Some uncomfortable questions about terrorism

How can we "struggle against terrorism” and at the same time attack those who directly combat it? How can we combat it and at the same time finance it or support those who do? Is this the way to defend our societies?

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Armas de EEUU vendidas a Arabia Saudita
Foto: Sputnikews
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US weapons sold to Saudi Arabia


In the face of the continuous killing of human beings perpetrated in the past few years through attacks in Asia, Africa, North America and Europe, it is time to publicly pose some simple but fundamental questions.


Do our societies know, for example, that the Muslim Brothers were created under insistence of the British Empire to ensure their domination in Egypt and Western Asia (what they called "the Middle East")?  They divided and thus confronted the sovereign, secular and leftist projects that had risen against their domination. Has anyone revealed to our people that Al-Qaeda was created at the end of the 1970s by the United States in order to overthrow the legitimate Afghan government?  This government had developed an economic policy of inclusion of distinct tiers of society, a widespread literacy programme and the beginnings of an agrarian reform. They had enabled thousands of women to access the universities and to occupy public offices and functions. The Taliban of the United States ended all of that. The desolation of the social situation in Afghanistan today is partly evident from the daily news reports. The hell in which women live is barely revealed.


Do our societies know that ISIS is also a creation of the principal dictatorships of Western Asia, Saudi Arabia and Qatar among others, all great allies of "the West", as ordered or delegated by the United States and Great Britain and logistically supported by Israel and Turkey? Precisely at this time these feudal dictatorships struggle amongst themselves for the control of this region, depending on whether they continue the old terrorist political life (as Great Britain and Qatar want), or if they will change these things by decree of the White House (Saudi Arabia has received billions in military aid from the United States in exchange for their no longer financing ISIS, since this pawn is no longer useful to the power groups that brought Trump to power.


Are Spanish citizens aware of the fact that the King of Spain had previously gone to Saudi Arabia, to sell arms to the country that is behind the greater part of international terrorism and that in addition has invaded Yemen, destroying its hospitals, its food supply and drinking water, generating an emergency situation due to cholera and hunger?


Do our undefended societies know that France, Great Britain and the United States have provided military support to ISIS and/or to similar groups (coordinated by NATO) such as Al-Nusra, in their war against the Syrian people, and that the Spanish army very probably has provided military advice to groups that maintain ties with these terrorist organizations and which they call the "moderate opposition"?


Do our good people know that the Spanish government (and in the first line some military person who today is an alternative) collaborated in the bombing of Libya, and that the genocide of its people has not ceased since then, and that those in control in the country are factions of the big terrorist organizations? Subgroups of Asian-style fascism who were put in place by the European countries and their leader, the United States, with Madame Clinton as the warlord (even Trump in the electoral campaign called her "the chief of the terrorists". No nonsense).


Do our people know that the United States, last April, bombarded a military base of the only country and the only people who are confronting Asian fascism (ISIS, Al-Qaeda, etc.) in their territory, in the many battle fields that have been opened there? And that this bombardment was supported without a question by our governments?


Do you know that the Spanish government send military personnel to the Russian frontier of Latvia, "to put a brake on Russian expansionism”, harassing the country that thanks to their help for Syria has prevented the flags of Isis from flying over Damascus? Can you imagine how we should feel here if Russia were concentrating troops in the Pyrenees?


Hence does this not seem odd? How can we "struggle against terrorism” and at the same time attack those who directly combat it? How can we combat it and at the same time finance it or support those who do? Is this the way to defend our societies? Can you explain this?


Do you know that where there are energy resources or a wealth of minerals or geostrategic positions, there miraculously appear branches or subsidiaries of one or another of these terrorist organizations: Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (Mali), Boko Haram (Nigeria), the Lord's Resistance Army (Central-African Republic and South Sudan), Al-Shabab (Somalia), Al-Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula (Yemen), Abu Sayyaf (Philippines) . . .?


Does our misinformed population know that (in addition to the present destabilization in the Philippines) the invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and the perennial threat to Iran, as well as the fascist coup in Ukraine, attempt among other objectives to torpedo the "New Silk Road" that China is reestablishing with Russian aid? In place of establishing commercial and productive networks, they are attempting with these actions to leave territories devastated. As Yugoslavia was devastated. As they are now trying with all their means to destroy Venezuela.


Do our societies know that many thousands of refugees who struggle to reach Europe are doing so to escape from the horror that our armies and governments have created in their countries, the chaos and the death that we have brought to their homes?


We know that WAR, in addition to a geostrategic instrument and means for the appropriation of the remaining vital resources, is right now an economic arm of the first order to prolong or preserve profits, to stretch income on materials, sources or comparative advantages, to reconstruct after it is over; in brief, to desperately attempt to stop economic collapse by destroying installed capacity, obsolete capacity, etc.?


Do our societies know that someone is moving very obscure and dangerous pieces on the global chessboard of death, whose consequences will be to blow us all up, and moreover, that they are employing the new modality of fascism (of the XXI century) to generate social panic and acceptance of whatever repression, surveillance and control is imposed on us? In more and more European countries, the streets are already militarized. The "state of exception", "state of exclusion" and "state of siege" are with us and growing on the planet.


Can anyone bring together an explanation and provide a convincing answer to all these questions? Are our lordships and our media interested in knowing, and in saying, something of the truth?



(Translated for ALAI by Jordan Bishop)


Andrés Piqueras

Universitat Jaume I
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