Imperial Overstretch in Iraq
- Opinión
With the end of the U.S. war in Iraq the perspective of most
commentators across the political spectrum is that the Bush
administration is triumphant and can wreck its will on the world.
Saddam Hussein is banished from power, the United States occupies
Iraq and is sitting on top of the world's second largest oil
deposits. Referring to the failure of European as well as Arab
countries to deter naked U.S. aggression, Tariq Ali, in an
editorial in the New Left Review of London, writes, "American
global hegemony…has never been so clearly displayed."
This is a flawed interpretation of the historic impact of the Iraqi
intervention. Rather than the triumph of a new imperial order, the
war may actually accelerate the decline of U.S. hegemony. In late
2002, Charles Kupchan, a professor at Georgetown University and a
member of the National Security Council in the Clinton
administration, released a book titled "The End of the American
Era." Cast in mainstream political language, Kupchan argues "Pax
Americana" will end due to "the rise of alternative centers of
power and a declining and unilateralist U.S. internationalism."
Even before France and Germany headed up the Western opposition to
the U.S .war in Iraqi, Kupchan asserted that the European Union
would be in the forefront of an emergent "multipolar world" that
will eclipse U.S. ascendancy in the early part of the twenty-first
Events in Iraq with the end of the war suggest that the U.S.
occupation will be a bloody one that contributes to the sapping of
U.S. global power. No one, including the U.S. anointed ruler,
General Jay Garner, is in control. Iraqi schoolboys shake their
shoes at U.S. soldiers, chanting in English, "Down U.S.A." Anti-
American demonstrators in Shiite and Sunni regions of the country
rally against U.S. troops, leading U.S. soldiers to fire on angry
mobs, killing and maiming scores. U.S. military officers invariably
claim their troops "were fired on first" while Iraqi witnesses
state there was no hostile fire from the demonstrators. Even if
the U.S. assertions are true, these confrontations have all the
markings of colonial wars past. Inevitably the more militant Iraqi
opponents of the United States of all political and religious
stripes will move among the people, accentuating popular unrest
and exacting a toll on the occupying army.
Back in the late 1980s Paul Kennedy, another fairly mainstream
scholar at Yale University, asserted in "The Rise and Fall of Great
Powers" that empires in their waning years engage in
"overstretch." As they begin to decline the dominant powers almost
invariably resort to war and belligerency, thereby accelerating
their demise as they waste their national treasuries on military
spending to the detriment of their economies and their peoples.
The intended implications of Kennedy's thesis for the United
States were apparent at the time his book came out. The Reagan
administration was engaging in a massive military build up and
sponsoring a series of regional counterrevolutionary wars in
Africa, Central America and Asia, attempting to counteract the
U.S. setback in Vietnam and other parts of the world.
Simultaneously, U.S. economic preeminence appeared to be
threatened by the more dynamic economies of Japan and Western
Europe. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the resurgent
U.S. economy of the 1990s, Kennedy's argument of imperial
overstretch appeared to be mistaken and irrelevant. The success of
Bush Senior in the first Gulf war along with Clinton's
interventions in Bosnia and Kosovo nurtured the belief that "Pax
Americana" was in fine shape. And at first glance, George W.
Bush's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq appear to indicate that now
more than ever the United States is a potent empire.
In reality the Bush administration's unilateralist foreign policy
represents an effort to reassert a U.S. hegemony that it believes
was compromised by the diffusion of U.S. power under Clinton. The
neo-conservatives, the driving force behind U.S. policy today, are
in fact engaging in foreign adventures precisely because they are
fearful that U.S. dominance in the world is being undermined.
Major luminaries of the Bush administration, such as Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Vice-President Dick Cheney, and Deputy
Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz came together back in 1997 to
form The Project for the New American Century. Lambasting the
Clinton administration for allowing U.S. global power to languish,
the founding charter of PNAC declared it is "increasingly
difficult to sustain American influence around the world."
Then on the eve of the presidential elections in 2000 PNAC
released a special report titled ""Rebuilding America's Defenses:
Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century." It called for
stepped up military spending, the projection of U.S. power around
the world, and the use of "constabulary forces" whenever
necessary. It became the blueprint for the Bush administration's
foreign policy, particularly after September 11, 2001. Refusing to
accept any limits on U.S. power, the neo-conservative's mission of
remaking the world in the U.S. image fits in perfectly with
Kennedy's argument that empires in their final stages bring to the
fore bellicose leaders who increase military expenditures and
engage in wars that actually accelerate their nations' demise.
Other commentators and analysts are also suggesting that something
is going wrong with the new U.S. imperium. Independent Strategy, a
financial research company for institutional investors, argues
that the U.S. empire is cresting in a paper that is being
circulated in the boardrooms of big investment banks like Goldman
Sachs. It foresees heightened global terrorism in response to U.S.
unilaterlaism. Independent Strategy also argues that the U.S.
economy faces serious economic difficulties due in part to the
costs of the war and Bush's massive tax cuts. The dollar is
falling in international markets "because the good empire has the
same fault lines as many other empires: unsustainable living
standards at the core [that] depend on flows of wealth from the
periphery." It adds: "The costs of war and unilateralism will
increase the thirst for capital, but reduce the return earned by
Paul Kennedy has also reappeared in the public debate with an
article in the Washington Post at the end of April in which he
points to the state of the British empire in the early twentieth
century to argue that the Bush administration is in trouble abroad.
Kennedy contends: "The U.S. has taken on military commitments all
over the globe, from the Balkans and Kuwait to Afghanistan and
Korea. Its armed forces look colossal (as did Britain's in 1919),
but its obligations look even larger. It is small wonder that
while liberals protest soaring defense expenditures, the U.S.
military repeatedly warns of overstretch and is dismayed at the
hawkish calls for further adventures."
Robert Fisk of the Independent newspaper of London, perhaps the
premier Western reporter in the Gulf and the Middle East, also
suggests in an interview with Amy Goodman of Pacifica Radio that
we are seeing history redux in Iraq. In 1917, British troops under
the command of Lieutenant General Sir Stanley Maude seized
Baghdad. As Fisk points out Maude in taking the city used words
almost identical to Bush's proclamation at the onset of the Iraqi
war: "We come here not as conquerors, but as liberators to free
you from the tyranny of generations." The British did manage to
remain for years, but the region proved to be a political quagmire
as ethnic and religious groups fought each other while also
attacking the British occupiers.
It is impossible to predict how this new war of liberation in Iraq
will unfold. As Robert Fisk says, "my crystal ball has broken a
long time ago." Nonetheless even he believes the United States is
involved in an interminable conflict in the Gulf, one even more
profound than that which the British faced in the early part of the
twentieth century.
We should remember that the Reagan administration, in which neo-
conservatives also held prominent posts, sent troops to the Middle
East in August, 1982 in an effort to exert its influence in the
Arab-Israeli conflict. Just over a year later 241 Marines died in
a car bomb blast in Bruit, Lebanon and the United States beat a
hasty retreat from the region. No doubt the Bush administration is
determined to inflict more bloodshed and take more causalities
than this as it seeks to consolidate U.S. rule over Iraq. But
imperial overstretch and Iraqi resistance will likely provoke ever
increasing calls from within the United States to bring the troops
home and surely have major implications for the approaching 2004
presidential elections.
Even before the Iraqi war, Charles Kupchan in "The End of the
American Era" worried that the tribulations of unilateralism would
cause a backlash among the American people, leading to a "new
isolationism." Given his ties to the former Clinton administration,
he argues that the United States must continue to be active in a
multipolar world, pushing a "globalist" agenda, much as his former
boss did. However, from the perspective of the anti- globalization
movement that erupted on the world stage in Seattle in 1999, a
crisis in U.S. foreign policy that compels U.S. leaders to retreat
from their military and corporate ravaging of the world would be
of enormous benefit to humanity.
Tariq Ali in his editorial in New Left Review calls upon the anti-
globalization and anti-war movements to form a broad "anti-
imperialist league" to resist U.S. aggression. While he
underestimates the importance of the challenge posed by European
nations to U.S. hegemony, he does point to the central role of the
popular movement in contesting U.S. domination: "The history of
the rise and fall of Empires teaches us that it is when their own
citizens finally lose faith in the virtue of infinite war and
permanent occupations that the system enters into retreat." In the
end Ali's reading of history may be even more useful than the
lessons drawn by Kupchan or Kennedy.
* Roger Burbach is director of the Center for the Study of the
Americas based in Berkeley, CA. His next book, "The Pinochet
Affair: State Terrorism and Global Justice." will be co-released by
Zed Books and the Transnational Institute in the fall.
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