Forbes magazine claims to know about Fidel’s fortune

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One of the corporate media’s methods is silencing news, when that news doesn’t match its agenda, which is the capitalist agenda. Another is manipulating the news to its own benefit, which are the benefits and values of the capitalism in order to perpetuate them. Another is being completely inaccurate about the news’ sources or simply not having any, but having the political mandate of the status quo to create a certain kind of news and repeat it. We can call news distortion of this kind a corporate media maneuver. Like those mentioned before, this last one has the goal of to confusing the public and creating a public opinion as a clientele which will consume the corporate media’s ideology, which is no more than capitalist ideology. What we are talking is Manufacturing consent, a major ploy in the perpetuation of the capitalist economic system and its imperialist role all over the world. The last edition of Forbes Magazine again brought up the “news” about Fidel Castro’s personal fortune. The timing clearly that news isn’t a casual occurrence one when in Geneva, Cuba is struggling with a new battle against United States’ hypocrisy, double standards, and Yankee manipulation switching the victim to victimizer. There is a pretty accurate statistical correlation between the very worst human rights violators and their fortunes, sadly memorable ones for instance Indonesian General Suharto; Philippines Ferdinand Marcos; Bolivian Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada, recently expelled by the people; Peruvian Alberto Fujimori, who a few years ago escaped with impunity to Japan; Colombian Alvaro Uribe Velez; Haitian Duvalier family; Dominican Rafael Trujillo; Chilean General Augusto Pinochet; Ugandan Idi Amin; USA multinational corporations’ families and their C.E.O.s at the White House; without mentioning their gracious majesties, Morroco King Mohammad VI; Queen Elizabet II; Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein and his family; the Saudi Arabia King Fahd; the Sultan of Brunei; King Juan Carlos I of Spain all of them are hereditarily mass murderers and perpetrators of genocide. All of them amassed their fortune with the blood and sweat of hundred of millions of people as they murdered and exploited them. They are rich, no question about that, but there is another kind of richness which wasn’t and will never be mentioned by Forbes Magazine, because it can’t be measured in dollars, properties, bonds or stocks. As Hecor Arturo said, in the Cuban Newspaper Granma, “Fidel’s fortune consists of sleeping very little and dreaming a lot, and employing all of his inexhaustible energies, molded by his strength of courage and determination, to make all of those dreams come true, one after another”, for the good of 11 million people in Cuba and millions in many other Third World Countries. Dreams and vigils, to bring the dreams of many, to reality. His richness is being loved by his people and by millions all over the world. His fortune is also being hated and defamed by who are against the humanity. Nobody can be devoted to two masters. Forbes chose money and power; Fidel has chosen justice, peace and the human being. It is true that Fidel “has real and colossal treasures hidden away in his coffers”, as Hector Arturo said. For almost 55 years he has accompanied his people along the path of liberation, sovereignty and social justice. He is a Hero, a rich protagonist of a rich people’s history. * Erasmo Magoulas, CFRU University of Guelph Radio Station Producer of “Con Cuba en el Corazón”
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