Anatomy of a Coup
- Opinión
What did the Bush Administration know, and when did it know it? How
deeply involved were U.S. intelligence and military personnel in the
recent Venezuelan coup? Has our Latin American policy been highjacked
by the same cabal of anti-Cuban fanatics who got this country in deep
trouble during the 1980s? Those are some of the questions the U.S.
Congress needs answers to if this nation is to maintain even a shred
of credibility in its " war on terrorism."
Congress should begin with the White House's point man on the region,
Otto Reich, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere
Affairs. Reich, a Cuban refugee, met several times with coup leaders,
and advised civilian coup leader Pedro Carmona during the abortive
uprising. Reich denies having anything to do with the overthrow of
President Hugo Chavez and says he knew nothing about the events of
April 11 because of an "informational blackout."
However, according to former National Security Agency (NSA) officers
Wayne Madison and Richard M. Bennett, U.S. Army units in Florida,
Puerto Rico and Texas "assisted in providing communications
intelligence to U.S. military and national command authorities on the
progress of the coup." Is Reich lying?
His track record suggests he is. When Reich was Sec. Of State for
Western Hemisphere affairs during the Reagan Administration, he
engaged in "prohibited covert propaganda," according to the General
Accounting Office. Reich furnished newspapers with phony stories and
opinion pieces supporting the Nicaraguan contras. He also helped
spring Orlando Bosch from a Venezuelan prison in 1987. Bosch, another
Cuban refugee, was jailed in 1976 for bombing a Cuban airliner and
killing 73 people.
The committees also needs to probe Pentagon official Rogelio Pardo-
Maurer, another Cuban refugee, who met with military coup leader Gen.
Lucas Romero Rincon in the weeks before the coup. Pardo-Mauer and the
Pentagon deny there was any discussion of a coup.
But Madsen and Bennett charge that CIA and civilians contracted by
the U.S. military at Marandua airfield in Eastern Columbia "stood by
to provide logistics support for the leading members of the coup."
They further charge that Navy patrol aircraft and at least five
surface ships were involved in intercepting communications, and that
Special Operations Psychological Warfare units jammed radio
frequencies and cell phones in Caracas and other major cities.
Pardo-Mauer was the former chief of staff of the Nicaraguan Contras,
ground zero for the Iran-Contra scandal, which deeply scarred U.S.
credibility in Latin America during the 1980s.
Congress should certainly investigate the U.S. Army School of the
Americas (now renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security
Operations) in Fort Benning, Ga. that trained two of the key coup
leaders, Army Commander in Chief Efrain Vasquez and General Ramirez
Poveda. The "School" is infamous for producing 11 dictators in
Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, Honduras and Guatemala.
According to STRATFOR, a private intelligence provider, the CIA had
close ties with the most reactionary wing of the operation, including
the extreme rightwing Catholic organization, Opus Dei, and General
Ruben Rohas (Ret.). It was this group that put Carmona into power,
who then dissolved the Legislature, dismissed the Supreme Court, the
Attorney General, and the National Election Commission, fired
provincial governors, and suspended the Constitution.
Following meetings between the Bush Administration and coup leaders,
an anonymous email was sent to the Financial Times detailing what
would eventually became the coup's blueprint: a strike at Petroleos
de Venezuela, leading to gas shortages, which would create chaos. The
chaos would spark demonstrations that would force Chavez to resign
under military pressure.
According to STRATFOR, the CIA, through the Special Operations
Command in Fort Bragg, NC, has worked on organizing oil union leaders
and military commanders since the summer of 2001. The Congressionally
funded National Endowment for Democracy also funneled almost $900,000
to Chavez foes.
Did the U.S. actively try to undermine the Venezuelan economy in
order to create a crisis that would trigger a coup?
The stakes here are high, and routine disavowals or in- house
investigations of U.S. involvement won't do. "Latin Americans don't
give much weight to U.S. denials, because Washington has never
admitted its participation in any coup - not in Chile or anywhere
else," says former Chilean ambassador to the U.S., John Biehl.
Certainly the coup has sent a collective chill through countries from
Columbia to Argentina, many of which endured U.S.-supported military
dictatorships in the '60s and '70s. While Americans tend to have
short memories about things like the 1973 U.S.-backed coup in Chile,
no one else in Latin American can afford such amnesia. The images of
the "disappeared" opponents, arbitrary arrests, and plundered
economies ushered in by those coups are sharply etched in the
collective memories of people from Buenos Aires to Caracas.
"There is anxiety in Brazil and the rest of Latin America," says
former Brazilian foreign minister Luis Felipe Lampreia," because the
U.S. no longer seems so committed to democratic principles."
That sentiment alone should be enough to trigger a Congressional
* Conn Hallinan. San Francisco Examiner May 3, 2002
Del mismo autor
- Anatomy of a Coup 02/05/2002
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