U.S. Offensive in Latin America: Golpes, Retreat and Radicalization
- Opinión
The current worldwide U.S. politico-military offensive is manifest in Latin America
in multiple contexts, using a variety of tactics (military and political) and
instruments, directed toward propping up decaying clients, destabilizing independent
regimes, pressuring the center-left to move to the Right and destroying or isolating
the burgeoning popular mass movements challenging the U.S. empire and its client
regimes. We will proceed by discussing the particular forms of the U.S. offensive in
each country and then proceed to explore the specific and general reasons for the
offensive in contemporary Latin America. This discussion will provide the bases for
the theoretical analysis of the specific nature of the "New Imperialism" which
informs the current offensive and its impact on the center-left electoral parties
and the radical socio-political movements. In the concluding section we will discuss
the political alternatives in the context of the U.S. offensive and the new
Military-Political Offensive: Diverse Approaches, Singular Goal
The most striking aspect of the U.S. military-political offensive in Latin America
is the diverse tactics utilized to establish or consolidate client regimes and
defeat popular socio-political movements opposed to imperial domination.
The focus of high intensity U.S. intervention is in Colombia and Venezuela. In both
countries, Washington has high stakes, involving political, economic and ideological
interests as well as geo-political considerations.
Both countries, face both the Caribbean and the Andean countries - as well as
Brazil; the emergence of a revolutionary regime in Colombia or the stabilization of
a nationalist regime in Venezuela could inspire similar transformations in the
adjoining regions and undermine U.S. control via its client regimes. Moreover,
significant political changes could affect U.S. control over oil production and
supply, not only from Venezuela and Colombia but pressure Mexico and Ecuador to back
off from the privatization process.
Washington, at all costs, wants to maintain a secure supply of oil in the current
period of "undeclared war" against the Gulf Oil producers - namely Iraq and Iran -
and in the face of an increasingly vulnerable Saudi Arabia.
Geopolitically, socio-political transformations in Colombia and Venezuela, could
lead to an integration pact with revolutionary Cuba, thus destroying
Washington's forty year old embargo and creating a viable alternative to the U.S.
sponsored Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA/ALCA in Spanish).
Washington has adopted different strategies to the two countries. To defeat the
popular insurgency in Colombia, it has embraced a "total war" strategy. In Venezuela
it includes a combined civil political-economic de-stabilization strategy
culminating in a military coup.
Washington's counter-insurgency strategy in Colombia operated under cover of an
anti-narcotics campaign, to justify the accelerated military buildup. The anti-
narcotics campaigns centered on regions where the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces)
was strongest, while virtually ignoring the areas controlled by paramilitary clients
of the Colombian Armed Forces. The politico-military advance of the FARC in the late
1990s forced the Colombian government to the negotiating table and increased its
dependence on the U.S. for military aid and advisors. In the U.S. (and in Colombia)
the "peace negotiations" were seen as a temporary tactic to forestall a full-scale
FARC assault on the urban centers of power and a time period to build the military
capability of the Colombian Armed Forces and strengthen and extend the scope and
depth of U.S. military influence on the military-paramilitary forces and military
strategy. The government "peace negotiators" also hoped to entice or split the FARC
by offering them an "electoral option", as was done in Central America (El Salvador
and Guatemala). The FARC, cognizant of the brutal assassination of leftist political
activists (4,000-5,000) in the mid-to-late 1980s and of the abject failure of the
Central American guerrillas turned electoral politicians to bring about any
meaningful social changes refused to surrender. They insisted on basic reforms of
state structures and the economy as pre-conditions for any durable peace settlement.
These proposals for democratic and socio-economic reforms were totally unacceptable
to the U.S. and the Pastrana regime, which were moving in the opposite direction
toward greater militarization of political life and liberalization of the economy.
Throughout the period of peace negotiations, the U.S. and Pastrana combined peace
rhetoric with funding and promotion of paramilitary groups (via the
Colombian military) involved in the capture and destruction of villages and towns,
displacing millions of peasants and trade unionists and killing thousands of
peasants suspected of having Leftist sympathies. The idea was to isolate the FARC
within the demilitarized zone, train, arm and mass troops on the borders, carry on
high tech electronic surveys to identify strategic targets and then abruptly break
off negotiations and blitz the region, with a land and air attack, capturing or
killing the FARC leaders and demoralizing the fleeing insurgents. Needless to say
the tactics failed. The guerrillas continue to be active out of the peace zone, they
strengthened their forces within the de-militarized zone and suffered no serious
losses when Pastrana broke off peace negotiations.
The U.S. has made Colombia the "test case" for its politico-military offensive in
Latin America. First of all because the FARC is the most powerful anti-imperialist
formation challenging for state power. Secondly, because it borders Venezuela and is
perceived as an ally of President Chavez. Defeating the FARC, allows Washington to
"encircle" and increase the external pressure on Venezuela and reinforce the
internal de-stabilization campaign.
As the political base of Pastrana erodes - due to the prolonged recession and social
cutbacks resulting from the huge military budget - the U.S. escalates its military
support. The entire Colombian economy is now subordinated to the U.S. military
strategy; and the military strategy is directed by a scorched earth - total war
policy. This means that all Colombian civilian and economic considerations are
secondary to Washington's primary interests in "winning the war" against the FARC.
Given the strength and experience of the FARC and the formidable strategic capacity
of its leader, Manual Marulanda and his general staff - the U.S.-Colombian war
promises to be a prolonged and bloody outcome, in which there is likely to be a
continuous major escalation of U.S. intervention, increased use of paramilitary
terror and greater indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets. Nonetheless a
military victory by the U.S. is very doubtful: the end result may be nearer to
Vietnam rather than Afghanistan.
The first signs that Washington's offensive may have a boomerang effect are visible
in Colombia. Less than two weeks after the U.S. pressured President Pastrana to end
the peace talks and declare the de-militarized area a war zone, the first general to
lead troops into the zone resigned. He publically declared that military victory was
impossible. The immediate cause for his resignation was the FARC's destruction of a
bridge leading into the former demilitarized zone, under the General's direct
command. The FARC successful military offensive following the end of the peace
talks, led the U.S. Ambassador to Colombia to admit that Plan Colombia was a
In contrast to the scorched earth military strategy in Colombia, the U.S. is
implementing a civil military approach to overthrowing president Chavez in
Venezuela. Chavez is a liberal nationalist: he has followed a fairly orthodox
domestic economic policy while pursuing an independent nationalist foreign policy.
U.S. strategy is multi-phased and combines media-civic-economic attacks with efforts
to provoke fissures in the military, culminating in a military coup.
The first phase of this struggle is to destabilize the economy, via closely
coordinated actions with client business and professional groups and corrupt right-
wing trade union bosses. The purpose is to mobilize public opposition and focus mass
media attention on the instability of the country, inhibiting investment from less
politicized capitalists, who, however are fearful of declining profits in a
conflictual situation. The mass media engages in a systematic propaganda campaign to
overthrow the Chavez regime, advocating a violent seizure of power. Government and
public protests against the subversive behavior of the mass media allows Washington
to orchestrate an international campaign against "violations of free speech"
particularly via U.S. influenced Inter-American Press Association. The second phase
of the Bush Administration's strategy is to move from de-stabilization directly
toward a military coup. This involves two steps. The first is to mobilize U.S.
intelligence assets, retired officials and those labeled "dissident" among the
active military officers from the more reactionary branches of the military - in the
case of Venezuela, the Air Force and Navy. The idea is to force a political
discussion in the military command, provoke other like-minded officials to "come
out" in defense of the expelled officers and to reinforce the mass media - business
message of "instability" and an imminent "fall of Chavez", thus further stimulating
capital flight. The second step is to organize authoritarian navy and air force
officials to put pressure on the army - the main bulwark of Chavez support - to gain
adherents, neutralize apolitical officers and isolate Chavez loyalists. Washington's
two step approach is to culminate in a military coup with active U.S. military
support, in which a "transitional civic-military junta" rules.
Linked with its internal strategy, based on its Venezuelan clients, Washington has
implemented an "external strategy." Secretary of State Powell has publically
denounced Chavez as an authoritarian and both he and the IMF have publically stated
their support for a "transitional government"- a clear and obvious signal of U.S.
support for the internal golpistas. U.S. "Special Forces" now operate in Ecuador,
Colombia, Peru, Panama, Afghanistan, Yemen, Philippines, Georgia, Uzbekistan and
other Central Asian client states. It is more than likely that, in the event of a
coup attempt, the Pentagon will send tactical operatives and political advisers to
"guide the coup" and ensure that the appropriate configuration of civilian
personalities emerges for propaganda purposes.
The dangers facing the Venezuelan regime is that in Washington's "war of political
attrition", where daily propaganda barrages and provocative actions abound, Chavez
cannot depend on constant mass mobilizations. He must actually implement immediate
radical re-distributive socio-economic policies to sustain mass commitments and
active organized support. The U.S.-orchestrated offensive is geared to creating
"permanent tension" as a psychological weapon to exhaust popular support and
undermine Army morale.
Chavez's independent foreign policy is what antagonizes the U.S. This includes his
opposition to Plan Colombia, criticism of the U.S. war in Afghanistan and worldwide
imperial offensive, his cordial relations with Iraq, Libya, Iran and Cuba and his
refusal to allow the U.S. to colonize Venezuelan airspace. His foreign policy has
not been complemented by a series of comprehensive socio-economic reforms affecting
the welfare of millions of his unemployed and poorly paid supporters living in the
slums and shanty towns.
U.S. efforts to overthrow Chavez are based on his refusal, in early October, to back
Washington's worldwide imperial offensive - the so-called "anti-terrorist campaign".
Close advisers to President Chavez informed me that a delegation of high officials
from Washington visited Chavez and bluntly informed him that he would "pay a high
price for his opposition to President Bush". Shortly thereafter the local business
federation and trade union bosses launched their campaigns - even though President
Chavez had introduced a very modest tax reform (mostly affecting foreign oil
companies), a compensated land purchase plan and had privatized the major
publically owned electrical enterprise company in Caracas.
Clearly Chavez attempts to ride two horses - an independent foreign policy and
liberal reform domestic policy-makers him very vulnerable to the U.S. designed coup
strategy. U.S. imperial tactics in Venezuela differ substantially from Colombia,
largely because in one case it is defending a client state against a popular
insurgency and in the other trying to create a civilian movement to provoke a coup.
Strategically however, the political outcome, is the same: to consolidate a client
regime which will subordinate the country to the neo-mercantilist empire embodied in
the FTAA, and become willing vassals in policing the Latin American empire and
perhaps supplying mercenaries for new overseas wars.
Argentina is the third country in which Washington is intervening. Following the
mass popular uprising of December 19/20, 2001 and the fall of five client
"Presidents", Washington began to work through a multi-phased strategy which was
designed to continue the transfer of billions of dollars in assets to U.S.
companies, prejudice European competitors and re-secure a privileged position in the
Argentine political and economic system. The collapse of the client regime of De la
Rua and the weakness of the Duhalde regime in "imposing" a return to the status quo
ante (the popular uprising) has led Washington to turn to unconditional civilian
clients (ex-President Menem and ex-minister of economy Murphy) and the military
intelligence apparatus - relatively intact since the days of the bloody
Washington's problem with the Duhalde regime is not his "rectification" of
"populist" measures (he has agreed to partial debt payments, has sworn unconditional
support of the U.S. global offensive, proposes to limit spending, etc.). The U.S.
problem is that Duhalde cannot forcefully fulfill his commitments to the IMF and
Wall Street. The popular movements are growing in size and activity and they are
more organized and radical. In their assemblies they are raising fundamental issues
as well as immediate concerns. Their demands include repudiating the foreign debt,
nationalizing the banks' and strategic economic sectors and redistributing income -
in a word repudiating the "neo-liberal model", at a time when the U.S. is pushing to
extend and deepening its control via the neo-mercantilist FTAA.
There is little doubt that the Duhalde regime is prepared to meet most of the
demands of the IMF - but he lacks the power to implement the whole austerity package
and bailout of the banks in the time frame and under the conditions which Washington
and the IMF demand. Each concession to the IMF – like budget cuts-ignites more
demonstrations among teachers and public employees; the bailout of the foreign banks
requires the continued confiscation of private savings; slashing provincial budget
provokes greater unemployment, hunger and revolts. The Duhalde regime has already
increased the level of repression and unleashed his street thugs - but, the
movements still proliferate and the thin veneer of legitimacy of his regime is
dissolving. CIA director Tenet has already pointed out U.S. "preoccupation" with
instability in Argentina - meaning popular mobilizations. The U.S. assets in the
Argentine intelligence apparatus are floating trial balloons, evaluating the
response to rumors of a military coup. These tentative, exploratory, moves are
designed to secure a consensus among the military, financial and economic elites -
together with the U.S. and European, especially Spanish, bankers and multi-
nationals. The U.S. and European mass media have begun to resonate with Washington's
evolving strategy - writing of "chaos", "breakdown" and "chronic instability" of the
civilian regime".
Washington is pointing toward a civic-military regime, if and when Duhalde resigns
or is overthrown. Washington's strategy is to decapitate the popular opposition. It
can be summarized as the Triple M, a regime configured with ex-President Menem, ex-
Minister of Economy Murphy and the military. Their lack of any social support among
the middle and urban poor means that regime would be a "regime of force": designed
to drive the middle class to the wall, into a massive exodus via a brutal reduction
in living standard to meet foreign debt obligations.
In summary, Washington is working on two tracks: on the one hand pressuring Duhalde
to conform with its demands by assuming full dictatorial powers and on the other
hand preparing the conditions for a new more right-wing authoritarian "civic-
military" client regime.
The reversion to client military dictatorships with a civic facade, provides the
Bush Administration with the ideological fig leaf of "defending democracy and free
markets". The U.S. mass media can embellish on this and any variety of related
Washington's militarization strategy is also evident in Ecuador, Bolivia and
Paraguay, where client regimes, stripped of any popular legitimacy, hold onto power
and impose Washington's neo-mercantilist formulas (free markets in Latin America and
protectionism and subsidies in the U.S.).
In Brazil and Mexico, Washington relies heavily on political and diplomatic
instruments. In the case of Mexico, Washington has direct entree to the Fox
Administration in economic policy and a virtual agent in the Foreign Minister Jorge
Castaneda. The goal of Mexican subordination to U.S. neo-mercantilism is not in
question, as Fox and Castaneda are in total agreement. What is in question is the
effectiveness of the regime in implementing U.S. policy. Fox's effort to convert
southern Mexico and Central America into one big U.S. assembly plant, tourist and
petroleum center (Puebla-Panama Plan) has run into substantial opposition. The
massive shift of U.S. capital to cheaper labor in China has provoked large-scale
unemployment in the Mexican border towns. The so-called "reciprocal benefits" of
"integration" are glaringingly absent. U.S. dumping of corn and other agricultural
commodities has devastated Mexican farmers and peasants. The U.S. takeover of all
sectors of Mexican economy (finance, telecommunications, services, etc.) Has led to
massive outflows of profits and royalty payments. In foreign affairs, Washington's
influence has never been greater, as Castaneda crudely mouths the policies of the
U.S. Defense Department and CIA - declaring unconditional support for the U.S.
policy in Afghanistan and any future military interventions, and grossly intervening
in Cuban internal politics and provoking the worst incident in Cuban-Mexican
diplomatic relations in recent history. Castaneda's crude anti-Cuban interventions
on behalf of Washington backfired, with the great majority of the Mexican political
class calling for his censure or resignation. Yet, it is clear that the mere
presence of such a unabashed promoter of U.S. policy like Castaneda in the Fox
Administration is indicative of Washington's aggressive conquest of space in the
Mexican political system. The powerful presence of US MNC, banks and numerous
regional and local client politicians facilitates the re-colonization of Mexico -
against an increasingly restive and impoverished labor force.
In Brazil, the U.S. has been active in both the political and economic sphere: its
backing of Cardoso produced unprecedented results, the virtual sell-off of the
principle public telecommunications, financial, natural resource, and commercial
sectors. More significantly the linkup between U.S. and European capital and
Brazilian media empires and big business sectors has had a powerful influence on the
political class and on shaping electoral politics. This power bloc has succeeded in
turning center-left electoral politicians to the right in order to secure the media
access and financial support to win national elections. U.S. hegemony over Brazil is
a political process. Influence moves through local and regional power brokers and
national media monopolies. The U.S. offensive's most recent "conquest" is the
leadership of the so-called Worker's Party and in particular its Presidential
candidate Inacio Lula da Silva. In response to the U.S. offensive, Lula selected a
millionaire textile magnate from the right-wing Liberal Party as his Vice
Presidential candidate. He has tried to ingratiate himself by seeking a meeting with
Kissinger, declared loyalty to the IMF and pledged to honor the foreign debt, the
privatized industries, etc. The right turn of Lula and the Workers Party means that
all major electoral parties remain within the U.S. orbit and guarantee uncontested
U.S. hegemony over the political class.
In summary the U.S. imperial offensive has adopted a variety of tactics and
approaches in different countries in a variety of politico-military contexts. While
giving greater primacy to military intervention and military coups (always with some
sort of civilian facade) in countries (Columbia, Venezuela) Washington continues to
instrumentalize its political and diplomatic clients and "turn" its political
The strategic goal of constructing a neo-mercantilist empire faces a great variety
of political, social and military obstacles, particularly evident in Columbia,
Venezuela and Argentina. In other words the imperial projection of power is far from
realization, it is enmeshed in a series of conflictual relations and in a context
where the past socio-economic failures of the empire, do not create a favorable
terrain for easy advance, or provide any justification for assuming an inevitable
victory. On the contrary, the current imperial offensive is in part the result of
severe setbacks in recent years and the growth of opponents among previous
supporters in the middle class in some countries.
The Decline of Empire: The Basis of the Imperial Offensive
The U.S. politico-military offensive in Latin America is part of a worldwide
campaign to reverse a deterioration of political influence and economic dominance
and to extend and consolidate its imperial power via a combination of military bases
and client political regimes. Beginning on October 7 (2001) with the massive
bombing, and subsequent occupation of Afghanistan, Washington proceeded to establish
a puppet regime, completely dependent on U.S. military power. Satellite building
extended to Central Asia, where Washington abruptly brushed aside the Russian links
and established military bases and client-patron relations with the regimes. Similar
processes of military interventions, base occupations and patron-client relations
were established with rulers in the Philippines, Yemen and Georgia. In Latin America
prior to October 7, 2001, U.S. already had established military bases in Ecuador,
Peru, Aruba, El Salvador and Northern Brazil. More significantly the location of the
new bases was accompanied by extensive and direct operational role in financing,
training and directing the counter-insurgency operations of the Colombian military
and paramilitary forces fighting the popular insurgency.
Two points are important to note. First, part of this expansion of U.S. power is
directed to counter the advances of popular movements and anti-imperialist regimes.
Secondly, the offensive seeks not only to regain lost influence, but to establish
new strategic centers of power in order to impose an unchallenged worldwide empire.
In the case of Latin America, both processes are underway: a concerted imperial
effort to defeat popular challenges to imperial rule and to establish a more
exclusive, exploitative and repressive neo-mercantile empire than existed during the
so-called "neo-liberal" period.
The immediate purpose of the U.S. military political offensive in Latin America is
to regain dominance in a region where its client regimes are discredited and
weakening and where the imperial multi-lateral economic institutions are losing
their capacity to control macro-economic policy due to mass opposition.
Essentially a long-term U.S. military presence has a political purpose - to prop up
discredited regimes, to replace weak client regimes with more authoritarian civil
military juntas and to overthrow independent national governments which refuse to
follow Washington's policies.
That U.S. client regimes are weakening is evident in the failed liberal economic
model, the vertical decline in popularity registered in the public opinion polls,
the escalating flight of local capital and most important, in come countries, the
increasing belligerency of robust mass popular movements directed at challenging
regime authority - if not state power.
The most powerful and organized challenge to the satellite building project of the
empire is in Colombia. Popular opposition to the civil-military regime is found in a
powerful multi-sectoral agricultural movement (including farmers, peasants and rural
workers), prejudiced by cuts in Government credits, its open door toward cheap U.S.
food imports and the low price of its export commodities. The opposition included
militant trade union struggles particularly of the oil, public employee, and
agricultural and industrial unions. Thirdly the most significant opposition is
found in the most powerful and well-organized guerrilla movement in recent Latin
American history. The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the smaller
National Liberation Army (ELN) include over 20,000 combatants. The main thrust of
the counter-insurgency experts is to direct the para-military death squads to
forcibly evict hundreds of thousands of peasants, sympathetic to the guerrillas,
from the countryside and to assassinate progressive urban slum dwellers, student
activists, human rights workers and trade union leaders. The paramilitary forces
violence is directed at isolating the guerrillas from their natural mass base - and
source of food and recruits in order to allow the Armed Forces to engage the
guerrillas directly.
The scope and depth of military violence - 40,000 civilians killed in the 1990’s-
suggests the degree to which the guerrillas were and are deeply rooted among the
working and peasant population. The guerrillas control or are influential in half of
the rural municipalities of the country and have not suffered any significant
defeats, despite frequent military "extermination campaigns." On the contrary, the
guerrillas are active less than fifty miles from the capital Bogota, control major
highways and dominate a vast swathe of the countryside. While engaged in mobile,
rather than positional warfare, the insurgents have, in effect established a system
of dual power in several regions of the country. Moreover, the insurgents have
advantages in knowledge of terrain, proximity to local people and a strategically
superior leadership that more than compensates for the technological and numerical
superiority of U.S. directed mostly conscript army.
The massive infusion of U.S. arms and officials is directed toward bolstering the
regime and preventing its deterioration or collapse, in the face of the two year
recession, the civil discontent and the guerrilla onslaught.
In Venezuela the Chavez regime has challenged U.S. foreign policy in several vital
regions: (1) in the Middle East, the Gulf State and North Africa. The Chavez
government strengthened OPEC, visited Iraq, Iran and Libya, thus breaking the U.S.
boycott (2); South Asia, Chavez opposed the U.S. military intervention (the
"response to terror is not more terror"); in Latin America he opposed Plan Colombia
and the U.S.counter-insurgency military strategy, banned U.S. overflights by spy
planes of Venezuela airspace, rejected immediate implementation of FTAA, developed
close ties with Cuba and offered to mediate the dispute between the guerrillas and
the regime in Colombia. In more general terms Chavez has strengthened OPEC and
revitalized its decision-making capacity and above all Chavez refused to submit to
the Bush-Rumsfeld crusade to establish world dominance. The latter position led the
U.S. to temporarily withdraw its Ambassador and to send a high delegation of State
Department officials to threaten Chavez in a style more reminiscent of the mafia
than career diplomats. Chavez's independent foreign policy is a sharp reversal from
the previous corrupt client regimes which echoed U.S. international policy.
The third country which has witnessed a sharp decline in U.S. influence is
Argentina. The collapse of the De La Rua regime and its entourage of ministers, in
the tow of foreign bankers and Euro-U.S. controlled multi-lateral banks started
bells ringing in Washington. The installation of the Duhalde clique and his
concessions to Washington and the IMF has not pacified Washington because his regime
is perceived to be unstable and unable to effectively put an end to mass
mobilizations. The most significant political fact is the vast majority of the
middle class has turned against neo-liberalism and its overseas promoters, and
reject all local politicians associated with them. Unlike the 1976 coup, in which
the U.S. and the Generals, were able to blame the Left for the "disorder" and
"violence", in 2002 it is the pro-U.S. liberal right-wing regimes which confiscated
middle class savings, lowering living standards and violently repressed middle class
assemblies and pot-banging marches. A U.S. backed civic military coup would take
place in a political vacuum with virtually no social basis of support and dependent
exclusively on violent repression against the entirety of civil society
organizations. The absolute political discredit of U.S. client politicians like ex-
President Menem, and ex-Minister (Minister for 15 days) Murphy and the genocidal
military commanders, means that Washington faces a most unfavorable correlation of
socio-political forces, now or in the immediate future. In this context Washington's
most probably strategies will be to call on Duhalde to take even more severe
repressive measures as a means of demobilizing opposition>in order to comply with
the conditions of foreign bankers, with the promise of new IMF loans. Another
possible scenario would be new elections in which a new version of a center-Left
coalition comes to power, and Washington resorts to a strategy of political
attrition - undermining investments, loans, etc. in order to provoke discontent in
order to launch the military coup in a context of chaos and failed policies.
In this context a race is taking place, between the mass movements and Washington,
to see who can fill the space of the disintegrating civilian right. The U.S. has
the arms of the state but not the social base. The mass movements have popular
support but no organized national leadership in a position to bid for state power.
Colombia, Venezuela and Argentina clearly express the centers of declining U.S.
influence and power. However alternative forces are advancing in several other
Latin American countries. There are clear signs that client regimes in Paraguay
(Macchi), Bolivia (Quiroga), Ecuador (Noboa), Peru (Toledo) are discredited and have
little public support in implementing Washington's agenda. Moreover, there are
powerful multi-sectoral mass movements in the first three of the above countries
which have demonstrated their capacity for direct-action in blocking some of the
most retrograde legislation. While these movements are powerful, their strength
resides in particular regions and social classes (peasants) and they are prone to
negotiate limited agreements (never implemented by the regime - thus precipitating a
new round of mobilizations and confrontations).
Analyzing Washington's political influence in Brazil is very complex. On the one
hand the center-right pro-U.S., Cardoso regime has lost much of its public support -
except among the overseas bankers and local elites - thus weakening U.S. hegemony.
On the other hand the Left has been severely weakened by the right-turn of the
leadership of the Workers Party and its Presidential candidate Inacio Lula Da Silva.
Their alliance with the right-wing Liberal Party and then embrace of most of the
neo-liberal agenda, provides the U.S. with a win-win situation. The right turn will
alienate many rank and file WP voters and perhaps split the Party, causing>it to
lose the election. Or if the improbable result is a WP Liberal victory, the policy
consequences will not affect basic U.S. interests. The incognito is the extent to
which the WP right turn will result in a re-groupment of the Left - in which the
powerful social movements (Landless Workers, small farmers, urban and housing
movements) the radical leftist parties (PSTU, PcdoB, etc.) and the left dissidents
of the Workers Party can join forces. Independently of the electoral parties, there
is a powerful and growing current of nationalist and anti-imperialist opinion, which
is strongly opposed to the FTAA and the economic policies promoted by the U.S. and
Europe which have led to a decade of to economic stagnation. Moreover, the Brazilian
military is not a reliable ally of the Pentagon, as there is a strong, historically
rooted, nationalist current which may resist further U.S. intervention.
In summary, it would be a mistake to attribute the current U.S. military-political
offensive exclusively to global factors. The U.S. counter-offensive predates 9/11
and 10/7 - Plan Columbia began almost 2 years earlier. The imperial offensive in
Latin America certainly received a greater ideological and military impetus from the
events in the last half of 2001, but equally important was the advance of the
popular movements, and the extension of anti-imperialist, anti-liberal sentiment to
substantial sectors of the middle class in some of the major countries. The complex
inter-action of declining influence in Latin America and in the Gulf states,
combined with the competition from Europe has dramatically changed Washington's
conception of empire.
The New Imperialism: From Neo-Liberalism to Neo-Mercantilism
The "failed regimes" within the U.S. neo-liberal empire in Latin America was
dramatically illustrated in Argentina, but is pervasive everywhere. Neo-liberalism,
as an imperial strategy for capturing control over markets, national enterprises and
natural resource, seems to be reaching its end point. This does not mean the end of
imperialism. What is taking place is a greater degree of imperial state control over
the economies and circuits of capital and commodities. Washington's FTAA is
precisely a blueprint of a neo-mercantilist empire, in which the U.S. establishes
the legal framework for consolidating a privileged position in Latin American
markets and economy over and against its European/Japanese competitors.
Neo-mercantilist empires are essentially based on unilateral state decisions
(rejecting consultation) and military supremacy, both designed to impose policies on
international, regional and national competitors. Given the weakness of the neo-
liberal client-states in containing popular insurgency, the neo-mercantilist
imperial state opts for greater use of force and the militarization of politics.
Against the economic gains in Latin America of its European allies the new
mercantilism seeks to limit future losses by tying Latin America closer to the U.S.
The transition from neo-liberal to a neo-mercantilist empire is not an abrupt shift,
the new imperialism still carries many of the characteristics of the past: the U.S.
still imports far more commodities then it did 30 years ago, and it will continue to
be import dependent into the foreseeable future. But increasingly Washington is
moving toward import controls, quotas and tariffs to protect non-competitive local
industries, from steel, to shrimps.
Secondly, many U.S. exports have been subsidized and protection has to some degree
always existed, even at the height of the neo-liberal empire. The real question is
the degree and, more important the direction of state subsidized trade. The U.S. has
vastly increased its agricultural subsidies, and because of the over-valued dollar
moved to impose steel tariffs costing overseas exporters nearly 10 billion dollars
in lost revenues. Europe will retaliate - the Latin American clients will not -
especially those committed to FTAA.
Thirdly, as the U.S. moves to a state directed trade and investment empire in Latin
America it will retain its neo-liberal rhetoric while implementing its statist
strategy, thus disorienting superficial commentators. Several factors lead to a
coincidence between neo-mercantilism and increased militarization. First of all, the
blatant asymmetry of trade relations - the U.S. protects and subsides its industry
but demands "free trade" for Latin America - leads to trade imbalances etc., which
can only be enforced and sustained by force. Secondly, neo-mercantilism degrades and
alienates sectors of the local middle class, farmers and urban business thus
narrowing the political base of its local client regime. Thirdly, the increased role
of the imperial state, directly politicizes opposition to the state. Fourthly, neo-
mercantilism undermines local employment in industries and public sector social
services, swelling the ranks of the un- and under-employed and enlarging the base
for mass direct action. Fifthly, the imperial state's pressure on client states to
meet foreign debt payments, eliminates most revenue to finance local social services
or capital projects, undermining professional employment and infrastructure
development. In summary, the transition to neo-mercantilist economy requires greater
exploitation and domination. The global "anti-terrorist" ideology used to justify
greater U.S. militarization in Latin America is a propaganda ploy: the economic
basis for militarization are rooted in the transition to the new imperialism.
The U.S. Offensive: Impact on the Left
The current U.S. imperial offensive has had a differential impact on Left formations
in Latin America. In general, we can say that the electoral parties have bent to the
right and the socio-political movements have been radicalized. The offensive has not
only affected political alignments and strategies but also economic programs.
Let us start with the negative side – those sectors of the Left which, as a result
of U.S. intervention, threats, pressure and propaganda have moved to the right. The
two most prominent cases are the Sandinista Party (FSLN) in Nicaragua and the
Workers Party in Brazil. In both cases there was a gradual shift to the center over
the past decade. In the Presidential election in Nicaragua in 2001 Daniel Ortega
chose a neo-liberal vice presidential candidate and after 9/11 endorsed the U.S.
bombing of Afghanistan, its worldwide military offensive, the FTAA, payment of the
foreign debt and orthodox neo-liberal policies. To no avail: Washington and the U.S.
ambassador intervened in the election favoring the conventional liberal candidate
and issued threats to the electorate if it voted for the recycled guerilla turned
liberal. Ortega lost the election alienating militants and the Left, without
securing the support of the business elite. In Brazil, the Workers Party leadership
has evolved from a socialist to social democratic and more recently, neo-liberal
program. While the Party still has a strong minority of left-social democrats and a
contingent of Marxist intellectuals, its present orientation is to move to the
center-right in securing alliances with the conservative Liberal Party and the PMDB
(the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party). As the party leaders moves to the right,
the titular leader, Lula, assumes more of the characteristics of an authoritarian
caudillo - more interested in winning positions of power than in reforming or
changing the socio-economic system. Lula and his cohort in the leadership have taken
both symbolic and substantive measures to ensure Washington of their willingness to
be obedient clients: they promise to guarantee debt payments, defend the privatized
enterprises, and encourage U.S. foreign investors. On the symbolic-substantive level
Lula's selection of a millionaire textile mogul, hostile to militant trade unions,
homosexuals and the Landless Workers Movement (MST) and favorable to the FTAA
suggests that the PT is still moving...to the right. Lula praised Kissinger, arch-
proponent of imperial wars and the WTO, during his recent visit to Sao Paulo. Lula
has visited Washington to assure the White House of his full support for its global
"anti-terrorist" campaign. The PT's more accentuated move to the right after 9/11
suggests that, Washington's pressure accelerated a process which was already in
place as a result of internal party politics. In Mexico, the PRD's vote in favor of
legislation (along with the two other major rightist parties) prejudicing the
Zapatista-led Indian communities - in fact, all indian communities - is indicative
of the conciliatory policies of the current leadership. The refusal of the current
Party leader to denounce the Mexican foreign minister's provocative pronouncements
and actions against Cuba is indicative, that some sectors of the PRD may be
competing with the PAN to be Washington's favorite client in the Mexican Senate.
In summary, the U.S. offensive has had a significant impact in pushing most center-
left electoral parties to the right. In most cases however, this right turn was
already under way - the pressure mostly accelerated the process and perhaps pushed
these parties much further right than was anticipated.
In contrast the U.S. politico-military offensive and the big push to impose FTAA has
increased the scope, depth and radicalization of many of the region's socio-
political movements.
In Colombia U.S. pressure to break off the peace negotiations and militarize the
neutral zone has led to a major successful counter-offensive by the guerrillas,
closer collaboration between the FARC and the ELN and a sharp deterioration of the
economy - including petroleum flows, power, energy and water supplies - due to
guerrilla attacks. Moreover under conditions of warfare and class confrontation, the
programmatic demands of the insurgency are likely to radicalize. At least in the
first phase the U.S.-Colombian offensive has led to several tactical defeats and,
outside of capturing a few isolated towns in the demilitarized zone, it has led to
significant losses among the U.S.-Colombian military sponsored paramilitary death
In Argentina, Duhalde's attempt to pacify the U.S. on debt payments, offering a a
vote against Cuba, IMF compliance, etc. - has heightened opposition and radicalized
demands. The former disparate opposition groups and classes are increasingly
coalescing into an effective coalition. National unity meetings are attended by
thousands and the pot-banging demonstrations by the middle class continue in tandem
with major road blockages by the unemployed. The economy continues to sink toward
double digit negative growth. The mass of the middle class with their funds still
confiscated are aware that the U.S. and European bankers and their Argentine clients
were able to send to the U.S., Europe and Uruguay close to $40 billion before their
bank accounts were frozen. The result is a powerful and conscious rejection of the
existing political class. The U.S. offensive has had the effect of isolating its
political clients. It has had no effect in dampening or neutralizing the popular
upsurge. While the Duhalde regime backs the U.S. offensive, it is socially impotent
and politically isolated, unable to implement any significant policies. More
significantly Washington does not posses stable interlocutors in the presidential
mansion - the Duhalde regime may not last out its term.
In Venezuela the U.S. offensive has successfully mobilized the business elite
(FEDECAMARAS), religious hierarchy, ad the trade union bosses in large-scale
demonstrations with the hope of provoking a military coup and the replacement of
Chavez by a loyal client. On the other hand Chavez has responded by encouraging mass
mobilizations by his supporters among the urban poor and dissident trade unionists.
He also retains the loyalty of the Army commanders. U.S. intervention has
radicalized Chavez speeches and he has given signals that he may introduce more
substantive socio-economic changes favoring the poor.
The confrontations are leading to a greater social polarization between the rich
upper class and affluent middle class on the one hand and the impoverished middle
class and urban and rural poor on the other. Washington's offensive has polarized
the country and radicalized the political and social demands on both sides: the
business and wealthy classes are openly supporting a military solution to reimpose a
client regime reversing Chavez independent foreign policy; the poor are calling on
Chavez to take the gloves off in his treatment of the foreign directed opposition
and to implement a radical re-distributive program. Chavez, so far is maintaining an
increasingly untenable "middle ground" - resisting the right attempting to overthrow
him, calling on mass mobilizations to support the constitutional regime, maintaining
his independent foreign policy but without clearly embarking on a clearly delineated
social transformative process.
In Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, the U.S. has secured the endorsement
of its worldwide offensive from the client regimes. But in the process, the regimes
themselves are increasingly isolated and ineffective instruments of U.S. policy
within Latin America. Moreover, below the regime level, there is little support for
any U.S. military campaign which supports the killer economic policies and relies on
the oppressive military forces which have a long history of massacring popular
Washington does secure favorable international alignments among most of the regimes
in international forums by threats and vote buying but it has lost ideological
hegemony throughout the region, except in some elite intellectual circles and among
conformist NGOs.
In contrast the road blockages multiply - from the highways of Patagonia to the
country roads in Bolivia, to the jungles of Colombia: "they" do not pass. The U.S.
secures the pledges of the peon Presidents but increasingly the presidential palaces
and Congressional buildings are encircled by protestors, while the smell of burning
tires filters through the barb wire and past the grim faces of heavily armed
soldiers. The U.S. offensive has intimidated or co-opted opportunist politicians
precisely at the moment in which the mass electorate is abandoning them.
It is clear that we are entering a period of a U.S. political-military offensive,
military coups (or attempted coups) mass direct action, political polarization and
new forms of social representation. There are no uniform results - the gains and
losses resulting from the U.S. offensive cannot be measured by counting the votes of
presidents and the assent of loyal generals. The advancing social movements and
popular insurgency have unmasked the imperial plunder and have toppled client
regimes but consequential political outcomes are still to come.
The social conflicts and military engagements take place on a continent-wide basis;
client presidents rise and fall, new replacements are imposed. Movements and
parties grow and then face decisive challenges: to compromise or go for power. The
failures and limitations of reformist programs has once again put socialism on the
A new generation has emerged which did not experience the political defeats and
terror of the 1960s and 1970s, but certainly has experienced the hunger, poverty,
unemployment and political corruption of the 1990s. None of the emerging militant
movements or popular insurgencies has experienced a historical defeat in this
decade. The movements, with temporary ups and downs, are still on an upward
trajectory. However, no outcome is inevitable or predetermined: conscious
organization, political clarity, and audacious human intervention is necessary to
counter the current imperial offensive and to turn it into a historic defeat and
beyond that into a successful socialist revolution.
Del mismo autor
- ALCA = Gaiola de Ferro 07/12/2002
- El ALCA forma parte de la estrategia imperial 05/11/2002
- La contraofensiva imperialista 11/04/2002
- A ofensiva dos EUA na América Latina: golpes, retirada e radicalização 04/04/2002
- Antiglobalización, militarismo y lamebotismo 27/03/2002
- Anti-globalization, militarism and lamabotism 26/03/2002
- U.S. Offensive in Latin America: Golpes, Retreat and Radicalization 08/03/2002
- Los atentados, ¿obra de Al Qaeda? 03/03/2002
- Left intellectuals and the desperate search for respectability 07/11/2000
- Israel, domestic lobbies and the U.S. elections 31/10/2000