The World Government (2)
- Opinión
“The ABC of drug trafficking”
“Opium is grown in different regions of the world: South America; The Golden Triangle made up by Laos, Burma and Thailand; and an area known as the Golden Crescent made up by Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia. Most of the opium poppy plants grow along a narrow mountainous area around 6 000 kilometers long that stretches from South Asia across Pakistan and Laos to Turkey.”
“By now it is clear that the Bilderbergers are not personally responsible for transporting drugs or laundering the financial proceeds resulting from such operations. The CIA is the one in charge of doing that…”
“…Neil Clark points out that Soros is not upset about the goal pursued by Bush –who intended to expand the Pax Americana and turn the world into a safer place for global capitalists like him-, but about the gross and coarse means resorted to by Bush to achieve that.”
“The Marshall Plan proposed for the Balkans is a mirage […] This plan, funded by the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) as well as by private creditors will mainly benefit the mining, oil and construction companies and foreign debt will continue to grow well into the third millennium.”
“NATO military intervention”
“The consolidation of NATO’s power in the southern part of Europe and the Mediterranean is also one more step towards the expansion of Bilderberg’s sphere of geopolitical influence beyond the Balkans and towards the area of the Caspian Sea, Central and Western Asia.”
“Travis’ ghost”
“On the first week of November of 1999 I received what at first looked like a post card sent from Ladispol, a small town in the region of Lazio in Rome, near the Mediterranean coast.”
“March 30 of 1980 was the date when we officially left from the Soviet Union. While we were in Italy we settled in Ladispol, a small town that would be our home for the following year.”
“I went out into the streets. It was drizzling. Two little boys were delighted, jumping and splashing around from puddle to puddle, leaving the footprints of their shoes on the sidewalk. I crossed the elegant street under the storm clouds and opened the door of the pub that was right at the corner of my house. November 29 of 1999. What on earth did all of that mean? I read the text again. ‘I am doing fine. I wish you were here.’ Signed: Fashoda. Who on earth was this guy?”
“Fashoda was not a person, but a place! I could feel my heart pumping. November 29 of 1999 […] Suddenly I sat up on my seat. Fashoda!! Travis Read!!”
“Travis was a mugger whom I had met during the meeting of the Bilderberg Club in King City in 1996. He was an undisciplined and loathsome petty thief […] Travis was prone to arrests, and to be released almost as quickly.”
“Later on I learned that Travis Read had become a criminal to be able to work with criminals.”
“He was sent to Sudan through contacts that worked both for the CIA and for Canada’s National Police, the RCMP […] The details about his trip to Sudan were never revealed, but just like in 1989, that godforsaken place happened to attract the most inappropriate guys out of the most appropriate reasons.”
“I said to myself: If Travis wants to see me, this will become a big mess.”
“I should admit that when things went wrong, I always relied on the former Soviet officials. Something inherent to them made them distrust the West; they can’t be easily bought, contrary to what newspapers and press reports make people believe.”
“They were not the type of persons you would want to betray. I knew I was safe with them. My grandfather had risked his own life at the beginning of the 1950’s to save the lives of the parents of these men, who were KGB agents…”
“On November 27, late in the afternoon, my cell phone rang. Travis was calling. He was booked in at some ramshackle residence in the outskirts of Rome.”
“-Piazza della Repubblica, at five thirty in the afternoon –I interrupted.
“-I set the rules –shouted Travis.”
“- Do you want the information or not? –Travis asked.”
“-Not as badly as to let myself be killed – I said coldly.”
“Travis did not show up for the meeting. Around eight thirty in the evening we rushed to his residence -if that could be called a residence- holding our guns. The one-bedroom residence had been completely looted. Despite that we found no signs of struggle, blood stains or Travis Read dead body. As far as I know, no one ever heard of him again.”
“Every now and then Travis ghost appears in the darkest places of my memory; a morbid remembrance of the frailty and fallibility of the human spirit.”
This is the way Estulin concludes Chapter 3.
“Chapter 4”
“Bilderberg and the secret war in Afghanistan”
“The reasons why wars erupt are rooted in the ideology contained in school text books: nations go to war for extremely long periods of time based on lies, as it has been evidenced by the First World War and every single conflict in the 20th century.
“The famous historian Edmund Morgan wrote the following: ‘History never repeats itself. It only seems like it does to those who don't know the details.’”
“The Caspian Sea and Central Asia basin are the keys to energy in the 21st century. Two thirds of the oil reserves are located in that region [...] In an article published by the ‘Oil & Gas Journal’ on October 9, 2001, James Donan stated that America wants the region to be under absolute control of the United States.”
“Madeleine Albright [the former Secretary of State during the Clinton Administration and one of the persons responsible for the war in Kosovo] said that working to shape up the future of the region was one of the most fascinating things that we could do, according to ‘Time’ magazine of May, 1998.
“The Gulf war allowed the Pentagon to establish several military bases in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and elsewhere.”
“As has been documented by Professor Michel Chossudovsky in his work ‘War and Globalization’, the GUUAM Alliance (made up by Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Moldavia) founded by NATO in 1999 is at the heart of the oil and gas reserves of the Caspian region. In this alliance, a leading role is played by Georgia, a US client State, where Mikhail Saakashvili removed President Edward Shevardnadze –former Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union- by means of a coup d’état arranged by the United States and portrayed as a popular and spontaneous uprising.”
“According to ‘Project Underground’ [...] former members of the Soviets, the KGB and the Politburo are taking advantage of the oil wealth, and so are a formidable collection of important personalities of the Cold War, most of whom come from George [H. W.] Bush’s cabinet. The players are the former advisors to Reagan, Bush and Clinton, such as James Baker III (former Secretary of State of Bush senior administration), Dick Cheney (Vice-president) and John Sununu (former Chief of Staff of the White House).”
“...Peter Sutherland (of British Petroleum), Queen Elizabeth II, from England (main shareholder of British Petroleum and head of the Committee of 300), are struggling over the control of oil resources and the corridors of the gas pipelines that come out of the Caspian Sea basin. In 1998, after the secret meeting held by the Bilderberg Club in Scotland, I reported to the independent media that NATO, following the orders of the Club that founded it, gave Russia a green light to bomb Chechnya, knowing that this would further increase hostilities between those two countries, whose mutual hatred dates back to more than three hundreds years ago.”
“The Iranian gas pipeline was not a mere business; it was a key component of a wider geo-strategic agenda: complete military and economic control over Eurasia (The Middle East and the former Soviet Republics of Central Asia). George Monbiot confirmed that in the newspaper ‘The Guardian’ of October 23 of 2001. He said that oil and gas are of no value if they were not transported. He added that the only sensible route both from the political and economic points of view was the one that went across Afghanistan...”
“After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Argentinean oil company ‘Bridas’, directed by his ambitious President, Carlos Bulgheroni, was the first to exploit the oil reserves in Turkmenistan, where there is one of the biggest natural gas reserves in the world. [...] Afghanistan is the shortest route to the Gulf to transport the Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan gas resources from Northern-Central and Western-Central Asia.”
“Bridas was astonished to see that UNOCAL approached directly the regional leaders and presented to them its own offer. UNOCAL created its own competing consortium, directed by the United States and sponsored by Washington, which included Delta Oil, from Saudi Arabia, together with Saudi Prince Abdullah and King Fahd.”
“According to Ahmed Rashid, the true influence of UNOCAL over the Taliban was based on the fact that its project was likely to be recognized by the United States, something the Taliban wanted to secure no matter the cost. [...] In the spring of 1996 the executives of UNOCAL took the Uzbek leader, General Abdul Rashid Dostum (a mass murderer responsible for the Dasht-i-Leili massacre on December 2001, when hundreds of Taliban prisoners were deliberately suffocated inside several truck metal containers while they were transferred by American and North Alliance soldiers to the prison of Kunduz, in Afghanistan) to Dallas to discuss the passing of the gas pipeline across their northern territories under the control of the North Alliance.”
“Competition between UNOCAL and Bridas, as was described by Rashid, started to reveal the competition that existed inside the Saudi royal family. In 1997 Taliban officials traveled twice to Washington and Buenos Aires to be praised by UNOCAL and Bridas.”
“Once again, violence would change the course of events. In response to the bombings of the US embassies in Nairobi and Tanzania attributed to Osama Bin Laden (although, according to French intelligence sources, the attack was perpetrated by the Mossad of Israel) President Bill Clinton shot cruise missiles against an empty shop both in Afghanistan and Sudan on August 20, 1998. At that time, the Administration broke diplomatic relations with the Taliban and the United Nations imposed sanctions.”
“During the rest of Clinton’s mandate, there was no official recognition of Afghanistan by the United States or the United Nations. No progress was achieved regarding the gas pipeline.
“By then, George W. Bush had entered the White House.
“During the last months of the Clinton Administration, the Taliban officially became a terrorist group. After almost one decade of fierce competition between the UNOCAL-CentGas Corporation, supported by the United States, and Bridas, from Argentina, no company had managed to sign an agreement to build a gas pipeline in Afghanistan [...]. George W. Bush resumed relations with the Taliban. And this should be no surprise, because both in 1998 and in 2000, ex President George H.W. Bush traveled to Saudi Arabia on behalf of the private entity ‘Carlyle Group’, the eleventh biggest Defense contractor in the United States, where he had a private meeting with the Saudi royal family as well as with the family of Osama Bin Laden, according to ‘The Wall Street Journal’ of September 27 of 2001.
“In one of the most surrealistic and Kafkaesque episodes of the events previous to 9/11, “The Washington Post” quotes Milt Bearden, a CIA agent who helped to create the Afghan mujahedines, when she said she felt sorry that the United States did not take time to understand the Taliban. She asserted that the US never heard what the Taliban were trying to say [...], that the US and the Taliban did not speak a common language; that the US said to the Taliban to hand over Bin Laden and the Taliban said the US should do something that could help them hand him over to the US. But there is much more to that.”
“In fact, relations between the Bush Administration and the ‘terrorist’ and leader of Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, were never better.”
“The evidence of a war in Afghanistan, where multinational greed merges with the avarice and cruelty of the leading names in the oil industry (BP, Shell, Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, among others) is simply undeniable. It is scary to think that a godforsaken place controlled by terrorists could become a point where the interests of the Bush Administration, Bridas, UNOCAL, the CIA, the Taliban, Enron, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Russia and India converge”
Under the epigraph "A cowboy in the White House", Daniel Estulin points out the following:
“Bush formed his cabinet by calling in several personalities from the energy industry who had close links in Central Asia (Dick Cheney, of Halliburton; Richard Armitage, of UNOCAL; Condoleezza Rice, of Chevron) and was able to take office thanks to the generosity of the corporations with vested rights in the region, such as Enron.”
“The role of the Bush family in the oil policy of the Middle East and Central Asia and its strong links with the Saudi royal family and the family of Bin Laden have survived several generations.”
“About how the Bilderbergers created the Yom Kippur war with the aim of globalizing oil.”
“The Bilderberg members do not leave any loose end. They do not work according to any five-year plan. They plan for a longer term. In the early 1970’s they designed a Plan B, an oil distribution plan which included the United States and another eleven important industrialized countries, and established a mechanism whereby, as Allen states, the oil produced within the US borders would be shared and allocated for the first time in the American history in case there is a new embargo on the oil from the Middle East.”
Epilogue of Chapter 4
“The 1973 ‘test’, prepared by the Bilderberg members, clearly shows that oil will be used as a control mechanism. The 1973 event was a warning to the American people and made them realize how much control could be exerted by foreign governments and multinational corporations on nations, as was expressed by David A. Rivera in ‘Final Warning: A History of the New World Order.”
Chapter 5 addresses the following topic:
“MATRIX: Data bases and the Total Information Awareness Program”
"It is usually much easier to reach an agreement if there are no listeners. It is not a question of secrecy, but of being able to act more efficiently"
European Union Commissioner and member of the Bilderberg Club
“The Total Information Awareness Program (TIA) of the Pentagon is a system that starts from an encoded phrase, and then gradually dissolves the highly valued individual liberties of America, enshrined in its Constitution, to benefit a global and totalitarian State. Most of the details about this gigantic espionage system continue to be a mystery. After the attacks on September 11 of 2001, TIA had become a surveillance network representative of a stronger trend that has emerged both in the United States and Europe: the seemingly inexorable move towards a society under surveillance.”
“The main axis of this Total Surveillance Network is a new and extraordinary modality called ‘data mining’ or discovery of knowledge, which is about the automated extraction of predictive information hidden in data bases.”
“ ‘Accurint’, which has displayed an unparalleled capacity to process billions of records per second, has already compiled the biggest accessible contact data registry in the world. Accurint looks through more than 20 billion records that range from recent house swaps to old addresses which date back to more than 50 years ago.”
“...When more information was requested the persons responsible at that company refused to reveal any more specific details about the nature and the sources of data .”
“According to Christopher Calabrese, Counsel to the American Civil Liberties Union's Technology and Liberty Program, MATRIX [...] turns every American into a suspect.”
“Associated Press has revealed that in January of 2003, the Governor of Florida, Jebb Bush, informed Vice-president Dick Cheney; Tom Ridge, who was about to be sworn in as secretary of the new Home Security Department and the director of the FBI, Robert Mueller about the secret project that will prove how the Security Forces could capture ‘terrorists’ using a software.”
“Iberia Airlines”
“Furthermore, Iberia, the most important Spanish airline company, has been accused of giving out to the US government confidential information about its passengers…”
“According to an article published by Andy Sullivan in Reuters on March 17, 2004, the US is compelling airlines to surrender information about travelers.”
“Likewise, NASA also requested and received some confidential information about the traveling records of millions of Northwest Airlines clients, such as names, addresses, traveling itineraries, and numbers of credit cards for a similar data mining study […] The incidents have generated dozens of litigations. This was also a violation of its own policy.”
“According to a statement made by the Electronic Privacy Information Center on January 18 of 2004, Northwest Airlines hands over to NASA private information about millions of passengers, thus violating its privacy policy.
“As was declared by Jon Swartz to ‘USA Today’ on January 19 of 2004, Northwest Airlines is giving out to the government data about passengers.”
The author devotes one epigraph to the following topic:
“Private details for all to see”
“Commissioner Almunia, President Borrell and the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, another habitual Bilderberger, launched a huge campaign for the approval of the fundamental rights which supposedly are enshrined in the European Constitution. […] What Borrell, Almunia or Barroso have never said to good European citizens is that each and every one of these rights, according to Article 51, could be suspended if so required by the Union’s interest.”
“However, there is much more to say about the shameful evidence of betrayal by the European Commission regarding its own citizens.”
“European control on telecommunications: European Parliament vote to accept withholding of data and surveillance by security forces.
“Vote on the withholding of data of May 30, 2002 (In the former European legislation the PPE and PSE votes gathered 526 out of a total of 626 Euro-deputies).
“ ‘Statewatch’ and ‘Reporters sans frontiers’ were the only organizations that reported what turned out to be some decisions affecting hundreds of millions of Europeans.”
“Basically, the grandiloquence and the challenging attitude by the socialist regarding national and international laws are a farce. The alliance of the PPE and PSE groups at the European Parliament has evidenced that they support the demands of the European Union governments, instead of acting to defend the people and the rights of all citizens to privacy and civil liberties.”
“Javier Solana Madariaga, a key member of the Bilderberg Group, former secretary-general of NATO and secretary-general of the European Union Council/High Representative for Common Security and Defense Policy, supported a decision described by the International Federation of Journalists simply as ‘a summer time coup d’état’. Remember, reader, that personalities such as Javier Solana do not represent your interests or Spain interests.”
After that, Estulin documented everything in 16 more pages.
His book includes an epigraph entitled “My end.”
“Creative memory is the subtlest opponent of historians. The pretext of forgetting things prevails and distorts everything that we decide to remember openly. Human existence and the world seemed to be justified only as an esthetic phenomenon, which does not mean life just for the sake of it, but rather a sharp contrast between the moral interpretation of existence and the world.
“Amos Oz, who is probably the best known Israeli novelist, made this observation: ‘Wherever war is called peace, where oppression and persecution are referred to as security, and assassination is called liberation, the defilement of the language precedes and prepares for the defilement of life and dignity. In the end the state, the regime, the class or ideas remain intact where human life is shattered.’”
“If democracy is the government of the people, the secret objectives pursued by governments and sinister interest groups are incompatible with democracy. The very idea of clandestine spheres of influence within governments that launch secret campaigns against humanity is therefore alien to the notion of freedom and should be fought with vigorous determination, unless we are willing to replicate the fatal errors made in a not so far away past.”
“In an ever more dismembered society, there are some elements that emphasize what we share, what we have in common, in a straightforward manner and with dramatic intensity. Human dignity and a legitimate desire for freedom, something that could be immediately understood anywhere in the world without any translation, are some of the most valuable aspects of universal tradition. This deserves as much support as it can receive.
“Finally, if criticizing the arrogant, unreflecting and abusive aspects of a totalitarian society sometimes makes someone laugh at you and label you as an ‘anti-everything’, you should take this as an honorable distinction. Graham Greene hit the nail on the head when he said that writers should be ready to change sides at any moment, because their mission was to defend the victims, and victims change.
Finally he devotes eight and a half pages to the memory of his grandfather.
“That was the last time I saw him alive. He was an old man of regular strength, ninety six years of age. He used to sit on his dilapidated couch, looking through his oversized glasses, trying to meet my eyes but hardly able to recognize them. He was alive because he moved and talked, or rather because he made a superhuman effort to connect the letters, which spilled over deep inside the little consciousness he had left and stubbornly refused to get together to form coherent syntagms. During the final months of his long life, my grandfather, a man who used to express himself with great clarity, who loved humor and debate, literally lacked words. In a sort of act of ultimate cruelty, cancer took away his ability to speak before taking away his life.
“Holding in my hand an air ticket to go back to Spain, I dropped by his house to say goodbye. During my last visit we didn’t speak much. I could not find the appropriate words. I was out of breath and I found it hard to breathe because I knew I will never see him again. ‘Goodbye’ seemed to be a too simple and also too terrible expression.
“On the table in the lobby, resting against the wall, there was a picture of my grandparents, which was taken shortly after their arrival in Canada in 1983. My grandmother had passed away a little more than a year ago. My grandparent, who fell seriously ill at that moment, never managed to recover from the loss of a person he had so deeply loved for more than forty years.”
“Trying by all means not to break in tears, I keep on reminding myself that these pages are a vindication of honesty at the expense of cruelty and opportunity. The main subject here is not politics; neither is it an open criticism of totalitarianism. This is rather the heart beat of a man, and that is why I pay tribute to him. That is the reason why this should be read.
“My grandfather’s clinical death was established on April 18, 1995. Presumably this had been the last afternoon he was able to be himself, as Auden said when he described the day when Yeats died: ‘He became his own fans.’ He turned into a memory; he vanished into the depths of his name. This is one of the mysteries of death, which should make a slight difference for everybody, except for those very close to that person.”
“Like the rest of us, people die at least twice. They die a physical death and a conceptual death: when the heart stops beating and when they vanish into oblivion. The luckiest and the greatest are those whose second death is postponed significantly, almost indefinitely […] Telephone calls from all countries and imaginable regions of the Planet were received. This was a tribute to the infinite admiration that he, my grandfather, an ex KGB counter espionage agent, inspired in all those persons whose lives were influenced by him.”
“His grandfather was just a soldier out of many. He spent twenty five years defending the czarist empire, Alexander II and Alexander III. My grandfather followed the family’s military tradition. He took part in the Revolution, the Russian civil war and the two World Wars. While he was defending the citizens of Minsk in the early weeks of the Second World War, his whole family, eleven brothers and sisters, his father, his mother, and his grandmother who was 104 years old, were murdered by the Nazis in Karasy-Bazar, Crimea.”
He lived a true life. He did not simply lived life.”
“My grandfather had been married once before in 1930. He had three children. Then the war started. He fought in Belarus, he defended Brest, but he was forced to withdraw with whatever was left of the Red Army due to the advance of the Germans. Somehow, amid the ensuing chaos, he lost track of his family. A mother with three children, eight, five and three years old could not move as fast as the Red Army or the Nazi soldiers. They were captured by the Nazis, sent to a concentration camp and exterminated.
“The Second World War, just as I show in this book and as I have extensively described in my first book about the Bilderberg Club, was cleverly financed by the Rockefeller, the Loeb and the Warberg. Prince Bernhard, the founder of the Bilderberg Club, was also involved. He was a Nazi. Most of the members of the British royal family sympathized with the Nazis as was the case for most of the US ‘liberal’ Eastern Establishment, the plutocratic structure that controls the economic, political and social life of that country. Hitler, the beast, was created by those who secretly attend today the Bilderberg Club, the CFR, and the Trilateral Committee meetings. To all these people, History is an empty blackboard to defecate on despite the anguish of others. Could anybody blame me for feeling such a deep-seating contempt against Bilderberg and its homologues?”
“In my case, my grandfather continues to be my corner stone –my fellow traveler- even after his death. He is so much absent as he is present.
“Time and space are the tricks of a world wounded all around; the pile of residues which we call History, which also represents his successes. Those are also his successes. They, like time, preserve the magic that makes it disappear.
“I remember him mostly on his birthday. But to me this year is different. Age is an accumulation of life and losses. Adulthood is a series of crossed lines. I have trespassed a threshold. From now on, I am all by myself…”
In Part II of this Reflection I have included quite a few lines of the final part of his book. They explain his contempt against the hateful Bilderberg Club.
It is terrible to think that the intelligence and the feelings of children and youth in the United States could be mutilated in such a way.
We have to struggle now to prevent them from being pushed into a nuclear holocaust, we should help them recover as much as possible their physical and mental health and figure out the ways in which human beings could be freed forever from such a terrible fate.
Fidel Castro Ruz
August 18, 2010
Del mismo autor
- "El pueblo cubano vencerá" 20/04/2016
- O irmão Obama 28/03/2016
- El hermano Obama 28/03/2016
- La realidad y los sueños 13/08/2015
- Mensaje a Alexis Tsipras 07/07/2015
- Mensaje de Fidel al presidente Nicolás Maduro 16/03/2015
- Cinco horas con Los Cinco 02/03/2015
- La hora del deber 17/10/2014
- Lo que no podrá olvidarse nunca 12/10/2014
- El porvenir incierto 07/10/2014
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