NATO's genocidal role

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 THIS brutal military alliance has become the most perfidious tool of repression known in the history of humanity.

NATO assumed this global repressive role as soon as the USSR, which had served as the U.S. pretext for its creation, disappeared. Its criminal purpose became obvious in Serbia, a country of Slavic origin, whose people heroically struggled against the Nazis during World War II.

In March of 1999, when the countries of this nefarious organization, in its efforts to break up Yugoslavia after the death of Josip Broz Tito, sent in troops to support the Kosovar secessionists, they met with strong resistance on the part of the country's experienced forces which remained intact.

The yankee administration, advised by the right-wing Spanish government of José María Aznar, attacked Serbian television stations, bridges over the Danube River and Belgrade, the capital of the country. The embassy of the People's Republic of China was destroyed by yankee bombs and several functionaries died. This could not have been any mistake, as those responsible alleged. A great number of Serbian patriots lost their lives. President Slobodan Milo
ševic, overwhelmed by the power of the aggressors and the disappearance of the USSR, submitted to NATO demands and allowed the presence of troops from this alliance within Kosovo, under United Nations command, which finally led to his political defeat and subsequent prosecution by the less than impartial court of The Hague. He died under mysterious circumstances in prison. Had the Serbian leader resisted a few more days, NATO would have faced a serious crisis which was about to erupt. The empire thus had more time at its disposal to impose its hegemony among the increasing number of subordinate members within the organization.

Between February 21 and April 27 of this year, I published, on the CubaDebate website, nine Reflections about the issues, in which I amply addressed the role of NATO in Libya and what, in my opinion, was going to happen.

I therefore find myself obliged to offer a summary of the essential ideas I presented and of the events which have occurred just as they were foreseen, given that a central figure in the story, Muammar Al-Gaddafi, was mortally wounded by NATO's most modern fighter planes which intercepted and immobilized his vehicle, was captured alive and then assassinated by men armed by this organization.

His body was seized and exhibited as a war trophy, conduct which violates the most fundamental principles of Islamic norms and other religious beliefs around the world. It was announced that shortly Libya will be declared "a democratic state which defends human rights."

I find myself obliged to devote several Reflections to these important and significant events.

I will continue tomorrow. (Translated by Granma International)

Fidel Castro Ruz
October 23, 2011

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