Mumbai WSF 2004 is open!
- Opinión
A noisy and festive opening ceremony marked the beginning of
the fourth World Social Forum taking place Mumbai, India.
A noisy and festive opening ceremony marked the beginning of
the fourth World Social Forum taking place Mumbai, India. The
WSF have been held in Porto Alegre in Brazil three consecutive
years since the start of the process in 2001. The choice to
make the process travel over the world was implicit from the
beginning, but it is easier said than done. The realities of
most national social movements make it difficult to handle the
task of welcoming the more than 100.000 expected participants,
and also to handle the tricky political process it represents
to mobilise the broadest possible range of the social movement
to come onboard in the process.
The choice of letting the process travel across the globe is
the right one, and the choice of India is challenging and
important. It has given impetus to a strengthened Asian
regional social forum and mobilisation process. It has also
encouraged Indian social movements to get mobilised across
borders. And most importantly maybe - it brings new
perspectives into the Alter-globalisation movement. This is
necessary in order for the alter-globalisation process to be(-
come) truly global. The political emphasis and perspectives
differ depending on the context and challenges faced, and it
is important to integrate this reality into the movement. If
failing to do so, the global movement will risk to cause its
own slow weakening, and no longer be able to provide a space
where diverse movements will find their place to meet and
gather strength.
The opening ceremony on 16 January was a real celebration and
gave visibility to the different parts of the social movement.
It included the arrival of the Dalit march, and parades of
hundreds of different international and Indian groupings. The
Indian women's movement is strong. The fact that 'Patriarchy
and Gender' is one of the 6 main themes in the Mumbai WSF is
one proof of this, and the large presnence of different
women's groups at the opening ceremony showed that women will
take their space in the Forum.
After the festive parades giving visibility to the many
groupings, there was time left for music, and for the
obligatory (?) speeches of course. As one can expect, people
listened with different degrees of attention – many feeling
that speaking to your neighbour from a different political
movement, continent, or province, was just as important as
listening to the 'stars' on stage. After all, the WSF is most
of all just this – an enormous opportunity to meet and share
your struggles, in order to build an ever stronger resistance
to current dominant politics of 'security', war, nationalism,
and oppression of women.
* Malin Björk - Les Pénélopes
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