Forestry for a low-carbon future
- Opinión
Foreword ix
Acknowledgements x
Acronyms and abbreviations xi
Executive summary xiii
Key messages xvii
1. Introduction 1
Options for mitigation in the forest sector:
Encouraging a multiple-use perspective 3
About this publication 4
Key messages: overview 7
2. Mitigation in the forest sector 9
Forestry in the climate change framework 9
Mitigation potential in the forest sector 18
Finance options for forest-sector mitigation 26
Key messages: forest-sector mitigation 27
3. Expanding forest and tree cover 29
Mitigation potential of afforestation and reforestation and trees outside forests 29
Economic feasibility 31
Bottlenecks in harnessing potentials 34
Embracing opportunities 37
Key messages: expanding forest and tree cover 39
4. Reducing deforestation and preventing forest loss through REDD+ 41
Mitigation potential of reducing forest loss 41
Economic feasibility 42
Bottlenecks in harnessing potentials 47
Embracing opportunities 47
Key messages: REDD+ 49
5. Changing forest management practices 51
Improved harvesting 51
Rotation length and mitigation 52
Better management of pests and diseases 55
Improving fire management 57
Management of the soil carbon pool 61
Key messages: forest management 67
6. Improving and using wood energy 69
From traditional use to biorefineries 70
Potential of using wood energy for mitigation 72
Economic feasibility 76
Bottlenecks in harnessing potentials 80
Embracing opportunities 82
Key messages: wood energy 85
7. Promoting the use of wood for greener building and furnishing 87
Trends in wood use 88
Mitigation potential of wood use in building and furnishing 91
Bottlenecks in harnessing potentials 94
Embracing opportunities 96
Key messages: wood in green building and furnishing 101
8. How to make it happen 103
Deciding among mitigation options 103
Capitalizing on co-benefits for sustainable development 105
Sustainable wood budget: securing sustainable wood sources for the advancing bioeconomy 110
Financing forest mitigation 114
Key messages: making it happen 122
9. Conclusion 123
References 125
Contributors 147
Expert reviewers 151
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