Declaration On The Inclusion Of Puerto Rico Into CELAC

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Puerto Rico is a Latin American country, militarily invaded by the United States in 1898, and since then has maintained its struggle for independence. This struggle has been recognized by diverse international authorities and entities of the international and Latin American community. The colonial nature of the current state of affairs in our country must never overshadow our right to independence as a historical claim in accordance with international law and the foundational ideals of Bolívar and our statesmen of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Throughout our centenary history of struggle, Puerto Rico has been represented by those forces that affirm our right to independence and complete sovereignty as a Latin American nation.
The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States -CELAC- is an institution created in accordance with the most progressive intellectual currents of the Americas.
Regarding the inclusion of Puerto Rico into CELAC, this document’s signatory organizations acknowledge and affirm:
1. We acknowledge and are thankful for the patriotic insistence of personalities from all over the continent for the creation of a special space for a Puerto Rican representation in CELAC.
2. We understand and emphatically insist that the inclusion of Puerto Rico in CELAC must be achieved through a delegation of the Puerto Rican national liberation movement and never through a delegation of the colonial state (which itself is a creation of the US Congress, not of a Latin American state).
3. We understand and emphatically insist that such possible representation of Puerto Rico in CELAC must only be the product of an agreement among the diverse forces and organizations that compose the Puerto Rican national liberation movement.
4. We make our efforts and expressions of gratitud for the inclusion of Puerto Rico from a continental vision and a vision of international solidarity with peoples in struggle, because as long as foreign powers from outside Latin America and the Caribbean dictate to us who can and who cannot be part of CELAC, the countries that compose it will be giving up their national autonomy, which must always be the founding base of the Community.
January 26, 2014
Signing Groups
Colectivo Resistencia
Coordinadora Caribeña y Latinoamericana de Puerto Rico
Frente Socialista
La Nueva Escuela
Movimiento Al Socialismo
Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano
Partido Nacionalista de Puerto Rico -Movimiento Libertador
Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores Puertorriqueños - Macheteros
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