Evo Morales speaks in the Third Hemispheric Conference of the Struggle Against the FTAA
Social Movements: The Nightmare of US imperialism
- Opinión
The social movements of Latin America have become a true nightmare
for US imperialism and speak to its impotence and fear when faced
with the struggle of the peoples who fight against the FTAA and
defend their sovereignty. This was the affirmation of Bolivian
leader and parliamentarian Evo Morales during his participation in
the Third Hemispheric Conference of the Struggle Against the FTAA,
which continued today, Tuesday, January 27, in Havana, Cuba. In his
talk, Morales, one of the principal leaders of the Bolivian
opposition movement, gave a broad explanation of the Bolivian
people´s movement in defense of their national gas which brought
about the fall of President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada.
In addition, he took advantage of the opportunity to refer to the
just demand of Bolivia to recover their sovereign right of access to
the sea and expressed thanks for the assistance that Cuban President
Fidel Castro and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez have contributed
to this cause. In relation to the FTAA, Evo Morales sustained that
this agreement seeks to legalize an economic model that is rejected
by the peoples of the continent and protects the transnationals
which wish to privatize natural resources as well as essential
services. "The approval of the FTAA would be cause for greater
popular uprisings against the neo-liberal model, as has already
happened in Bolivia. As they seek to keep applying these policies,
new Bolivias will be repeated in all of Latin America," he remarked.
Referring again to his country, the indigenous movement leader and
coca grower rejected the accusations that he is a victim of the US
government. "They say that Evo Morales is a drug trafficker and is
financed by Cuba and Venezuela for the uprising of the Bolivian
people. I think that Bush´s advisors don´t only not understand
popular struggles, but they urgently need a psychiatrist," he
declared to the applause of the audience. He added that the popular
movement is demanding a Constituent Assembly as a necessary measure
to re-construct the country without exploiters nor exploited, to
recover the natural resources that are property of the Bolivians. We
don´t want an exclusive country but a state that decides to live in
reciprocity and which does not respond to the interests of US
imperialism, remarked Morales
Faced with US government accusations that the popular movements are
terrorist in nature, the Bolivian deputy sustained that President
George W. Bush is the greatest terrorist in the world, since with
his wars he massacres the poor peoples in Iraq as well as in Latin
America. To that effect, he demanded the immediate withdrawal of the
US soldiers that are invading Iraq. Evo Morales concluded his
remarks by expressing his confidence in social movements and the
struggle of the people, underlining the contribution of hemispheric
meetings of the struggle against the FTAA in generating a greater
consciousness among the peoples of the continent to come out against
imperialism. He renewed his commitment "to defend, along with Fidel,
the courageous Cuban people against the attacks of the US
* José Coronado. CCP/Minga informativa
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