July: Guanajuato, the seventh stele (The PAN and the Mexico of Change, Part II:
- Opinión
The problem with privatizing the Nation's History is that it's being
done by absolute "heretics" - which is what the right-made-government
calls the rebels.
If you want to be picked by a "headhunter," you have to be an
imbecile with initiative.)
Now, in the second half of the year, it is the gaze which goes
first. The hand follows behind, in order to accompany JULY and thus
walk one word: GUANAJUATO.
Guanajuato. More than 4 and a half million inhabitants, of whom more
than 10,000 are indigenous (according to INEGI figures from 2000):
Chichimecas, Otomís, Mazahuas, Nahuas and Purépechas.
Trilling a song by José Alfredo, the cloud-stone enters these lands
which saw the birth of the war for Mexican Independence against the
Spanish Crown, and which today are the experimental fields for the
National policy being promoted by that ill-matched marriage which
governs the country (I am referring to the PAN-Fox relationship,
don't jump to conclusions).
The rates of poverty in Guanajuato are not very different from those
in the other states. According to the 2000 census, 54.01% of the
population is existing below the standards for moderate poverty, and
22.79% are in absolute poverty, that is, 76.80% of the population is
poor. 47.29% of workers are surviving with less than two minimum
wage salaries. At the top of the pyramid, 3.53% of the population is
enjoying more than 10 minimum wage salaries. The average number of
school years completed is 6.6, below that of the already low national
average of 7.7. At the college level, the situation is even more
pathetic, with just 3.72% of men, and 3.31% of women, going on to
higher education, a lower percentage compared, once again, with the
already low national averages of 5.78 and 5.95. In the arena of
benefits, the situation is critical: 76.31% receive no benefits,
82.59% do not have medical coverage and 79.30% do not receive
seasonal adjustments.
The poorest municipalities are where the majority of the indigenous
communities are located. To give one example, there are 11,323
people living in Xichú. Of these, 25.73% are illiterate; 59% of the
population over the age of 15 has not completed elementary school,
and 65.75% of houses do not have plumbing.
In the rural environment and in the neighborhoods outside the cities,
people are living in deplorable conditions. They lack housing and
the most minimal of services. We have the case of León, which has
about 200 marginalized developments. There is a similar situation in
Celaya and Irapuato. Unemployment is hitting small and micro-
businesses quite hard, as well as all those sources of employment
where there are frequent job cutbacks. One example is the leather
and shoe industry in León, which is the primary source of work, and
which has been in decline due to the importation of shoes, mostly
from China.
These conditions give rise, naturally, to rebellion. In order to
confront that rebellion, a "zero tolerance" program was implemented
in the state in 2002, which brought together 9 police forces, and
resulted in violations being committed against the citizenry. In
León, young punks, graffiti artists, skaters and others mobilized in
peaceful protests, and they were met with brutal reprisals from the
police in July of last year. There were also protests in Celaya
against the program, which detains young people, bringing them before
the authorities just because of how they dress.
Guanajuato. Cradle of Independence.
Eager to learn history, the cloud alights above San Miguel de
Allende, right on the tip of the cathedral which, it is said, a
Mexican builder constructed by copying a postcard of the gothic
cathedral in Cologne, Germany. Astonished, the cloud makes itself
into stone and discovers, rolling, that, on September 20, 1810,
Miguel Hidalgo and his troops camped...in the lobby of the Hotel Real
de Minas! Traveling the streets, it finds out that the house where
Bustamente was born is a Serfin Bank branch, Ignacio Allende's house
is a movie theatre, and the house where the insurgents of that time
conspired is now privately owned, and ice cream is being sold there.
There is a photo on the wall there, which shows Vicente Fox next to
Dolphy Ice Cream's foreign owner. Under the soil of this foreign
shop, the Independence of Mexico was plotted. Here, in San Miguel de
Allende, the first ayuntamiento of Independent Mexico was
constituted: today it has a population of more than 5000 North
In the street, the wind is playing with a newspaper. It stops for a
moment and manages to read:
"We know of and about business, we know what investors need. We are
going to make sure that they have security and certainty...We'll be a
democratic government and one committed to business (This is a new
and resonant definition of the Republic, upon my Sic). A government
which, unlike the previous one (Sic which clings to its last weeks of
life) knows that it is business, and not government, which make jobs
and economic growth" (A novel opinion which takes the last raison
d'être away from the workers, campesinos, State businesses and other
minute details). President-elect Vicente Fox, to French businessmen.
J. M. Venegas, La Jornada, 10/3/2000. (in "Por mi madre,
Bohemios," Monsiváis, Carlos and Villamil, Jenaro).
"We can work together to create the next success story in the world.
Be a go-getter, think differently...come see us in order to do
business in the new Mexico." President-elect Vicente Fox, to a group
of Global Fortune businesspersons. Article by Juan Manuel Venegas,
La Jornada, 10/13/2000 (In "Por mi madre, Bohemios").
This is the PAN's and Vicente Fox's political program: turn the
Mexican nation and its history into a business with franchises and
seasonal discounts.
Just a minute! Aren't the PAN and Vicente Fox fighting? Hasn't there
been a confrontation between Fox and La Coyota? Yes and no.
Journalist Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, of La Jornada - during PAN's
internal elections for choosing their president (in early 2002, Luis
Felipe Bravo Mena won) - conducted a study of this party (cfr
Masiosare, La Jornada supplement in February-March of that year).
The conclusions of the analysis revealed something quite fundamental:
"There is no ideological dispute in the PAN. The different groups
which make up that party share the same economic, political, social
and cultural program. They are divided by political and economic
Not only that: Soledad Loaeza, a researcher from the College of
Mexico and National Action Party specialist, stated: "The majority of
cabinet officials were chosen for their relationships with the
religious organizations which make up part of President Fox's elite.
Others were chosen by high ranking executives' election offices
(which are, of course, condemned). These persons are not identified
with the federal government, nor with the PAN. I have the
impression," she went on, "that the Legionnaires of Christ and Opus
Dei are religious orders which are very influential in the cabinet at
the present time. They are very powerful networks within the
government, and they are outside party control. And that irritates
PANistas. They are pressure groups which have been able to establish
themselves in the government in a very effective manner." Further on,
she noted: "The fact that the recruitment of officials is not done
through the PAN, but is a matter for these religious networks, I
believe that is a factor which creates difficulties with
relationships with the party. These religious groups, who have
incredible strength, have replaced meritocracy inside the
government." (Ramírez Cuevas, J. op. cit.).
If this is so, then the fight between Fox and La Coyota is, in
reality, a fight between the most reactionary sectors of the Catholic
church, on the one hand, and drug trafficking on the other.
La Coyota's gang has a twofold interest in this fight. In addition
to attaining better positions (and advantages for their "clients"),
the PAN is desperately trying to see to it that Fox's drop in
popularity does not drag them down in the next federal election (one
year after that July 2 of the "change," PAN has lost a million
votes). As if National Action were lacking in "arguments" (in the
guise of deputies, senators, municipal presidents, governors and
secretaries of state) for convincing electors to vote NO for that
Hmm. The Catholic right. Comprehensive Human Development and
Citizens Action (DHIAC), one of Opus Dei's tentacles, has "snuck"
persons like Luis Felipe Bravo Mena (one of La Coyota's peons and
president of National Action) into PAN. And the Legionnaires of
Christ, that of the pedophile Maciel, are even higher up, close, very
close, to Vicente Fox.
The Catholic right's eagerness to get their hands on Power is nothing
new. It had been kept under control previously by a principle of the
Republic: the Secular State. But, like many other principles, the
secularism of the Mexican State has become nothing but a joke.
"In the Fama II development, of the PAN ayuntamiento Santa Catarina,
a public plaza was baptized (in the full meaning of the term) with
the name Sacred Heart...In the municipality of Bustamente, Nuevo
León, the PAN mayor decided that, instead of a statue of Juárez,
there should be a sculpture of the Archangel Michael in the main
plaza, and it was inaugurated by the governor. The mayor of
Bustamente, Jorge Santos Gutiérrez, believed that everyone who was
against the Archangel Michael being placed there instead of Juárez,
should be arrested..." In El Diario de Monterrey, 9/8/2000. (In "Por
mi madre, Bohemios").
"- The PAN would accommodate conservative groups?"
"- There's no room for them here. This isn't a corporatist party
(How good that he clarifies the matter. The Ed.) It's a party of
citizens who respect its statutes and guidelines."
"- But those groups, aren't they achieving a greater presence?"
"- We have very strong institution here. What happens in other
organizations doesn't matter to us (Including, just imagine, we
didn't even know about the existence of the PRI until a few days ago.
The helpful Ed.). There are no groups here. What happens in the PAN
is that it's men of good faith (the women are the malevolent ones.
The Ed.) who join. Opus Dei and the Legionnaires of Christ have
another purpose in life. They're not a political party! (Their other
purpose is that vow of poverty? The ignorant Ed.)
"- Isn't it the moment for National Action to distance itself from
those groups?"
"- And what am I doing right now! Saying that the PAN is one thing
and those groups are another thing. (Or that they're not the same?
The Ed.)."
"- Then the National Action party distances itself?"
"- We are not distancing ourselves. We are a political party of
citizens, not of corporations. (The Ed. recalls the distancing of a
moment ago, and distances himself from his memory). If they're going
to tell me that some persons in PAN are part of Opus Dei, then yes,
those are decisions which are outside the realm, because someone has
the right to engage in those matters which concern him, but here, in
National Action, we have a political doctrine, some guidelines which
are respected and fulfilled." (Not wanting to bother you, but
wouldn't it have been easier to answer a question, the previous one?)
Jorge Ocejo Moreno, Secretary General of the PAN. La Jornada,
8/31/2000 (in "Por mi madre, Bohemios").
"Some people"? Take a look at the cabinet (or at its statements,
which would be funny if it were not the government), and at the
bellicosity of those groups which shine with stupidity, that is, with
their right-wing views. In addition to Señora Marta Sahagún de Fox
(the same one who, still being spokesperson, stated that they are not
going to allow non-impunity in Mexico) and to Carlos Abascal (that
Secretary of Labor who gets time off for handing out blessings),
there are other, equally incredible, characters:
Santiago Creel, better known as the "Mexican psychopath" (in honor of
the plot of the movie American Psychopath, which relates the dreams-
realities of a yuppie who is avid for blood). Señor Creel has two
young students in jail, the brothers Cereso, who stand unjustly
accused of the fireworks which were set off at bank branches. These
young persons are in jail only so that "Secretary Armani" (as he is
known on the social pages) can look in the mirror and say "You're so
bad!", and so that he can have better arguments for convincing the
gentlemen of money that he would be a good president.
Julio Frenk, alias "Doctor No." He promoted his candidacy for
directing the World Health Organization with cards stained with the
blood of the dead children in Comitán, Chiapas.
Derbez, alias "Who?" He's in the Department of External Relations
because Jorge Castañeda decided to start his presidential campaign
Josefina Vázquez Mota, also known as the "Merry Widow." She is one of
the best examples that intelligence isn't necessary to be a member of
the cabinet. It gets in the way, in fact (intelligence, not Señora
Vázquez Mota). The Secretary of Social Development, demonstrating
her knowledge of dialect, stated that "poverty and human dignity are
counterposed." And so those Mexicans who are poor and dignified (like
the indigenous) do not exist.
And others which litter the statements, incompetence and stupidity of
Vicente Fox's and the PAN's government program.
What? Are you feeling let down by the government of "change?" Here
are two memory pills (take one upon going to bed and another upon
"The groups with the least income have capital, but it is dead
capital. (Could it be those chickens buried underneath the patios?
The Ed.), capital which is only useful in its physical dimension (Sic
which squanders its symbolic guarantee), capital which cannot be used
as security for loans or as a counterpart of an investment (And so
loans aren't given to laborers? Incredulous Ed.)...6.6 million micro-
businesses - and capital which is 30 times greater than the direct
foreign investment we receive every year in this country - represent
great opportunities for our development as a nation. (And now
there's nothing else needed in order to persuade the great holding
companies to make a little room for the micro-businesses. The tiny
Ed.). If it goes on like this, the assets which the great majority
of Mexican men and women have gone to great effort to accumulate will
continue being put to limited use. They will continue to be dead
capital (What a revelation! So the country is mostly made up of
people with assets but with dead capital. Tycoons swimming in
poverty. The Ed.). I propose reforming the legal system which has
been hostile to the poor, which does not allow them to capitalize and
to participate in the economy, the markets and business." (And so it
is the legal system, the Constitution of the Republic, for starters,
which are the cause of poverty. Then abolish the laws, now).
President-elect (at that time) Vicente Fox. Article by Daniel
Moreno, Reforma, 10/16/2000. (in "Por mi madre, Bohemios)
"(To the Chihuahua teachers who are demanding a salary increase with
the cry of 'Today, today, today!') Today is very difficult!"
President Vicente Fox. La Jornada, 12/14/2000. (in "Por mi madre,
And, lightning fast now, here is another memory pill for El Caribe:
"I know him (Vicente Fox). I spoke with him for seven hours one
morning, about ecology, about the state of Guanajuato. (If we take
as a measure those 15 minutes which it was going to take the
President-elect to resolve Chiapas, that gave him time for
successfully facing 28 serious problems. The Ed.). I'm used to
talking with those on the left and on the right. I haven't done
badly in relations with conservative and leftist governments." Fidel
Castro. El Universal, 10/31/2000. (in "Por mi madre, Bohemios")
(Underlining by the cloud-stone, which always has a tape recorder at
hand now - well, one learns).
"Guanajuato is everything," Medina Plascencia said before losing the
internal elections for the PAN leadership.
If this is so, then "The fight is everything." On the one hand, those
who want to replicate the model of exploitation, repression and
intolerance of Guanajuato throughout the country. And, on the other,
those who resist, and struggle and mobilize, for example, in...
Salamanca. In Salamanca, all the water is polluted with arsenic,
hydrocarbons, benzene, sulfur, mercury, toxaphene, DDT, malathion,
parathion, etc. This water is used for domestic consumption. The
main polluters are Pemex and the Tekchem company. The municipal
government has not implemented a program for bringing in unpolluted
water from other places, and there have been deaths from cancer.
Pemex began the Coraleros Project in order to bring water from the
rural community of Coraleros (some 20 kms. from the city of
Salamanca). The project was not, however, completed, they say
because the funds ran out. Nonetheless, Pemex gave financial support
to the "Adopt a Work of Art" Project. Thanks to this, the former San
Juan convent was restored and turned into the National Center of the
Arts, which was inaugurated by the mini-kings of Spain, Fox, Martita,
the governor and municipal officials, in October of 2002.
The organization Dedication to the Environment and Environmental
Improvement (DAME A.C.) is fighting against the contamination from
companies like Tekchem and against the Zero Tolerance law (if someone
is out and about after 10 at night, they can be picked up if their
clothing isn't in accordance with officials' criteria). On the first
of January, celebrating 9 years of the zapatista uprising and the 400
years since the founding of Salamanca, a woman recounted to an
audience the drama that has been caused by the contamination: women
dead of liver and lung cancer, cancer in the blood and in the skin
(Salamanca has the highest rate of these cancers in the state and
nation), breast cancer and other illnesses, like polyglobulina (an
excessive amount of red corpuscles due to insufficient oxygenation).
Various organizations are working in the design of an environmental
contingency plan for Salamanca and in a course-workshop for first
responders in the event of accidents with chemicals and/or poisons.
Although it seems incredible, Salamanca does not have an
environmental contingency plan, and there are, of course, no doctors
who are familiar with the proper measures which should be followed in
the event of poisonings by some of the products which the industries
make or with which they work.
A meeting was recently held in the neighborhood of La Cruz, which is
across from Tekchem. Officials from the Departments of Social
Development and Ecology and from the Resistol and Tekchem companies
were there in order to present "environmental projects," such as
planting little trees, picking up trash and other cosmetics.
Officials tried to silence the voices of protests, even grabbing the
microphone, but the people questioned them forcefully, causing them
to run away.
In the Roque Ranch (some 6 kms. from Celaya), a movement arose which
had been motivated by the loss of 105 hectares that had been used as
an experimental field for the Agricultural Technological Institute
#33, which had previously been the Roque normal school. This began
on May 15, when a group of campesinos from the area took the land
away from the school in order to sell it. The largest demonstration
took place this February 7, and it included students, teachers,
workers and parents.
Last March, in the city of Leon, Coordinated Youth Against
Authoritarianism began mobilizations against the Zero Tolerance
program. The women of Jococa held a press conference in the
independent theatre, La Floración del Mezquite, and there they read a
document in which they criticized statements by Governor Juan Carlos
Romero Hicks, by Luis Ernesto Ayala, by the Social Development
administrator, Araceli Cabrera, and by businessman Jorge Videgaray
Verdad. They sent a message to all of them: "We don't want you to
give us a hand, we want you to get off our backs. The goal of our
movement isn't to ask for spaces, nor to beg for crumbs in exchange
for silence, but to do away with the abuse of authority, with
repression and with authoritarianism. We ourselves are going to
create the cultural spaces we need, and we are going to denounce and
overcome any obstacles."
There are other organizations in resistance: the Francisco Villa
Salamanca Civic Union, the Guanajuato Movement in Struggle Against
Neoliberalism (Silao), CEDASA and CODHOMAC (Dolores Hidalgo),
Citizens Movement (Celaya), Coordinating Group of Independent Civil
Organizations (Celaya) and Casa Erandi (Acámbaro).
The fight for water is taking place in many municipalities, in some
places because of its scarcity, and in others, like Romita, because
it is being taken away from its residents in order to negotiate it
with industries like the bottling companies of Coca-Cola, Pepsi and
Corona Beer. In June of last year, recognition was withdrawn from
the PAN mayor, and the populace created an autonomous popular
government, which, along with the Environmental Council of the Silao-
Romita Aqueduct, led one of the most important popular movements in
Guanajuato. The looting of water is leaving Romita even worse off
than León, which has reserves in good condition, and which is not
exploiting them. The interests of PAN municipal (Romita, León),
state and federal governments include the interests of the tanning
and shoe industries, among the most prominent being Medina Plascencia
and Fox boots. The water pollution in León caused by industry is
quite serious: let us remember the incident in the Silva dam, the
death of the Canadian and Siberian ducks; the heavy metals and
industrial waste, in addition to the salt which is used in the
tannery, 2000 liters per hide, which is returned to the water unfit
for human consumption.
On June 18, 2002, Governor Romero Hicks ordered reprisals against the
town of Romita. The results? More than 200 persons detained, in
addition to those injured from the use of dogs, gas and helicopters,
with children, women and old persons being badly beaten. They went
into homes in order to gas the populace. On the 22nd, a huge silent
demonstration took place, with more than 4000 Romita residents
repudiating the action. And, as they then say, the struggle
continues. The echo of the Romita cry can still be heard: "Whose
water is it? Romita's!"
And the stone and the cloud lift up in flight, making their way from
Romita, Guanajuato, in order to reach another Rome, in Italy, where
there will be a demonstration against the war on February 15.
From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
Mexico, January of 2003. * Translated by irlandesa
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
Mexico, January of 2003. * Translated by irlandesa
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