US Foreign Military Training Under Fire
- Opinión
U.S. foreign military training programmes are proliferating at an
unprecedented rate and Congress must assert its watchdog role over
them, a progressive think tank said Tuesday. The programmes have
become a key component of the U.S. administration's war on terrorism,
said the 54-page report, 'U.S. Foreign Military Training: Global
Reach, Global Power'. Congress' failure to ensure their adherence to
basic human rights standards could result in the kinds of abuses which
embarrassed the United States during the Cold War, when Washington
trained some of the world's most brutal security forces, said the
report, published by Washington-based Foreign Policy in Focus.
The administration intends to enroll officers from 130 countries next
year in the State Department's International Military Education and
Training (IMET) programme, the report said. The department itself
rates at least 51 of these countries having ''poor'' or ''very poor''
human rights records, it added. IMET is the best known and most easily
monitored of scores of U.S. training programmes. Others, particularly
those run by the Pentagon's Special Operations Forces (SOF) and the
Central Intelligence Agency.
(CIA), will likely receive little or no Congressional oversight, the
document said.
''In the war on terrorism, we risk creating more terrorism by arming
despots and dictators much as we did during the Cold War,'' said Lora
Lumpe, the report's author and an expert on arms transfers. SOF
training missions specialize in counterinsurgency warfare and were
deployed to more than 130 countries in 1999, the last year for which
statistics are available. That marked a sharp increase from the 92
countries where SOF deployments took place just eight years before.
With major new deployments of scores of SOF personnel to the
Philippines, Georgia, and Yemen announced this year, the number of
countries receiving SOF training has probably risen to around 150,
Lumpe said.
The overall SOF budget grew from 2.4 billion dollars in 1991 to 3.4
billion dollars in 1997. The George W. Bush administration,
encouraged by the special forces' performance in the Afghan campaign,
has asked Congress to approve 4.9 billion dollars for next year's
operations, which are certain to include a large training component.
''SOF forces got an image make-over in Afghanistan,'' said Lumpe, ''but
the reality remains that these forces employ and teach unconventional
warfare tactics, including assassination, intimidation and black
propaganda, as well as de-mining and other humanitarian operations."
She pointed to one incident in late January where SOF troops attacked a
school in Uruzgan, central Afghanistan, killing 19 men and taking 27
others prisoner. Several of the prisoners reported being tortured and
beaten by SOF soldiers after their release two weeks later, when the
Pentagon admitted that the raid had been a case of mistaken identity.
The report attributes the past decade's growth of U.S. foreign
military training to the collapse and fragmentation of the Soviet Union
and then- President Bill Clinton's aversion to deploying U.S. troops
overseas after a 1993 debacle in Somalia.
By the end of Clinton's administration, U.S. regular and reserve
military forces were training some 100,000 foreign troops and police in
or from approximately 180 countries around the world each year, the
report said. Training programmes include everything from visits by
small mobile training teams, to joint combined exercises, special
training deployments and CIA programmes for an undisclosed number of
governments and insurgent forces. The Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Customs Service, and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) conduct courses for
overseas security forces. In other cases, private U.S. firms staffed
by retired U.S. military officers and operating with Washington's
approval and encouragement have stepped up training of foreign security
forces, particularly for governments that Congress otherwise would
Since the Sep. 11 terrorist attacks on New York and the Pentagon,
however, military training has become a key component in Bush's war on
terrorism. In March, the administration identified 19 countries in
Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Latin America as
allies in the fight against terrorism, signaling their eligibility for
training programmes. Of these, the State Department had cited 14 for
serious human rights abuses. Under legislation passed in the mid-
1970s, Congress outlawed aid to governments that had been accused of
gross violations of human rights. The administration of President
Ronald Reagan generally ignored this during the 1980s.
In the 1990s, legislators insisted that military training programmes
like IMET and Expanded IMET, open to civilian personnel, include
components on human rights and civilian control of the military.
Except at two out of a total of 150 training schools, such efforts have
tended to be marginalised. ''The aggregate of training offered by the
U.S. to foreign personnel still relates primarily to fighting
skills,'' the report said. In 1996, Congress passed the so-called
Leahy Law, after its principal author, Senator Patrick Leahy. This
required that all recipients of training in the State Department's
counter-drug programme be vetted for prior human rights abuses.
Congress gradually expanded its application until it covered all State
Department and Pentagon programmes. But, said Lumpe, there is no
assurance that background checks, where they have been applied, have
been sufficiently rigorous. The report called for Congress to take a
number of new initiatives to make it more difficult for the Pentagon to
train abusive armies and police, including banning all covert
intelligence training programmes; banning all SOF training programmes
unless the Pentagon provides full disclosure about them on at least an
annual basis; improving oversight of private military companies; and
establishing a system to monitor the careers of foreign officers who
receive advanced training.
Jim Lobe, IPS
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