Statement of the Network in Defense of Humanity

Call to Respect the Sovereignty of the People of Venezuela

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Given the unjustified pretentions of the empire and its lackeys to ignore the elections that took place on May 20, 2018 in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and the start of the new presidential term of Nicolás Maduro, that will begin on January 10, the Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity is launching a call to respect the sovereignty of the people of Venezuela. 


This declaration is supported by close to 600 intellectuals, academics, artists, religious representatives, professors, elected officials, ambassadors, lawyers, activists and peace-loving people from all over the world.

Statement of the Network in Defense of Humanity

The sixth presidential election in the contemporary history of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela took place on May 20. Nicolás Maduro Moros was elected Constitutional President of Venezuela who according to the Venezuelan Constitution will take office for a new presidential term on January 10, 2019.


The election took place in a climate of peace and tranquility with a participation of 46.02% of the total electoral voters, very similar to percentage in the US elections.


Candidates of different political party participated in the electoral contest, such as Henry Falcón, leader of the Advanced Progressive Party, and Javier Bertucci, leader of the El Cambio party, both opponents of the currently constituted government. It should be noted that of the total turnout 67.84% of voters cast their ballots for Frente Amplio de la Patria and its elected candidate Nicolás Maduro. This represents 6,245,862 valid votes. The opposition party with the next most votes was Henry Falcón who received only 20.93% of the votes, which represented 1,927,387 votes.


The electoral result and the democratic response of the Venezuelan people resulted in their decision to continue a path of democratic construction as their destiny.


During the last 5 years, different U.S. administrations have been implementing a sophisticated destabilization plan against Venezuela to overthrow a democratic elected government through an electoral system that even former U.S. President Jimmy Carter described as the best in the world.


The U.S. government's attitude of regime change systematically violates the sovereignty and self-determination of the Venezuelan people.


In March 2015, under an Executive Order the U.S. Government declared Venezuela an "unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States," declaring a "national emergency in order to confront that threat. Another Executive Order in August 2017 requires the Treasury Department to implement "irreversible" sanctions against the Venezuelan economy and financial system, a set of unilateral coercive measures unacceptable under international law. With these legal frameworks, the economic siege has been activated against the recovery plans of the Venezuelan economy, affected by the collapse in oil price beginning summer 2014.


Compounded by the economic blockade of Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), the backbone of the Venezuelan economy, the commercial and financial blockade is hitting hard the quality of life of the Venezuelan people. William Brownfield, former U.S. ambassador to Venezuela referring to the South America Country declared in October of this year that... "At this moment perhaps the best solution would be to accelerate the collapse, even if it produces a period of suffering to the population of months or perhaps years".


Using the monopoly of media power, the United States is manipulating world public opinion by imposing the narrative matrix of a "humanitarian crisis" in Venezuela, thereby seeking to justify a military intervention disguised as "humanitarian intervention”. In September of this year, Trump openly told the media at the United Nations that when it comes to Venezuela, "all options are on the table....”


In 2016, the document "Venezuela Freedom-2 Operation" of the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) signed by Commanding officer Admiral Kurt W. Tidd was published, where the plan for the implosion-collapse with a set of policies aimed at overthrowing the Venezuelan Government was outlined, using a broad-spectrum strategy where simultaneous, combined and continuous operations were developed in the period 2016-2018.


The United States and a group of governments obedient to the orders of the White House are preparing to ignore the legitimacy of the mandate conferred on President Nicolás Maduro Moros as of January 10. Given this fact we call upon the people of the United States and the international community not to intervene, and to recognize and respect the sovereign will of the Venezuelan people, who continue to chart their own path of peace, guided by their inalienable right to self-determination and independence.


January 7, 2019


Executive Secretariat of the Network in Defense of Humanity: Atilio Borón; Argentina, Fernando Buen Abad, México; Carmen Bohorquez, Venezuela; Marilia Guimaraes, Brazil; Beto Almeida, Brazil; Ángel Guerra, Cuba-México; Omar González, Cuba; Pablo Sepúlveda Allende, Venezuela; Tim Anderson, Australia; Hildebrando Pérez Grande, Perú; Hugo Moldiz, Bolivia; Katu Arkonada, Basque Country/México; Nayar López, México; Roger Landa, Venezuela; Paula Klachko, Argentina; Ariana López, Cuba; David Comissiong, Barbados; Maria Nela Prada, Bolivia;  Fernando León Jacomino, Cuba; Chandra Muzaffar, Malaysia; Alicia Jrapko, United States.


Signors: Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Prize, Argentina, Ignacio Ramonet, Journalist and Professor, France, Fernando Morais, Writer and Journalist, Brazil, Fernando Rendón, Poet, Colombia, Héctor Díaz Polanco, Anthropologist and Sociologist, México, Oscar López Rivera, former Political Prisoner, Puerto Rico, Piero Gleijeses, Professor of US Foreign Policy at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, USA, Rafael Cancel Miranda, former Political Prisoner, Puerto Rico, Tin Cremanta, Director, La Colmenita Children's Theatre Company, Cuba, Aldo Díaz Lacayo Historian, Nicaragua, Stella Calloni, Journalist and Writer, Argentina, José Pertierra, Immigration Lawyer,  USA, Stephen Kimber, Author and Journalist, Canada, Carlos Aznáres, Journalist, Editor of Resumen Latinoamericano, Argentina, Cindy Sheehan, coordinator of Women’s March on the Pentagon, EEUU,  Agneta Norberg, Chair, Swedish Peace Council, Sweden, Graciela Rosemblum, President, Argentinean Human Right League, Argentina, Rene González, Hero of the Republic of Cuba, Antonio Guerrero, Hero of the Republic of Cuba, Ramón Labañino, Hero of the Republic of Cuba, Gerardo Hernández, Hero of the Republic of Cuba, Eva Björklund, Editor of “Kuba” Magazine, Sweden, Gilberto López y Rivas, Anthropologist, México, Hugo Gutiérrez, National Deputy, Chile, Juliana Marino, former Argentinean Ambassador in Cuba, Jane Franklin, historian, USA, Arnold August, author, Canada, Raúl Cazal, Venezuela, Robert Mathiason, Chairman of the Communist Party (KP), Sweden, Bashar Barazi, Lawyer and Journalist, Damascus, Syria, Gilbert Brownstone, President Brownstone Foundation, Switzerland, Héctor Díaz Polanco, Anthropologist and Sociologist, México, Zoltan Tiroler, Chairman of the Swedish-Cuban Association, Sweden, Graciela Ramírez, Editor Resumen Latinoamericano-Cuba, Argentina, Hernando Calvo Ospina, Journalist and Writer, France, Michel Collón, Writer, Belgium,  Gerry Condon, President, Veterans for Peace, USA, Glen Ford, Kristina Hillgren, Psychologist, Sweden, Executive Editor, Black Agenda Report, USA, Marjorie Cohn, Professor Emerita, Thomas Jefferson School of Law Former President, National Lawyers Guild, USA, Jan Hammarlund, Singer, Songwriter, Sweden, Antonio Cordero, General Consul of Venezuela in San Francisco, Ajamu S. Baraka, Green Party nominee for Vice President 2016 elections, USA, Ángela Zarza, Actress, Paraguay, Anwar Jasim, International Solidarity, Lebanon, Maj Wechselmann, Filmmaker, Sweden, Arleen Rodríguez Derivet, Journalist, Cuba, Arowh Mahmoud, Journalist, Syria, August H. Nimtz, Professor, University of Minnesota, USA, USA., Beatriz Santamaría, Psychologist, Cuba, Beinusz Szmukler, American Association of Jurists, Argentina, Bill Camp, Chief Officer Sacramento AFL-CIO Retired, USA., Bill Fletcher, Jr., former President of TransAfrica Forum, USA., Bill Hackwell, Editor of Resumen Latinomericano, USA, Sven Wollter, Actor and Writer, Sweden, Bill Martinez, Immigration Lawyer, USA, Clara Sastre, International Solidarity, Spain, Chuck Kaufman, Alliance for Global Justice, USA., Camille Chalmers, Professor UEH, Spokesperson of RASIN Kan Pèp la, Haïti, Ann-Margarethe Livh, Former Vice Mayor of Stockholm, Sweden, Carmen Diniz, Lawyer, MST, Brazil, Dan Kovalik, Human Rights Lawyer, USA, David Paravisini, University Professor, Member of the ANC, Venezuela, Gabriel Sequeira, Argentina, Gail Walker, Executive Director, IFCO/Pastors for Peace, USA, Gary Prevost, Professor, St. John University, USA, Eva Brita Järnefor, Journalist and Writer, Sweden, Gayle McLaughlin, former Mayor of Richmond, California, USA, Felix Salvador Kury, Professor of Ethnic Studies at SFSU, USA, Rosa Miriam Elizalde, Journalist, Writer, Cuba, Margaret Flowers, co-Director Popular Resistance, USA, Dennis Källerfors, Foreign Committee of the Communist Party (KP), Sweden, Luciano Vassapollo, Economist and writer, Italy, James Early, Consultant, Heritage Policy, African Diaspora, USA, Ilka Oliva Corado, Guatemalan writer resident in the USA, Héctor Celano, Poet and Writer, Argentina, Gustavo Espinoza, Journalist and former Congressman, Perú, Geraldina Colotti, Journalist and Writer, Italy, Keith Bolender, Author, Canada, Luis Alejandro Molina, National Boricua Human Rights Network, USA, Luis Suárez Salazar, Writer, Cuba, María Torrellas, Photojournalist and filmmaker, Basque Country/Argentina, Néstor Kohan, Philosopher, Argentina, Netfa Freeman, Event Coordinator, Institute for Policy Studies, USA, Niloufer Bhagwat, Vice President of the Indian Association of Lawyers and the Vice President of the Confederation of Lawyers for Asia and the Pacific, Paul Larudee, Former Fulbright Lecturer and Government Advisor, USA, Peter Phillips, Sociology Professor, Sonoma State University, USA, Pierre Labbossiere, Co-founder, Haiti Action Committee, USA, Ricardo Luis Hernández, Biochemist, Argentina, Rita Martufi, Writer, Italy, Peter A. Schey, President, Center for Human Rights and Constitutional  Law, USA, Ricardo Flecha, Troubadour, Paraguay, Stephen Benson, Ph.D., USA, Tom Gumbleton, Former Bishop of Detroit, USA, Vinnie Molina, Communist Party of Australia, Australia, Wafyca Mehdi, International Solidarity, Lebanon, Ana Esther Ceceña, Economist México, Ángeles Maestro Martin, Spain, Ariel Basteiro, Socialism for Victory, Fetia, Argentina, Carlos Fazio, Journalist Uruguay/México, Ciro Brescia, Editorial staff at, Italy, Cristina Meneses, Nationalist Party of Puerto Rico, Dick Emanuelsson, Swedish reporter in Latin America, Honduras, Elias Eljuri, Permanent Representative of Venezuela at FAO, Italia, Elma Beatriz Rosado, Filiberto Ojeda Foundation, Puerto Rico, Federico Martín Giuliani, General Secretary, Autonomous CTA, Córdoba, Argentina, Fernando Bossi Rojas, Director of Portal Alba, Héctor Bernardo, Journalist and Writer, Argentina, Hilario Richter, Argentina, Horacio Ferrer, Journalist and Writer, Argentina, Hugo Ruiz Díaz, Academic, Paraguay, Ignacio Barreto Esnal, Director of the National Library of  Venezuela, Issam Al Khawaja, Second Secretary Jordanian People's Democratic Unity Party, Jaime Caycedo Turriago, Anthropologist, University Professor, Colombia, Javier Alexander Roa, Writer, Political Analyst, Syria, Joaquín Recio, Spain, Jorge Alberto Kreyness, Argentina, José Manzaneda, Journalist, Basque Country, José Shulman, Argentinean League for Human Rights, Argentina, Julio Briceño Dávila, Friends of Socialism and Peace Association, Nicaragua, Luis Barrios, Ph.D., STM, Holyrood Church/ Santa Cruz Church, USA., Manuel Dammert, Congressman of the Republic of Peru, Manuel Valenti Randi (dir. Of the Center of Nuestroamericano Studies Chavez Kirchner), Argentina, Mirta Iriondo, Dean of the FAMAF-UNC, Córdoba, Argentina, Monolis Vrithias, Communist Party of Crete, Greece, Morella Barreto Lopez, Min. Advisor, Chargé d'Affaires Malaysia, Norman Briski, Theatre Actor, Director and Playwright, Argentina, Omar Olazábal, Audiovisual Producer, Cuba, Ovilia Suarez, Psychologist, Venezuela, Pasqualina Curcio, Economist, Venezuela, Raúl Torres, Musician, Song Writer, Cuba, Rosa Fernández, Editor, Venezuela, Rosa Meneses Albizu Campos, Lawyer, Puerto Rico, Rubén Suarez, Director of the Americas CONAICOP, Dir. Radio Conaicop and Radio Ciudadana Frente Amplio, Uruguay, Vicente Feliú, Musician, Song Writer, Cuba, Vicente Zito Lema, Poet, Playwright, Argentina, Víctor Hugo Morales, Journalist and Writer,  Uruguay, Winston Orrillo, Poet and National Prize of Journalism, Peru, Adalberto Santana, México, Adam Miyashiro, Professor, Stockton University, USA., Adriana Isabel De Pablo, psycho-pedagogy Degree, Córdoba, Argentina, Adriana Doncel, Journalist, Argentina, Adriana Pérez, Chemical Engineer, Cuba, Akinyele Umoja, Educator and Author, USA., Alan Freeman, Co-director, University of Manitoba, Canada, Alberto Ferrari, Journalist, Córdoba, Argentina, Alberto Nelson Jones, Pres. Caribbean American Children Foundation USA., Alberto Reyes, International Solidarity,  Chile, Alberto Vanden Panhuysen, Retired Judicial worker, Córdoba, Argentina, Alcira Vaca, Córdoba, Argentina, Aleida Centeno Rodríguez, Puerto Rico Nationalist Party, Alejandro Azcuy, Photographer, Cuba, Alejandro Moll, Chemical, Argentina, Alejo Brignole, Argentina, Alex Salom, Jesuit Priest, Venezuela, Alex Sosa, International Solidarity, Chile, Alexander Hobel, Italian Communist Party, Italy, Alfredo Viloria Pérez, Engineer, Social Communicator, Venezuela, Alí José Mustafa, United and Organized, Argentina, Alice Loaiza, Task Force on the Americas, USA., Alicia Castellanos, México, Alicia Entel, Argentina, Alicia Herrera, Medical Doctor, Córdoba, Argentina, Alicia Lesgart, Teacher, Family of the Disappeared, Argentina, Alicia Sella, Córdoba, Argentina, Alicia Trcka, Teacher, Córdoba, Argentina, Alison Whitney, Let Cuba Live Committee of  Maine, USA., Amy Roitman, Córdoba, Argentina, Ana Gabriela Pereira Estupiñan, Conaicop, Italy, Ana María Moro, Teacher, Family of the Disappeared, Rosario, Argentina, Andrea Vlahusic, Argentina, Anahí Ferrari, Student, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Anahi Rubin, Journalist, Argentina, Analía Sampaoli, Social Worker, Córdoba, Argentina, Andrea Vento, Teacher of Economic Geography, Italy, Ángel Barrios, Argentineans for Victory, Sweden, Anika Persiani, Communist Party militant, Italy  Annallie Rueda Cardero, Resumen Latinoamericano-Cuba, Annita Benassi, Communist Party of Portugal, Antonio Pinto, Task Force on the Americas, USA., Arantxa Tirado, Spain,  Arkaitz González, Communist Party of Spain,  Banbose Shango, co-Chair National Network on Cuba USA., Barbara Barnet, Richmond, California, USA., Barbara Cusack, USA., Bassel I. Salem, Engineer and Journalist, Palestine, Beatriz Fonseca Apesteguía, Economist, Cuba, Beatriz Montenegro, Psychoanalyst,  Venezuela, Beatriz Stolowicz, México, Benjamin Treuhaft, England, Berenise Soso, Dance Professor, Rosario, Argentina, Berta Joubert-Ceci, Boricua Committee of Philadelphia-Camden, USA., Bibiana Ortolani, Psychoanalyst, Córdoba, Argentina, Bill Montross, DC Chapter, National Lawyers Guild, USA., Bob Briton, Communist Party of Australia, (CPA), Australia, Bruce Scotton, Task Force on the Americas, USA., Cachi Matias Caciabue, Argentina, Camilo David López, Social Communicator, Cuba, Camilo Di Cola, Engineer, Venezuela, Carissa Brands, Task Force on the Americas, USA., Carla Riehle, Minnesota-Cuba Committee, USA, Carlo Frabetti, Writer, Spain, Carlos Ayress, Artist, Chile, Carlos Martínez Mendoza, Retired Military, Venezuela, Carlos Raimundi, Solidarity plus Equality in the Big Front, Argentina, Carlos Sosa, International Solidarity, Chile, Carlos Viñas, Argentina, Carol Costa, Task Force on the Americas, USA, Carolina Cositore, Jewish Voices for Peace, USA., Carolina Dutton, Task Force on the Americas, USA., Carolina Vanesa Monzón, Córdoba, Argentina, Casey Mitchell, Law School Mitchell Hamline, USA., Cassie Lopez, USA., Cecilia Perdigón, Engineer, Venezuela, Cecilia Santiago Vera, Psychologist, México, Charalampos Borreas, International Solidarity, Greece, Charles Hardy, Author, Cowboy in Caracas, USA., Charlotte Kates, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, USA., Cheryl LaBash, co-Chiar, National Network on Cuba, USA., Christhian Helena Valles Caraballo, Anthropologist, Venezuela, Cindy Domingo, Chair, US Women and Cuba Collaboration, USA., Clara Santamaría, Medical Doctor, Cuba, Claude Marks, Freedom Archives, USA., Concha Bernardo, Artist, International Solidarity, Spain, Cristina Serapio, Anthropologist, Salta, Argentina, Cristina Solano, Psychology and Human Right activist, Argentina, Cynthia Spillmann, Biochemical Degree, Córdoba, Argentina, Dale L. Johnson, Sociologist, Author, USA., Daniel Ezcurra, Argentina, Daniel Gasparri, Chargé d'Affaires of Venezuela in Australia, Daniel O. Vergara, Teacher, Córdoba, Argentina, Daniel Siciliano, FORJA, Argentina, Daniel Silverman, Córdoba, Argentina, Daniel Valdez, Córdoba, Argentina, Darío D´Vicenso, HIJOS - Rosario, Argentina, Darío Salinas, Mexico, David Gómez Rodriguez, Writer and Poet, militant of the JPSUV-Russia, David Heap, Professor, University of Western Ontario, Canada, David Muñiz, Communist Party of Spain, David Palumbo-Liu, Professor, Stanford University, USA., David Vázquez Abella, Social Communicator, Cuba, Deisy Francis Mexidor, Journalist, Cuba, Delfina Paredes, First National Actress, Peru, Denny Riley, Veterans for Peace, USA, Día Nader de El Andari, Chargé d'Affaires of Venezuela in Serbia, Diana Block, California Coalition for Women Prisoners, USA., Diana Bohn, Task Force on the Americas, USA., Diana Sancionó, Brazilian University Professor resident in Argentina, Diana Stanzioni, Brazilian University Professor resident in Argentina, Didier Lalande, International Solidarity, France, Dimitri Dinis, International Solidarity, Greece, Donna Willmott, USA, Douglas Pérez, Public Worker,  Venezuela, Edgar González Marín, General Consul of Venezuela in Brazil, Edgard Ortiz Litwin, Municipal employee, Córdoba, Argentina, Edgardo Esteban, Argentina, Edith Glaif, Argentine League for Human Rights, Argentina, Eduardo Sigal, Vice-President Frente Grande, Argentina, Edwin González, International Solidarity, Puerto Rico, Eladio González, Social activist, Argentina, Elizabeth Hulm, Australia-Cuba Friendship Society, Australia, Elizabeth Palmeiro, Translator, Cuba, Elizabeth Toledo, LGBTQ LatinxActivist, USA., Elsa Morgenstern, Córdoba, Argentina, Emilse Blanco, Teacher, Córdoba, Argentina, Emily Oswald Coffey, Engage Cuba Council of Colorado, USA, Enrique González Kong, Diplomat, Venezuela,  Enrique González Ruiz, Mexico, Enrique Ventureira, Córdoba, Argentina, Ernesto Molina, Chest Instructor, Córdoba, Argentina, Estela Calderón, Social Worker, Córdoba, Argentina, Fabian Curotto, CN Martín Fierro, Argentina, Faramak Zahraie, Roots of Conflict (RoC), USA, Fátima Majzoub, Economist, Caracas, Venezuela, Fátima Rallo Gutiérrez, Anthropologist, social activist, Paraguay, Fedora Lagos, International Solidarity, Chile, Felício Furini, Argentina, Felipe Stuart Courneyeur, Nicaragua/Canada, Fermin Rivera, Córdoba, Argentina, Fernando Cardozo, Union Worker, International Solidarity, Argentina, Fernando Lobo, Cuba, Fernando Luna, Córdoba Argentina, Fraco Forconi, International Solidarity, Italy, Franchesco Maringio, Communist Party of Italy, Francisco Dominguez, England, Francisca Jiménez, Spain, Francisco Valdez, Córdoba, Argentina, Franck Rigaud, France, Franco Baima, Córdoba, Argentina, Frank Keoghan, Ireland, Gerardo González, Political Scientist , Venezuela, Gerardo Rico, Evita Group, Argentina, Germán Lombana, Economist, Colombia, Gioa Minuti, Journalist, Italy, Girleny Pacheco, Lawyer, Venezuela, Gloria Denise Escobar, International Solidarity, France, Gloria Verges, France, Graciela Blanco Martén, Costa Rica, Guilherme Wanderley Ribeiro, Medical Doctor, Brazil, Gustavo Amusquivar, Carpenter, Córdoba, Argentina, Gustavo Basualto Leyton, Primary Care Leader, Chile, Gustavo D´Vicenso, HIJOS – Rosario, Argentina, Gustavo Julio Gómez, Córdoba, Argentina, H. Bruce Franklin, Historian, Author, and Scholar, USA, Harmut Hofmeister, Germany, Héctor "Gallego" Fernández, Gen. Sec. of Militant Peronism, Argentina, Héctor León, Physician, Cuba, Héctor Michel Mujica, Venezuela Ambassador in France,  Héctor Segovia, Córdoba, Argentina, Héctor Valenzuela, Psychologist,  Córdoba, Argentina, Heddy Benítez Miño, Actress, Writer, Paraguay, Helen Duffy, Task Force on the Americas, former Professor, USA, Herve Ollitraut, France, Hilda Mirta Romano, Spain, Horacio Pinto, Mov. of Friendship and Mutual Solidarity Venezuela-Cuba, Horacio Barri, Medical Doctor, Córdoba, Argentina, Howard Ehrman MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, School of PH, USA, Ilenia Medina, National Deputy, Venezuela, Inés Luigi, International Solidarity, Venezuela, Irene León, Ecuador, Irma González Salanueva, Psychologist, Cuba, Ivan Perez Rossi, Song Writer, Venezuela, Jack Herbert, USA, Jack Laun, Program Director, Network in Support of Colombia, USA, Jacqueline Luqman, Luqman Nation, Jaime A. Ibarra, Militant of Revolution Democratic,  Chile, Jaime Caycedo Turriago, Anthropologist, University Professor, Colombia, Jaime Veve, (ret) Union of Transportation Workers, Local 100, USA, Jairo Suárez, Pres. Cuban Association of Friendship with the Peoples, Colombia, Jeb Sprague, Ph.D., Virginia University, Virginia, USA, Jeff Mackler, National Secretary, Socialist Action, USA, Jesús Mangual Cruz, Puerto Rico, Jim Dixon, England, Joe Emersberge, Writer, Canada, John Catalinotto, USA, John Thompson Parker, Coordinator, Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice, USA, John Pokrajac, USA, Jorge Alfredo Monzón, Córdoba, Argentina, Jorge Argañaraz, Córdoba, Argentina, Jorge Ceriani, Communist Re-Foundation Party, Italy, Jorge Drkos, Transversal Front, Argentina, Jorge Elbaum, Writer and Political Analyst, Argentina, Jorge Kreyness,  Communist Party of Argentina, Jorge Luis Argañaraz, Cordoba, Argentina, Jorge Sosa Pérez, Lawyer, Mexico, Jorge Veraza, Mexico, José Amigo, Technician, Spain, José Berríos Pacheco, International Solidarity, Puerto Rico, José Gasparini, Córdoba Argentina, José Javier León, University Professor, Venezuela, José Luis Ayala, Poet and Journalist, Peru, José María Márquez, Builder, Córdoba, Argentina, José Pacheco, Mathematician, Uruguay, José Seoane, Argentina, Josefina Morales, Mexico, Juan C. Minghetti, Industrial Engineer, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Juan Cheroni, Graphic Designer, Family of the Disappeared, Argentina, Juan Francisco Martinez Peria, Argentina, Juan José Bermúdez, Venezuela, Juan Manuel Morales, International Solidarity, Spain, Juan Marino, Piquetero Party, Argentina, Judith Ackerman, USA, Judith Bello, Member UNAC Antiwar Coalition, USA, Judy Robbins, Let Cuba Live Committee of Maine, USA, Julio César Pereyra, Professor UNC. Córdoba, Argentina, Julio Dagnino, Journalist, Peru, Julio Ferrer, Argentina, Karen Saum, History Professor, retired, USA and Panamá, Keit Headland, International Solidarity, Australia, Keith Ellis, Jamaica/Canada, Ken Jones, retired Professor, USA., Kevin Zeese, co-Director, Popular Resistance, USA, Laila Mousa, Interpreter, Dubai, Arab Emirates, Lallan Schoenstein, Graphic Artist, retired from SEIU, USA, Laura V. Mor, Political Science, Argentina, Laura Vázquez, Filmmaker, Argentina, Lauribel Rojas Ruiz, Social Communicator, Venezuela, Lawrence Montgomery, Artist, retired from Public Education Instructor, USA, Leandro Albani, Journalist,  Argentina, Leandro D´Nacimento, Medical Doctor, Brazil, Leni Ballón Morales, Venezuela, Lenys Guilarte, Venezuela, Leonardo Rojas, Artist, member of the COOMUNARTE, Colombia, Leonel Falcón Guerra, Journalist, Lawyer, Writer and Politician, Peru, Liliana Demirdjian, Argentina, Lisa L. North, Canada, Lisa Makarchuk, Canada, Lizbeth Labañino Salazar, Psychology Student, Cuba, Luci Murphy, Black Workers Center Chorus, Washington, DC, USA, Luis Allievi, Teacher, Argentina, Luis Delgado, Professor of the University of Zulia, retired, Venezuela, Luis E. Wainer, Argentina, Luis Millán Arteaga, Venezuelan University Professor, living in Argentina, Luis Moyano, Córdoba, Argentina, Maigualida Rivas Santana, Social Activist, Venezuela/France, Malia Everette, Altruvistas, USA, Manuel Ignacio Martínez, Córdoba, Argentina, Manuel Reyes, Pharmacy Technician, Córdoba, Argentina, Manuel Robles, Journalist, Peru, Manuel Santos, Argentina, Marcelo Zicavo, International Solidarity, Uruguay, Marco Coppola, CARC Party, Italy, Marco González Urrutia, International Solidarity, Chile, Margaret Gilpin, Associate Producer, Cuba in Focus - WBAI Pacifica, USA, Margot Palomino, Popular Music Interpreter, Peru, María Antonieta Izaguirre, Psychologist, Venezuela, MªCarmen Soto, Spain,  María del Carmen Cabral, Retired Teacher, Salta, Argentina, María del Carmen Serapio, Social Communicator, Salta Argentina, María Gabriela Perrotat, Teacher, Neuquén, Argentina, Maria Gimena Fernández, Social Communication, Córdoba, Argentina, María Isabel Díaz, Teacher, Córdoba, Argentina, María Paula Giménez, Argentina, María Rosario Valenzuela, Writer, Bolivia/Guatemala, Mariadela Villanueva, Sociologist, Communicator, Venezuela, Mariana Amaya Cáceres, Lawyer, elected to Judicial Power, Córdoba, Argentina, Mariano Silverman, Córdoba, Argentina, Mariano Soso, Soccer Coach, Argentina, Marilitz Nery, Professor, Brazil, Mario Alessio, Psychologist, Córdoba, Argentina, Mario Bomheker, Filmmaker,  Córdoba Argentina, Mariví Rodríguez Triana, Filmmaker, Cuba, Marta Speroni, International Solidarity, Argentina, Martin Guedez, Historian, Political Analyst, Venezuela, Martin J. Sawma, Peace Liaison, U.S Friends of the Soviet People, USA, Martita Ramondino, Córdoba, Argentina, Mary Barca, International Solidarity, Spain, Mary Finneran, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace, USA, Massimiliano Murgo, National Leadership, Reformist Communist Party, Italy,  Massimo Angelili, Ass di Amicizia Italy/Nicaragua,  Mauro Dobruskin, Anthropologist, Buenos Aires, Argentina , Max Ajl, Writer and Editor at Jadaliyya, Tunisia , Mercedes Fernández Sierra, Psychologist, Córdoba Argentina, Miguel Ángel Núñez, Researcher, Writer, Agroecology specialist, Venezuela, Miguel Ángel Valero, Argentina, Miguel Gudiño, Córdoba, Argentina, Miguel Roberto de Oliveira, Electricity worker, Brazil, Miriam Quintana, Historian, Cuba, Mirta Reyes, Córdoba, Argentina, Mohammed Younus Siddiqui, President, All India Muslim Unity Front (AIMUF) and All India Babri Masjid Rebuilding Committee (AIBMRC), India, Morella Barreto López, Advisor Minister, Chargé d'Affaires of Venezuela in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nalda Vigezzi, co-Chair, National Network on Cuba, USA, Natacha Santiago, Poet, Cuba, Natalia Vaca, Education Science Degree Negro, Argentina, Neida Atencio, Writer, Zulia University, Venezuela, Neolid Ceballos, Psychoanalyst, Córdoba, Argentina, Nicolás Canosa, Director of Int'l Relations, Centro de Estudios Nuestroamericano Chávez Kirchner, Argentina, Nidia Fernández, Philosopher, Córdoba Argentina, Nino Pagliccia, Vancouver, Canada, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, Norma J. Moran Ortiz, Lawyer, Venezuela, Norma Silvia Picone, Córdoba, Argentina, Olga Salanueva, Engineer, Cuba, Onur Cuvalci, International Solidarity, Turkey, Orietta Caponi, Venezuela’s Ambassador in Bulgaria, Óscar Hernando Avellaneda Dueñas, Colombia, Oscar Navas, Economist, Córdoba, Argentina, Osvaldo Canelo, Public sector employee, Córdoba, Argentina, Osvaldo Rubén Riveros, Argentina, Pablo Lucione, Milagro Sala Committee, Argentina, Patricia Dahl , USA, Patricia Irene Gil, Lab Technician, Córdoba, Argentina, Patricia Jiménez, International Solidarity, Bolivia, Patricia Moncada, International Solidarity, Euskadi-Cuba, Patrick McCann, Board of Director, Veteran for Peace, USA, Paul Evrard, Belgium, Paula García, Teacher, Córdoba, Argentina, Paola Gallo, Argentina, Pedro Gaetan, Retired, Córdoba Argentina, Pedro Rafael Tovar Celis, Member of Technical Professions Front of the PSUV y GPP, Venezuela, Pedro Ramiro Martínez, Córdoba, Argentina, Peter Berkowitz, Lawyer in Puerto Rico and Massachusetts, USA, Peter Robbins, Let Cuba Live Committee of Maine, USA, Philippe Plumhans, Belgium, Rachel Bruhnke, Witness for Peace, USA, Rachel Sene, USA, Randy Perdomo García, Degree in Philosophy, Cuba, Rebeca Gil León, Medical Doctor, Cuba, Reginaldo Squeo, Engineer, Poland, Richard Grassl, USA, Rita Barouch, MSW, Richmond-Regla Friendship Committee USA, Rita Soria, Mexico, Robert Roth, Co-founder, Haiti Action Committee, USA, Roberto Carlos Pasmiño Aguirre, Conaicop, Italy, Roberto Carlos Saavedra Lobo, Venezuela, Roberto Furini Filho, Argentina, Roberto Verrier, Economist, Cuba, Roger Stoll, Task Force on the Americas, USA, Ronny Velásquez, Professor Central University, Venezuela, Rosa Aurora Freijanes Coca, Economist, Cuba, Rosa Bernal, International Solidarity, Spain, Rosalyn Ruiz, History Professor, Argentina, Rubén Riveros, Argentina, Ruth Rodriguez, Degree in Education and Traditional Medicine, Venezuela, Ruth Romero, Public Official, Venezuela, Sabrina Gullino Valenzuela Negro, HIJOS - Paraná, Argentina, Samuel Marrero Dubrocq, Artist, Cuba, Sandino Asturias Valenzuela, Political Scientist, Guatemala, Sandra Alas, Pedagogy Degree, El Salvador, Sandra Serapio, APV Andes/Csribe, Colombia, Santiago Armesilla Conde, Teacher, Writter, Political Analyst, Spain, Sara Flounders, International Action Center, USA, Sara Olga Adriel, Retired, Córdoba, Argentina, Sebastián García, Salesman, Córdoba, Argentina, Sebastián Salgado, Journalist, Argentina, Serena Bartolucci, Association Solidarieta Internazionalista with Cuba, Italy,  Sergio Arria, Argentina, Sergio Serrano, Somos Cauca, Colombia, Sierra M. Thai-Binh, UE Coach at East Bay Innovation Academy (EBIA), USA, Silvia Valerga, Journalist, Córdoba,  Argentina, Simona V. Yagenova, REDH Guatemala Chapter, Sharon Black, Peoples Power Assembly, Baltimore USA, Sofía Amada Sordo, Psychologist, Cuba, Argentina, Soledad Ferrari, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Susan Abulhawa, Palestinian Author, USA, Susan Scott, National Lawyers Guild, USA, Tammy Lopez, Violinist, Composer, Cuba, Tania Ferreira, Argentina, Tanya Hartley, Board of Directors Witness for Peace Southwest, USA, Tarak Kauff, Veterans for Peace, Editor, Peace on Our Times, USA, Tatiana Coll, México, Techi Cusmanich, Cultural Manager, Paraguay, Teresa Vadell, Vadell Brothers Editorial, Venezuela, Teri Mattson, Coordinator, Campaign to End US & Canada Sanctions Against Venezuela, USA, Tom Lacey, Peace and Freedom Party, San Francisco, USA, Tom Whitney, Let Cuba Live Committee of Maine, USA, Tova Fry, Communist Workers League, Bay Area, USA, Tri Heredia, Journalist, Córdoba, Argentina, Vania León Ramirez, Medical Doctor, Sweden, Verónica Díaz, Journalist, 4F Newspaper Coordinator,  Venezuela, Victor Elías Bernigaud, Córdoba, Argentina, Victoria Rivera, Córdoba, Argentina, Vidal Cisneros, Architect, Venezuela, Virgilio Ponce, France, Virginia King Chavismo Sur, Latin American Foundation for the Defense of Human Rights and Social Development FUNDALATIN, Argentina, Virgino Di Gregorio, President of La Gregor, Italy, Viviana Mejía, International Solidarity, Colombia, Walter Lippmann, Editor-in-Chief, CubaNews, USA, Walter Tillow, Louisville, KY, USA, William A. Chorneau, Task Force on the Americas, former Educator, USA, Xavier Sarabia Mariche, Audiovisual producer, Venezuela, Yaimí Ravelo, Photographer,  Resumen Latinoamericano-Cuba, Yhonny García Calles, International Solidarity, Venezuela, Zilpha Ellis, USA. / Canada, Miguel Concha Malo, México, Miguel Álvarez Gándara, México, Isabel Sanginés, México, Walter Martínez, México, Marco Velázquez, México, Leonardo Del Grosso, Argentina, Diógenes Díaz, Venezuela, Victor Manuel Ramos, Honduras, Marcela LeMarie, Colombia, Hilda Astudillo, Ecuador, Trinidad Ayola G, Panamá, Marialcira Matute , Caracas, Venezuela, John Hernan Aguirre Ceballos, Colombia, Pedro Tostado Sánchez, Spain, Luis Erasmo Ninamango Jurado, Perú, Fernán Medrano, Colombia, Lina Arregocés, Venezuela, Germán Leyens, Argentina; Ángeles Diez Rodríguez, Spain.




Al Mayadeen TV, Líbano, Asociación Anahí, filial Rosario, Asociación France-Cuba, Asociación Salvador Allende de Chile en México, Cartago TV, Círculo Bolivariano de Paris, Colectivo Psicólogos por el socialismo (América Latina y El Caribe), Comité del Frente Amplio de Uruguay en México por la Izquierda, Comité Internacional Paz, Justicia y Dignidad a los Pueblos, Comité Mexicano de Solidaridad con Bolivia, Coordinadora Mexicana de Solidaridad con Venezuela, CTA Autónoma Córdoba Provincial, CubaInformación TV, Editorial Le Temps des Cerises, Familiares de Desaparecidos y Detenidos por razones políticas y gremiales, Rosario, Grupo de Solidaridad con Cuba y la Patria Grande Héroes de Artemisa, Grupo del Frente para la Victoria de Argentina en México, Liga Argentina por los Derechos Humanos, Movimiento de Solidaridad Nuestra América, Movimiento Mexicano de Solidaridad con Cuba, Multisectorial de Solidaridad con Cuba y la Patria Grande – Rosario, Radio Universidad Rosario, Red de PsicólogosNuestramericana (América Latina y El Caribe), Resumen Latinoamericano, Revista Palestina Al Hadaf, SolidaritéAmérique Latine Cuba, Taller "Había Una Vez" – Rosario, Tatu Latinoamérica, Casa de la Amistad argentino-cubana-venezolana de la Matanza, R.A.S.I.N. Kan Pèp la (Secretario General Marc-Arthur Fils-Aimé) Rasanbleman Sosyalis Pou yon Inisyativ Nasyonal tounèf, PAPDA, Plateforme haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement Alternatif, SEPLA / Sociedad de Economia Política y de pensamiento crítico de América latina (Presidentes Julio Gambina y Camille Chalmers), Comité Ejecutivo Regional de la Asamblea de los Pueblos del Caribe (CER-APC)
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