Coming: a rerun of the 1930s?
- Opinión
(Talk delivered at meeting of International Council of the World Social Forum,
Bangkok, 13-15 August, 2002.)
This meeting of the WSF International Council is taking place against a background
of what is shaping up as the worst crisis of global capitalism since the Great
Depression seventy years ago. Charting our direction for th e future is greatly
dependent on understanding the nature and dynamics of this crisis.
Two methodological principles guide this discussion. First, never underestimate the
resiliency of capitalism. Second, never underestimate its vulnerability to crisis.
Having said this let me venture that we are entering a crisis that is an
intersection of four crises.
The crisis of legitimacy refers to the increasing inability of the neo-liberal
ideology that underpins today's global capitalism to persuade people of its
necessity and viability as a system of production, exchange and distribution. The
disaster wrought by structural adjustment in Africa and Latin America; the chain
reaction of financial crises in Mexico, Asia, Brazil, and Russia; the descent into
chaos of free-market Argentina; and the combination of massive fraud and
spectacular wiping out of $7 trillion of investors' wealth-a sum that nearly equals
the US's annual GDP-have all eaten away at the credibility of capitalism. The
institutions that serve as global capitalism's system of global economic
governance-the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade
Organization-have been the most negatively affected by this crisis of legitimacy
and thus stand exposed as the weak link in the system.
A sure sign of the profound crisis of legitimacy is when the system loses its best
ideologues. Among the "best and the brightest" who have deserted are Jeffrey Sachs,
author of the "shock treatment" of Eastern Europe in t he early nineties who now
calls for developing countries not to pay their debts; Joseph Stiglitz, former
World Bank chief economist, now the severest critic of the International Monetary
Fund; Jagdish Bhagwati, who coined the term "Wall Street-Treasury Complex" to
describe the interests that brought on the unending stream of global financial
crises since the 1990s; and George Soros, capitalist par excellence who doubles as
the enemy of "market fundamentalism."
Intersecting with the crisis of legitimacy is a crisis of overproduction and
overcapacity that could portend more than an ordinary recession. Profits stopped
growing in the US industrial sector after 1997, a condition cau sed by the massive
overcapacity that had built up throughout the international economic system during
the years of the US boom in the 1990s. The depth of the problem is revealed by the
fact that only 2.5 per cent of the global infrastructure in telecommunications is
currently utilized. Overcapacity has resulted in investment moving from the real
economy to the speculative economy, to the financial sector, a development that was
one of the factors behind the stock market bubble, especially in the technology
sector. Enormous surplus capacity continues as a global condition and thus the
continuing absence of profitability. The global recession is, as a result,
deepening. But precisely because severe imbalances had built up for so long in the
global economy, this recession is likely to be prolonged, it is likely to be
synchronized among the major centers of capitalism, and there is a great chance
that it could turn into something worse, like a global depression.
Running alongside and intersecting with these two crises is a crisis of liberal
democracy, which is the typical mode of governance of capitalist economic regimes.
In places such as the Philippines and Pakistan, popular disillusion with elite
democracies fuelled by money politics is rife among the lower classes and even the
middle class, being in the case of the Pakistan one of the factors that allowed
General Musharraf to seize political power.
Clearly, from Africa to Latin America, the phenomenon of the spread of Washington-
or Westminster-type formal democracies that American political scientist Samuel P.
Huntington called the "third wave of democratization" is over. But the crisis of
legitimacy is not limited to the South. In the United States, there is widespread
popular perception that, owing to massive corporate influence over the two
political parties, plutocracy is now t he US system of governance, not democracy.
Mass disaffection and cynicism have been compounded by the feeling of a vast sector
of the electorate that President George W. Bush stole the 2002 elections and,
thanks to current revelations about his questionable ethics as a businessman, that
he serves mainly as the president of Wall Street rather than of the country.
Despite Washington's current posturing about punishing corporate fraud, the
spectacular developments in Wall Street are perceived as a moral collapse in which
both economic and political elites are implicated. In Europe, there is also much
concern over corporate control of political party finance s, but even more
threatening is the widespread sense that power has been hijacked from elected
national parliaments by unelected, unaccountable Eurobodies such as the European
Commission. Electoral revolts like the Le Pen and Pim Fortuyn phenomena in France
and the Netherlands respectively are manifestations of deep alienation with
technocratic democracy.
The fourth crisis might not be immediately discernible, but it is operative as
well. The recent expansion of US military influence into Afghanistan, the
Philippines, Central Asia and South Asia may communicate strength. Y et, despite
all this movement, the United States has not been able to consolidate victory
anywhere, certainly not in Afghanistan, where anarchy, and not a stable pro-US
regime, reigns. It is arguable that because of the massive disaffection they have
created throughout the Muslim world, the US's politico-military moves, including
its pro-Israel policies, have worsened rather than improved the US strategic
situation in the Middle East, South Asia and Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, even as
Washington is obsessed with terrorism in the Middle East, political rebellions
against neo-liberalism are shaking its Latin American backyard.
Intersecting crises are unfolding even as the movement against anti-corporate
globalization is gaining strength. During the 1990s resistance to neo-liberalism
was widespread throughout the South and the North. In few places, however, were
they able to become a sufficiently critical mass at a national level to decisively
reverse neo-liberal policies. But although they were not a critical mass
nationally, they could become a critical mass globally when they came together at
certain crucial events. This was what happened in Seattle in December 1999, when
massive mobilizations contributed to bringing down the Third Ministerial of the
WTO. The other global confrontations of 2000, from Washington to Chiang Mai to
Prague, also shook the confidence of the establishment. When the World Social Forum
was launched in Porto Alegre in January 2001, with 12,000 people in attendance,
the ideological challenge became a very real threat to global capitalism.
Today, we may be witnessing a second moment in the trajectory of the resistance as
many anti-neo-liberal movements become a critical mass impacting on politics at the
national level. This appears to be the case in Latin America, where espousal of
neo-liberal economic policies is now a surefire path to electoral disaster and
progressive movements have either won electoral power or are on the cusp of power
in Venezuela, Brazil, and Bolivia.
Nevertheless, the crisis does not guarantee ultimate ascendancy for the forces
against neo-liberalism on the left. For the right is also on the move, taking
advantage of the crisis of the neo-liberal establishment to concoct ideological
mixtures of reaction and populism that stoke the deepest fears of the masses. Note,
for instance, the mass resonance of the fascist Le Pen's slogan "Socially I am
left, economically I am right, and politic ally I am for France." With neo-liberal
ideology in retreat, the competition for the disenchanted masses is shaping up as
an apocalyptic contest between the left and the right, though at this point one
cannot definitively discount an ideological comeback by the global establishment.
In short, the immediate future promises a very fluid situation. In this regard, the
Fifth Ministerial of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Cancun, Mexico, in
September 2003, is shaping up as a confrontation between th e old order and its
challengers on the left. Because of its decision-making structure, which is based
on "consensus" among all member-countries, the WTO is the weak link of the global
capitalist system, much as Stalingrad was the weak link in German lines during the
Second World War. For the establishment, the aim is to launch another ambitious
round of trade liberalization in Cancun that would rival the Uruguay Round. For the
opponents, the aim is to reverse globalization by turning Cancun into the
Stalingrad of the globalist project.
In the space of just a decade, global capitalism has passed from triumphalist
celebration of the passing of the socialist states of Eastern Europe to a
fundamental loss of confidence. It is entering a "time of troubles" much like the
second and third decades of the 20th century. Its successful emergence from the
developing crisis is by no means assured.
* Walden Bello, Executive Director, Focus on the Global South.
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