New enemy wanted

After the new political and military fiasco in Afghanistan, and after such a fortune invested by Washington in the war companies, in the merchants of death, it is urgent to find a new enemy and a new conflict.

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«Your enemy isn’t sitting still… Your mission is ours


Thus, and on the front page, Lockheed Martin, a private company that sells weapons of war (always referring to the «right of defense» and the «national security») advertises in the New York Times, in case there is any other buyer, apart from the government.


50,000,000,000 dollars in search of new enemies.


On December 31, 2021, The Wall Street Journal published an extensive analysis. Only the title begins with a question and ends with the answer: “Who Won in Afghanistan? Private Contractors. The U.S. military spent $14 trillion during two decades of war; those who benefited range from major manufacturers to entrepreneurs.”


After the new political and military fiasco in Afghanistan, and after such a fortune invested by Washington in the war companies, in the merchants of death, it is urgent to find a new enemy and a new conflict.


Before a major adventure with China, the option is clear: continue to violate NATO’s treaties of non-expansion of arms to the East, press Russia to react by deploying its army on the border with Ukraine, and then accuse Russia of trying to invade the neighboring country. Hasn’t this exactly been the history of treaties with Native Americans since the late 18th century? Wasn’t this exactly the order and method of acting on The Wild Frontier? Treaties with other peoples have served to buy time, to consolidate a position (yesterday a Fort, today a base). Once they become a stumbling block for further expansion, they are violated by accusing the other side of aggression or noncompliance.


On the other hand, President Joe Biden needs to regain his flagging popularity. Both the unpopularity of presidents and the massive support they receive after proving their masculinity through international bullying, constitute a long-standing pattern. It would suffice to recall the doubts about the sexuality of President William McKinley, the big press’ call for imperial masculinity and, finally, McKinley himself sending the USS Maine to Havana in 1898, with which the yellow press would invent the “Spanish American war” to steal Cuba from the black rebels who were fighting against Spain.


A win-win business that, judging by the history of the last two hundred years, will be supported by the majority of the American people or by all the powerful on Wall Street, London, and Washington.
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