Cancun failure: Africa showed the way
- Opinión
Amidst a lot of drama, the WTO Cancun Ministerial has failed. The
underdogs of economic development - the African block - have bailed
out the developing world from being economically robbed. And, once
again, the countries which have continuously been painted to be in
the 'Dark Age' have stood up as a solid block to brighten the
future of billions of toiling masses in the majority world.
The walkout by the smaller African countries, led by Kenya, and
followed by some Caribbean nations on the contentious Singapore
issues - the four new issues of investment, competition policy,
government procurement and facilitation - which the United States,
European Union and Japan were pushing in aggressively, has actually
failed the Cancun Ministerial. The Singapore issues were aimed at
simplifying cross-border traffic and increase competition and
market access for multinationals. The walkout by the Africans, the
second time in the history of the WTO, clearly demonstrates that
there is more to the WTO than merely playing to media gallery.
First in Seattle in 1999 and then in Cancun 2003, the Africans and
the Caribbean have emerged as the real heroes. The failure of the
WTO Ministerial at Seattle and now at Cancun is the direct outcome
of the African's frustration and their willingness to stand to the
mightiest. Kenya deserves the salute - jo jita wohi sikandar. And so
do thousands of farmers, activists, and protestors who continued to
raise their voice ten kilometres away from the official venue of the
Ministerial talks. The supreme sacrifice by the 56- year-old Korean
farmer, Lee Kyung-hae, will remain embedded in the history of the
multilateral trade regime as a tragic symbol of the destructive
fallout of the so-called free trade process.
The G-23 (as the coalition of India, Brazil and China along with 20
other countries is called) in contrast, only roared. Like the street
dogs that chase any speeding car, they continued to bark and then
sit back demurely. India's commerce minister, Arun Jaitley, who used
the unique opportunity to pose himself as the champion of the
farmers cause, too had given in the final stages. Neither did India,
nor the other two giants - China and Brazil - staged a walk out in
protest. The draft circulated a day before had only called for an
end to export subsidies on farm products of special interest to
developing countries, but was far short of the elimination of all
subsidies as demanded by the G-23 group of developing nations.
Notwithstanding their tough postures outside and before the final
moments, the failure of the G-23 to stand up and be counted had in
reality led towards a compromise formula linking the phase out of
agricultural export subsidies with the unbundling of the Singapore
issues, meaning getting started on at least two of these if not all
the four sectors. Except for expressing displeasure, which means
nothing in the trade talks, the G-23 finally had wagged the tail.
India, China, Malaysia and Indonesia, besides the EU and some
developed countries, were locked in intense green room discussions
in the final stages to reach a compromise.
What happened at Cancun is reminiscent of the absence of 'killer
instinct' that continues to plague the Indian society. Whether it is
athletics, hockey or cricket, many a times India has done remarkably
well in the international tournaments till it reaches the semi-
finals and the finals. How many times can one remember the times
when the nation sat glued to the television, literally on
tenterhooks, watching the nail-biting finish, only to see the Indian
team buckling under pressure. In politics, and more so in trade
diplomacy, India continues to give a repeat performance. At 2001
Doha Ministerial too, the then Commerce Minister Murlisaran Maran,
fought alone against the inequalities being perpetuated by the
global trade regime. A phone call from the Prime Minister at the
nail-biting stage, and he had to give in to the manipulative designs
of the rich and developed countries.
Once again, India faltered at its moment of crowning glory. Let us
be very clear, Cancun Ministerial failed because of investment
issues and not agriculture. The G-23 did not stage a walkout in
anger against the glaring inequalities present in the final
ministerial draft. If it were not for the African countries, Arun
Jaitely would have returned home empty handed. His mandate,
ostensibly with an eye on the ensuing elections, was to cater to the
votes of the domestic electorate. In that sense, he did remarkably
well. But if one were to see the approach of the BJP-led Coalition,
it had all these years worked just on an opposite format to what it
tried to project at Cancun.
This does not however undermine the effort of the G-23 and the G- 16
(on special and differential treatment) countries to speak out.
There is no denying that the G-23 countries did manage to create a
world opinion against agriculture subsidies that the rich countries
- forming the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) - bestow on its miniscule population of farmers. In fact,
these subsidies - totalling US $ 311 billion - are actually
benefiting food and agricultural companies in the name of farmers.
These subsidies depress global farm prices and enable the developed
countries to dump cheaper foodgrains in the developing countries,
thereby crippling the livelihoods of millions of small and marginal
farmers in the developing world.
What is also significant is that the debate Cancun Ministerial
generated, for the first time acknowledged that all subsidies were
detrimental and trade distorting. Earlier, economists, policy
makers, and many western NGOs (in association with their developing
country partners) and the ministers had all along found fault with
the export subsidies but defended the domestic support and the
green box subsidies. It also exposed the protection that the WTO
provided to the rich country agriculture by way of special
safeguards, higher tariffs and other non-tariff measures. At the
same time, it puts to shame the relentless campaign by some
organisations and individuals, including a section of the
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), which was for paving the
path for an unhindered entry of multinationals with all the state
protection for them.
* Devinder Sharma chairs the New Delhi-based Forum for
Biotechnology & Food Security.
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