From Cancún to Cancún: mega-diverse pretense
- Opinión
In February 2001 representatives from the 12 countries with
the highest levels of biological and cultural diversity met
in Cancún, following an initiative by the Mexican
Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources
(Semarnat), with the aim of creating the so-called Group of
Like-Minded Megadiverse Countries, whose existing members
are: Bolivia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico,
Peru, South Africa and Venezuela. According to its own
estimate, 70 percent of the world's biodiversity and 45
percent of the world's cultural diversity is found in these
countries (including, indigenous, campesinos, fishermen,
black communities, inhabitants of the rainforest).
This group has since acted as an organization of
"consultancy and cooperation to promote their interests
related to the conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity" in various United Nations' forums,
including the Convention on Biological Diversity and the
World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg.
This "consulting" has since been carried out between
government sectors: in not one of the countries concerned
has any attempt been made to consult this 45 percent of the
world's cultural diversity in order to ascertain their
opinion on the proposal. This has not inhibited the fact
that in Johannesburg, although maintaining a shameful
silence about the contamination of indigenous maize with
GMOs – which is still going on - and the lack of respect
for indigenous rights and cultures, Mexico underlined this
initiative as one of the principle contributors to
sustainable development. Or the fact that Bolivia, while it
persecutes and represses its indigenous population and
campesinos, announced that its main accomplishment in this
summit has been to join the Group of Like-Minded
Megadiverse Countries.
Submerged in a flood of "eco-demagogy", as Alejandro Nadal
has called it, the group's true objectives are to construct
a platform of a cartel to sell their biodiversity to the
highest bidder. This objective, whose origins are found in
the Declaration of Cancun, forms the basis for, amongst
other things, the financial assessment of biodiversity, the
encouragement of private participation in its
"conservation", patents for living beings in exchange for
acknowledging the origin of the resources and paying a
percentage for these and why not, as they are in
confession, also for promoting the development of bio-
In a subsequent meeting held in Cusco, Peru, in November
2002, they also took up the mandate of the World Trade
Organization (WTO) in Doha, which established that, in the
context of discussions regarding intellectual property, the
agreements of TRIPS, which forces all of the member
countries to patent living organisms, must be related to
the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and
traditional knowledge. This is a proposal that has already
been widely rejected by many indigenous peoples, and
indigenous, campesino and peoples organizations around the
world, who object to any form of patenting of biodiversity
and related knowledge, and who are of the opinion that the
WTO is the most anti-democratic and inadequate forum to
handle these themes. The inclusion of this issue
corresponds to an attempt to subordinate – now legally –
all of the themes to the voracity of the one god,
international trade, and its priests, the transnationals.
At the same time, the Convention on Bio-Diversity has been
increasingly preparing this route, for example through the
Guidelines of Bonn, which accept patents as a means of
obtaining a "distribution of profit" from the use of
biodiversity, and urges all countries – above all the
megadiverse - to create legislation to access the genetic
resources which legalize bio-piracy. Following the example
of England with Francis Drake: when not paying the crown a
percentage he was considered a savage pirate, but when he
agreed to the "distribution of profit", although he went
about the same business as before, the English crown
knighted him Sir Francis Drake.
Next September the circle will close, once more in Cancún,
this time at the ministerial meeting of the World Trade
Organization. The members of the Group of Like-Minded
Megadiverse Countries, led by Mexico as the host, are
preparing to appear as the great defenders of biodiversity
and traditional knowledge, to demand that TRIPS assure the
recognition of the origin of resources to be patented and
provide for payment of a certain percentage for these
In other words, it now seems that the patents, which are
one of the privileged instruments of the multinationals for
privatization and monopolization of the common and public
resources, will be the avenging instrument of those same
people that it has been looting for centuries.
And as a final paradox, in the face of the apparent lack of
agreement of the world powers regarding how they are going
to negotiate agrarian issues in Cancún in order to better
exploit the Third World and throttle the campesino economy,
these countries will leap to the salvation of the
governments and multinationals of the US and Europe,
offering them a way out in the form of a good media image
by making it seem that the sale of biodiversity and even of
many other environmental services is a claim of the South. (Translation by ALAI)
* Silvia Ribeiro is a researcher for the ETC Group.
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