"Intelligence Asset" Osama bin Laden supports Bush Reelection
- Opinión
The timely release of the Osama tape four days before Americans go to the
voting booths should come as no surprise.
Osama has been a central theme of the election campaign. The Bush
administration has been preparing public opinion for the eventuality of a
terrorist threat prior to the November 2 elections.
Osama tapes have emerged periodically since 9/11 at critical "political
moments". Moreover, since 9/11, there have been six code orange "high
risk" terror alerts. Often associated with these and other terror alerts, a
mysterious Al Qaeda, Osama or Al Zarqawi tape emerges.
The Bush administration has in fact intimated on several occasions that a
terror attack on America could take place prior to the elections. It had
even set in motion formal procedures for canceling the elections in the
case of a terror alert.
(see Bush Administration "Guidelines" for Postponing or Canceling the
November Presidential Elections July
2004 http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO407C.html)
Last Christmas, Sec. Tom Ridge announced that a second 9/11 was imminent:
"the near-term attacks will either rival or exceed the 9/11 attacks".
"You ask, 'Is it serious?' Yes, you bet your life. People don't do that
unless it's a serious situation." (Donald Rumsfeld).
(See Bush's Christmas Terror Alert, 24 December 2003,
What interests does the release of the Osama tape serve?
How does the Osama tape affect the election campaign? How will it affect
the voting and electoral procedures on November 2nd?
Bush desperately needs Osama. In fact both candidates in the presidential
race need Osama. Without Osama, there is no "war on terrorism" and without
the war on terrorism, there is no justification for war and homeland
security, which are central to the election platform of both Bush and
What will Happen on Election Day?
On Saturday the 30th of October, President Bush together with his National
Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, who had accompanied him on the campaign
trail to Columbus, Ohio, held a video conference with senior intelligence
and homeland security officials including Homeland Security Secretary Tom
Ridge, CIA Director Porter Goss and his deputy John McLaughlin. Attorney
General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller as well as White
House Counterterrorism advisor Fran Townsend. were also present at the
video conference.
In the course of the video conference, Bush formally instructed the CIA,
the FBI and Homeland Security to "take all actions that might be
necessary". Essentially, what this implies is that Homeland Security
Secretary Tom Ridge has been given the green light to increase the terror
alert level, in consultation with his FBI and CIA counterparts. Later in
the day, Tom Ridge clarified that he did not see the need for changing the
terror alert level: "there is no specific intelligence that targets
election day, polling places and the like," he said (AP, 30 October
While the administration confirmed that there is "no actionable
intelligence" which would justify increasing the threat level to Orange,
the DHS, sent a memo that same Friday evening (Oct 29) following the
videoconference, to local and state officials warning them that the
administration "cannot discount the possibility that the video may be
intended to promote violence or serve as a signal for an attack." (quoted
in Washington Post, 31 October 2004)
It is worth recalling that New York City, Northern New Jersey and
Washington DC are presently on Orange Code high risk alert (since August
1st), the rest of the country is on yellow. In other words, HSD Sec Tom
Ridge had already set the stage on August 1st, when he raised the terror
alert level in these three selected urban areas. (see our analysis
While the election will no doubt proceed as planned, the Osama statement
will be used to trigger an atmosphere of fear and intimidation on election
day. Moreover, as suggested by Michael Kane in a recent article , several
Election Day 'Terror Drills" held under FEMA and State and Municipal
auspices have already been envisaged.
In other words, the Osama tape will most likely trigger routine police and
security operations under the existing Orange alert in NYC, Washington DC
and northern New Jersey, in accordance with HSD guidelines.
Elsewhere around the country, we can expect various responses an
initiatives by State and municipal police authorities, who have already
been briefed by the HSD. Moreover, despite Tom Ridge's October 30
statement, there is nothing which prevents the HSD from raising the alert
level to Orange in selected cities across the country, in coordination
with the FBI and local police authorities.
In other words, the likely scenario (i.e. hidden agenda) is that the
election will proceed as planned, but in an atmosphere of fear and
The news tabloids are already plastered with "Osama Threatens America"
According to CNN, 'He's sending a message to the American people...America
could be attacked again. ...'. In other words, the threat of an Al Qaeda
attack, will be used to implement road blocks, FBI raids on presumed
terrorists, ethnic profiling and security checks on "suspicious
individuals", intimidation at voting booths, etc.
In fact, this scenario is already underway in the so-called swing states.
Greg Palast has reported on a secret GOP Plan to disrupt voting in Florida,
Other reports suggest that the Florida absentee voting process has already
been rigged. The NAACP reports that plans are underway in several states to
suppress the African-American Vote. Jeb Bush will mobilize State police in
Florida. A similar course could be followed under governor Schwarzenegger
in California.
With regard to the election campaign, the Osama tape has set the stage for
the scripting of Bush's speeches, public appearances and press conferences
in the final days of the campaign trail. It has usefully served to distract
public opinion from the other election issues: jobs, access to health care,
education, women's rights, affirmative action and of course Iraq.
The issue, however, is not whether the Osama tape will favor Bush or Kerry
in the last few days on the campaign trail.
The hidden agenda underlying the Osama videotape is to instill fear and
disrupt the election process, creating an atmosphere which further
facilitates electoral fraud and voting irregularities.
It is the chaos created by the terror threat which the Bush people are
betting on.
Will the military Intervene?
At the same time there is something far more disturbing.
On the 29th of October, coinciding with the release of the Osama tape,
Northern Command Commander Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, was assigned "full
responsibility" in the case of a National emergency or terror attack.
Until the Oct. 1, 2002, activation of U.S. Northern Command, "there was no
single officer the president could put his finger on" to assign the
responsibility for homeland defense and supporting civil authorities in the
event of an attack, a senior U.S. military officer said here today.[October
Today, Air Force Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, NORTHCOM commander, fulfills that
responsibility, noted Air Force Brig. Gen. Lloyd E. Dodd, ...
What the press dispatch of Northern Command dated Oct 29 suggests is that
the guidelines transmitted by President Bush in his videoconference, had
already been sent out, via the Pentagon, to Northern Command in
anticipation of the Osama tape.
(for further details see
Osama Threatens America
In a carefully scripted text, described as "Osama's address to the American
people", bin Laden admits for the first time that he personally ordered the
Sept. 11 attacks:
"We decided to destroy [the WTC] towers in America... God knows that it
had not occurred to our mind to attack the towers, but after our patience
ran out and we saw the injustice and inflexibility of the American-Israeli
alliance toward our people in Palestine and Lebanon, this came to my
Oh American people, my talk to you is about the best way to avoid another
Manhattan, about the war, its causes, and results...
I am amazed at you. Although almost four years have passed since the [11
September] incidents, Bush is still practising distortion and confusion.
He also continues to conceal from you the real reason [for the 11 September
attacks]. Thus, the motives still exist for repeating what happened.
I will speak to you about the reasons behind these incidents. I will
honestly tell you about the minutes in which the decision was made so that
you will consider. I say to you that God knows that the idea of striking
the towers never occurred to us.
Your security is in your own hands
But, after things had gone too far and we saw the injustice of the
US-Israeli alliance against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, I started
thinking of that.
The events that influenced me directly trace back to 1982 and subsequent
events when the United States gave permission to the Israelis to invade
Lebanon, with the aid of the sixth US fleet.
At those difficult moments, many meanings that are hard to describe went on
in my mind. However, these meanings produced an overwhelming feeling to
reject injustice and generated a strong determination to punish the unjust
While I was looking at those destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me
to punish the unjust one in a similar manner by destroying towers in the
United States so that it would feel some of what we felt and to be
deterred from killing our children and women...
We had agreed with the chief amir [leader - of the 11 September hijackers]
Mohammed Atta that he should accomplish all the operations within 20
minutes before Bush and his administration could take notice.
It never occurred to us that the supreme commander of the US armed forces
would leave 50,000 of his citizens in the two towers to face those great
horrors alone, at a time when they needed him badly.
This is because it seemed to him that being preoccupied with the little
child's talk about her goat and its butting was more important than being
preoccupied with the planes and their ramming into the skyscrapers.
This gave with three times the period required for carrying out the
operations, praise be to God.
Your security does not lie in the hands of Kerry, Bush, or al-Qaeda. Your
security is in your own hands. Each and every state that does not tamper
with our security will have automatically assured its own security."
(quoted in BBC, 30 Oct 2004, excerpts, emphasis added)
Is the tape authentic? Why should we be skeptical?
First, the tape sustains the illusion of an "outside enemy", when in fact
it is known and documented that Osama bin Laden is a US sponsored
intelligence asset. Al Qaeda is an instrument of the US intelligence
(see Who is Osama bin Laden, by Michel Chossudovsky, September 2001,
Second, several members of the Bush administration were the architects of
Al Qaeda, going back to Soviet-Afghan war and the Iran Contra scandal.
(See http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO111A.html, see also
http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO308C.html, on Iran Contra see
Third, the whereabouts of Osama are known. Kerry accuses Bush of letting
Bin Laden escape, "As I have said for two years now, when Osama bin Laden
and al-Qaeda were cornered in the mountains of Tora Bora, it was wrong to
outsource the job of capturing them to Afghan warlords," said Kerry on the
campaign trail. Red Herring. One day before the 9/11 attacks, Osama was
hospitalized in a military hospital in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, courtesy of
America's ally, Pakistan. This is confirmed by a CBS News Report with Dan
(See Administration knew the Whereabouts of Osama by Michel Chossudovsky,
16 November 2003 http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO311A.html, See also
The tape has all the appearances of an intelligence operation. The address
is carefully scripted as an "Osama address to the American people". It
contains very explicit references to the 9/11 attacks. It is full of catch
phrases: striking the towers, Manhattan, etc.
In fact the video came replete with an English-language translation and
transcript, when it was sent to Al Jazeera. Who wrote it?
In a TV interview on Larry King Live, veteran (retired) CBS anchorman,
Walter Cronkite, intimated that Bush political strategist Karl Rove was
behind the tape:
"CRONKITE: What we just heard. So now the question is basically right now,
how will this affect the election? And I have a feeling that it could tilt
the election a bit. In fact, I'm a little inclined to think that Karl Rove,
the political manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, he
probably set up bin Laden to this thing...." (CNN, Larry King Live, 29 Oct
Supported by the corporate media, the hidden agenda is to bring Osama to
the forefront of the election campaign. Moreover, it serves to give a face
to the outside enemy in the days leading up to the election.
It distracts from the war in Iraq and the deaths of more than 100,000
civilians.(see http://globalresearch.ca/articles/LAN410A.html)
It upholds the bi-partisan pre-emptive war doctrine.
It prepares public opinion for the post-election period. Irrespective of
who actually wins the election, the war agenda prevails unscathed.
Moreover, the tendency in the US after the elections is towards the
further militarisation of civilian institutions.
Needless to say, with law suits directed against Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney
by the 9/11 families, the tape is also meant to dispel doubts (in an
unconvincing way) that senior Bush officials might have played a behind
the scenes role in the planning of 9/11.
The disinformation campaign is supported by both parties (which integrated
the bipartisan Joint-Senate 9/11 inquiry as well as the 9/11
Both Republicans and Democrats are complicit in the 911 cover-up. They
have accepted not to accuse one another of having links to Al Qaeda. In fact
every single administration since Jimmy Carter has supported and abetted
the Islamic terror network. And Kerry knows all the facts on the links of
the Neocons to Al Qaeda since he himself was actively involved in the
Senate BCCI and Iran-Contra inquiries.
( http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO110A.html See Republicans
accused Clinton of collaborating with bin laden, 1997 Congressional
document, http://globalresearch.ca/articles/DCH109A.html
The Disinformation Campaign. Who is behind it?
The release of the Osama tape must be analyzed in relation to the string
of disinformation operations launched since September 2001.
Underlying these orange code terror alerts, "intelligence" has been
presented by the Bush Administration to the effect that Al Qaeda is
preparing a terror attack on America, that there are "credible" sources
which confirm that the Homeland is threatened.
In assessing the "authenticity" of the October 29 Osama videotape, it is
important to understand the pattern of previous terror alerts.
What we are dealing with is a well structured disinformation campaign. The
latter, however, is not watertight: out of the six high profile terror
alerts since September 11, 2001, there is evidence from police and/or
intelligence sources that in three cases, the "actionable intelligence"
was fabricated.
We can refer in this regard to the February 7, 2003 terror alert following
Colin Powell's flopped WMD presentation to the United Nations Security
Council, the Christmas 2003 terror alert and the August 1st 2004 Code
Orange alert, all three of which proved to be based on phony
(For further details, see: The Criminalization of the State, by Michel
Chossudovsky, February 2004,
http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO402A.html, and Bush's Christmas
Terror Alert by Michel Chossudovsky, 24 December 2003 :
It is worth noting that the release of the Osama tape was preceded by two
key events:
the July 8 announcement that Al Qaeda was planning to disrupt the November
elections. (See http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO407B.html)
the August 1st Code Orange alert applied to New York City, Washington DC
and Northern New Jersey. (See http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO408A.html)
On July 8 2004, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge stated in very
explicit terms that:
"... Credible reporting indicates that Al Qaeda is moving forward with its
plans to carry out a large-scale attack in the United States in an effort
to disrupt our democratic process... This is sobering information about
those who wish to do us harm... But every day we strengthen the security
of our nation." (Quoted in AP, 8 July 2004)
Coincidence? Barely a few days before Ridge's announcement on July 8,
Northern Command was put "at a high level of readiness" implying the
(routine, we were told) deployment of jet fighters over major cities as
well as the posting of troops at key locations. (Atlantic Journal and
Constitution, 3 July 2004).
While no decision was taken by HSD Secretary Tom Ridge based on these
"credible" reports, the July 8 decision, so to speak has set the stage.
July 29- August 1st 2004
Three weeks later on July 29th, within hours of John Kerry's acceptance
speech at the Democratic convention, a decision was taken at CIA
headquarters at Langley to launch a code orange terror alert in New York
City, Washington DC and northern New Jersey.
Both the official account as well as the press reports confirm that the
decision was taken prior to the examination of relevant intelligence. On
July 30th, President Bush approved the decision of the CIA to raise "the
threat level" in the absence of "specific" supporting intelligence. The
formal decision to increase the threat level was made public on August 1st
by Sec Tom Ridge. In his August 1 statement, he pointed authoritatively to
"specific credible information" from multiple sources.
(see http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO408A.html)
As we go to press:
The Bush administration while reassuring public opinion has also "warned
state and local officials that the tape may be intended to promote or
signal an attack." What this does is to give a de facto carte blanche to
local authorities to respond as they see fit.
Bush has centered on the Osama tape, in all his public appearances, while
Kerry has attempted to emphasize domestic social and economic issues.
"The terrorists who killed thousands of innocent people are still
dangerous and they are determined," said Bush on the campaign trail.
Meanwhile, the war in Iraq has been shoved to the background. It has been
overshadowed by Osama. It is no longer an election issue.
* * *
Source: Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)
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