that will socialize content of work, information, contacts and experiences.
b) To design and own alternatives forms of communications (platforms, media and information security services) enabling technological independence from capitalistic productions.
c) To coordinate with regional governments and organizations in order to find appropriate mechanisms for disseminating the Venezuelan reality, especially through alternative media and social networks.
5.     We propose to convene with urgency a Special Meeting of Ministers of Information and Communication within the Bolivarian Alternative of the Americas (ALBA) bloc and from other regional integration mechanisms with the aim to design common strategies to counteract the nature of imperial media offensive against our people.
6.     We, writers, journalists and researchers from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, France, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela, today invite all media channels around the globe to be vigilant against lies, to play an active role in trying to find the truth, here in the land of Simón Bolivar, Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution, and where people fight for their freedom and independence on daily basis.
Caracas, June 6th 2014.
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