IV International Conference of Via Campesina

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São Paulo, Brazil - 14th to 19th June 2004 Via Campesina with hold its 4th Conference in June 2004, at a time in which we are seeing an assault of international capital, in its current phase of financial imperialism, which is progressing with great force, even resorting to war to escape from its crisis, broaden the reign of the markets and guarantee oligarchal power of the transnationals over production and trade. Around 500 transnational corporations (58% from the US) presently control 51% of world GDP, yet employ just 1.6% of the world's labour force. This attack is affecting agriculture in several ways: 1) controling trade through the WTO 2) increasing the power of retail networks 3) controling agroindustry; and, more recently: 4) expanding into seeds (using patent law), bio-piracy and the privatisation of water. Based upon this analysis of the situation, it has been decided that the character of this conference will be organizational and its general aims being: - to improve articulations between peasant movements and organisations in order that they share a vision of the forms of struggle and against whom; - to improve internal organisation and/or articulation, looking for a qualitative leap forward in order to face the international situation. Our goal is to count on not just the participation of three delegates from each affiliated peasant organisation at national level, but also the participation of the greatest possible number of organisations from across the world, independent of their affiliation to Via Campesina, provided that they share in its political stance. Furthermore, the criterion of 50% women in the conference will be respected and the presence of young people will be encouraged. Time and place: 12th to 13th July, 2004 - Women and Youth Assemblies, São Paulo City, SP, Brazil; 14th to 19th July, 2004 - IV International Conference of Via Campesina, Indaiatuba, SP, Brazil. Contact details and further information can be obtained by emailing: viacam-conf2004@cidadania.org.br * Dulcineia Pavan. General office of IV Conference - Brazil ON OUR WAY TO THE IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF VIA CAMPESINA

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