Analysis Of Situation In Guatemala
- Opinión
The balance of the past three years of FRG (Guatemalan Republican
Front) party control over the government is negative. Headed by
President Alfonso Portillo and President of Congress Efraín Ríos
Montt, the deterioration is due to Guatemala's economic,
political, moral and social crises; government corruption; the
ongoing confrontation between the government and CACIF (the
Coordinating Committee of Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial,
and Financial Associations); the failure to fulfill the Peace
Accords; the government's support of the reorganization of
counterinsurgency structures such as the former PACs (Civil
Defense Patrols); and the resurgence of political violence
carried out by clandestine groups.
The climate throughout the country is polarized, confrontational,
violent, and full of despair. This environment has invaded most
sectors of the population, which has been struck by hunger and an
unjust system characterized by the privileges of a minority
oligarchy that resists change.
Added to all of that, there has been a shocking increase in drug
trafficking, while the quantity of drugs confiscated has
decreased and the anti-narcotics police have stolen two-thirds of
the cocaine that was seized.
All of this has accelerated the process of political
decomposition and led to a greater level of violence. It has
exposed clandestine groups, which act with the government's
protection and are linked to drug and human trafficking, along
with money laundering.
Pressure from the United States has led the government to dismiss
several high-level Interior Department functionaries. The
government has also closed the Department of Anti-Narcotics
Operations (DOAN) and created a small intelligence agency called
the Service for Analysis and Anti-Narcotics Information (SAIA);
forcibly retired several military officials with alleged links to
drug trafficking; and dismissed several high-level government
employees working in places with a high amount of drug
trafficking, such as the ports.
The government's financial gamble stems from the public sale of
$US 700 million worth of "eurobonds". Civil society, CACIF, and
the international community oppose the sale of the eurobonds
because of who the profits would benefit and because the sales
would lead to a 20% increase in the external debt. Profits from
the bonds will finance the electoral campaign of the FRG and
"compensate" the former members of the PACs. However, the
possibility of profiting from this endeavor decreases day by day
because, among other reasons, the U.S. has "decertified"
Guatemala due to its inability to counter drug trafficking. The
decertification has diminished the government 's credibility on
an international level.
Other worrisome elements are Guatemala's insecurity; an increased
number of prison riots; and general chaos. The inability of the
State to confront this situation is obvious. However, from the
start, the FRG government has also deliberately attempted to
militarize public security and exhaust the civil security
In the midst of this crisis, the FRG's political agenda finds
itself completely weakened. The approval rating of their leaders
is not higher than 8%, according to several opinion polls.
Furthermore, they perpetually find themselves in confrontations
with civil society groups such as doctors, farmers, and most
recently teachers, which will set the stage for the FRG's
political debacle in the upcoming elections.
However, the most concerning aspect of this increasingly
conflictive situation, provoked by horrible political
mismanagement, is that it could cause an unwanted inability to
govern the country. This is why it is important that civil
society stay alert and ready for the time when they are
eventually faced with attempts to break the government's
The Army
The army has suffered political manipulation due to Presidential
appointments, which were made under pressure from clandestine
groups. Another influence has been the U.S.'s response to what
they saw as questionable appointments, especially those related
to functionaries involved in the fight against drug trafficking.
These pressures have led to many appointments and dismissals of
military leaders.
An important theme is the military high command. Currently
Enrique Ríos Sosa-son of the FRG's Secretary General, Efraín Ríos
Montt-is the Division General of the General Staff of the
National Defense. In order to avoid further political erosion
within the military, he should retire. But, there is a
possibility that he will be appointed Secretary of Defense, which
in an electoral year would be another mistake on the part of the
government, as it would increase anti-FRG sentiment among the
armed forces.
Additionally, the government continues to make special fund
transfers to the Defense Department (MDN) to the detriment of
important social needs. The government also continues to assign
tasks to the military that are not part of its mandate, such as
the distribution of fertilizer and internal security.
The MDN has also attempted to gain control of the National
Maritime Authority-a goal that was made clear in a recent
proposition presented by FRG Congressman Baudilio Hichos. He
also asked Congress to give the army power and prerogative to
extend the militarization of the State, including control over
fiscal activities, health, immigration, and more.
Political Forces
The general crisis in the political party system has grown.
There is not adequate electoral law and parties do not have
enough financing to function. The political parties have not
fulfilled a true intermediary relationship between society and
the State. It is necessary to strengthen the political party
The Political Parties: The National Advancement Party (PAN) is
one of the political arms of CACIF. According to the polls, they
are in first place. They try to play off of the discontent with
the FRG. To the general population, the PAN represents the
divided right; has a history of privatizing resources with
disastrous results for the general public; and shows serious
signs of corruption.
The PAN has already announced their presidential candidate, which
was decided after primary elections to solve an internal dispute.
Oscar Berger won with the support of the economically powerful.
The party's Secretary General, Leonel López Rodas, continues to
dispute appointments and other seats of power, but everything
indicates that he will loose control of the party due to economic
pressures and pressure from Alvaro Arzú's group. Arzú 's group
re-entered the scene by snatching up the Unionist Party from
Gustavo Porras and handing it over to Fritz García-Gallont with
the intention of fusing both parties.
The Guatemalan Republican Front (FRG) is weak, divided, and worn
out due to an endless confrontation with CACIF. They are paying
a big political and social price for Congress' approval of an
increase in the Value Added Tax (IVA) and for the increase in
violence, corruption, and social despair.
FRG leaders have proposed promoting Efraín Ríos Montt as their
presidential candidate, in hopes they will be able to strengthen
their deteriorating party. (However, since Ríos Montt is
constitutionally prohibited from running for president-because he
came to power through a coup in the early 1980's-the FRG may
simply be fronting him until they come up with another
candidate.) In May, the FRG will have to make real electoral
decisions. At that time, Rios Montt himself will probably
nominate a candidate from outside the internal circles of the
party, or one of the so-called "portillistas" (supporters of
President Portillo) such as the Foreign Relations Minister, Edgar
Gutiérrez; the academic, Eduardo Suger Cofiño; the Attorney
General, Carlos David de León Argueta; the president of the
Guatemalan Bank (BANGUAT), Lizardo Sosa; or the former president
of the Supreme Court of Justice, José Rodil Peralta. At the
congressional level, Pedro Pablo Palma Lau will be run in
Congress during the elections, to bear some of the electoral
burden and thereby somewhat protect the FRG. (Pedro Pablo Palma
Lau's reputation will make him a good face-person for the FRG.)
For his part, Ríos Montt will maintain some high-level position
in order to guarantee his immunity. (This position will
guarantee his control within the party and government, and
provide immunity in the genocide case that has been launched
against him).
Currently the FRG does not have more than an 8% approval rating,
and they haven't even started their electoral campaign yet,
during which the situation could actually worsen. A great
electoral defeat for the FRG is probable.
The National Revolutionary Union of Guatemala (URNG) chose
Rodrigo Asturias and Pablo Ceto as their duo-presidential
candidate. This was proposed by their National Executive
Committee (CEN) and Political Council, and endorsed by their
support base. The local candidates and district representatives
are decided through primary elections. They are currently the
second largest party in the country, but their candidates are not
positioned at the same level.
The URNG is made up of 13,000 members, and is organized in more
than 190 municipalities, with more than 100 political teams.
When Jorge Ismael Soto left the group, a reported 160 members
resigned from the party.
The Patriot Party (PP) is led by Otto Pérez Molina. They are now
a legally registered political party and are planning to run
Harris Whitbeck as their presidential candidate. Whitbeck is a
former member, and now enemy, of the FRG. He is connected to
part of the army and is politically connected to the serranistas.
It is said that he receives financial support from the
businessman Dionisio Gutiérrez, who is setting himself up to also
be a presidential candidate. Pérez Molina used to be a leader of
the Guatemalan Civil Movement, financed by Gutiérrez.
The National Unity for Hope (UNE) is a political group led by
Álvaro Colom, who is also the group's Secretary General and
presidential candidate. They were able to obtain their legal
registration as a political party. Colom is well known in the
country after running for president in 1999 with the URNG. He is
currently in second place in the polls, but it becomes more
evident every day that he his moving closer to the right, which
has diminished his strength. His organization has not defined
itself politically or ideologically. The breakdown of the
Guatemalan Civic Movement and Oscar Berger's return to the PAN,
have left the UNE divided, as those two events led to the
departure of many of their principle supporters.
The DIA Party has the misfortune of being known as the leftist
party with a rightest presidential candidate, which will
ultimately cancel itself out. Their candidate is the President
of the Galileo University and military colonel, Eduardo Suger
Confino. A confrontation with his first running mate, Ricardo
Bueso, caused Bueso to transfer to the Guatemalan Christian
Democracy (DCG) party to run as their presidential candidate.
The Union Party has finished the process of becoming a legal
registered political party. Gustavo Porras and his supporters
formed the group after they left the PAN. In a recent national
assembly, Porras was dismissed and the capitol's mayor, Fritz
García-Gallot, who represents the ideologies of former president
Álvaro Arzú, was put in charge. It bears all the political
weight of the defeated rightest party since the privatizations
and corruption of the PAN years. Everything indicates that
changes within the party will bring about an alliance with the
The Democratic Union is a political group with roots in the
center-left. They ran an environmentalist in 1999 and currently
are part of the center-right. Led by businessman Rodolfo Paiz
Andrade, the Secretary of Finance with the Guatemalan Christian
Democracy (DCG) government. Paiz remains their presidential
candidate after some costly, questionable, and not very well-
attended primary elections. He is one of the candidates of the
business class. He already has some presence in the written
press and visible propaganda.
The Guatemalan Christian Democracy (DCG). Their Secretary
General is former president Marco Vinicio Cerezo Arévalo. Due to
internal problems, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) held a
hearing for their suspension. The DCG is a divided political
force that is facing extinction. The most recent confrontation
happened between Cerezo and José Fernando Lobo Dubón; Cerezo came
away with control of the party. (Lobo Dubón was assassinated in
January 2003). The DCG will nominate businessman Ricardo Bueso
as their presidential candidate.
The Progressive Liberator Party (PLP). Their Secretary General
is Asisclo Valladares Molina. This is a ticket without a party,
and it is close to losing their official registration.
Valladares is generally allied with the right and is currently
the ambassador to the Vatican. He has been allied with the FRG
in past elections. Among his supporters is Guillermo Salazar
Santizo, president of the Foundation for Economic Investigation
The Greens. Their Secretary General and presidential candidate
is Rodolfo Rosales García-Salas. It is a small party without any
national presence that is based on an ecological platform. The
Greens made a good showing in the 1999 elections with their
candidate José Asturias Rudeke, but he is no longer involved with
the party.
Nationalist Unity. Their Secretary General is Jorge Canale
Nanne. He has some close connections with members of the
government, such as Rokael Cardona, as well as people closely
connected with the Social-Democrat Convergence Party. It is in
talks with the Union Party and the Alliance for a New Nation.
The Reformist Movement is also called the Guatemalan Labor Party
(PLG). Their Secretary General is Hugo Enrique Argueta Figuero
and the party is currently in the process of being suspended.
Regardless, Jorge Briz Abularach, president of the Chamber of
Congress, has essentially bought his position as the party's
National Solidarity Party. Their Secretary General is Bertha
Olimpia Rivas López. The figure behind this party is Ricardo
Castillo Sinibaldi, the president of the executive board of the
Institute for Workers Recreation (IRTRA). He is also the party's
presidential candidate. He has connections with the DCG party-an
alliance between the two parties is possible.
The Participative Social Democracy (DSP). Their Secretary
General is Federico Arnoldo Zea Acuna. It has only been a
political party since January 2003.
The Real National Union (UNA). Their Secretary General is
Gerardo Villeda Guerra. They were recently registered as the
16th political party. CACIF This traditional economic power has
headed opposition to the government due to threats they have
received to themselves and their interests. A group of
businessmen is participating in a campaign to destabilize the
government by systematically using printed propaganda materials.
They are also pushing a campaign to discredit the government,
based on corruption.
The CACIF has chosen Oscar Berger's PAN, to retake political
power. They led an important economic campaign to ensure that
Berger won the PAN primaries. However, it still doesn't have
control of the candidates and the party itself. Therefore it is
expected that CACIF will continue to do what it can to eliminate
López Rodas' influence, while at the same time bring on board
Alvaro Arzú's economic/political group to present a united
economic power to the elections.
The United States
There has been a change in U.S. policy toward the current
administration, which is evident in several concrete actions,
such as the newly appointed Ambassador; strong statements from
functionaries Otto Reich, Paul Simons, and Rogelio Guevara; the
decertification of Guatemala because the country was not
cooperating in the fight against drug trafficking; and others.
The U.S. continues to have strategic and structural power over
Guatemala. The U.S. government has taken advantage of the
political situation since September 11, 2001 to pursue an agenda
of security over everything else, including the development of a
new National Security Doctrine. Specifically, it has imposed its
fight against terror and has increased control over migration.
The economic expansion of the United States is clear through its
proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA); regional trade
projects like the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA);
and Plan Puebla Panamá (PPP). All of these initiatives intend to
accomplish a basic strategy: consolidate the market, to ensure
the economic-political power of the U.S. in Latin America, over
that of the European countries and Japan.
The great dependency that the Guatemalan government has on the
United States has led Portillo to adopt the most reactionary
position on international politics than any Guatemalan government
in the past decades. He has cosponsored a resolution against
Cuba and voted against the presidency of Libya at the Commission
on Human Rights in Geneva and voted against the creation of a
Palestinian state-all actions were in line with the United
States. It has recently moved closer to Cuba, a stance motivated
by the U.S.'s decision to decertify Guatemala and the upcoming
electoral campaigns. However, it is probable that the government
will adopt the same reactionary position in future decisions.
The International Community
Due to the actions and sentiments shown by the international
community in reviewing the Guatemalan government's commitments
during the Consultative Group meeting, Guatemala has made
advancements in its peace agenda and has planned several multi-
sector dialogue roundtables, which are backed by the Organization
of American States (OAS) and the UN Office in Guatemala. It is
necessary that these roundtables are suitable for civil society
and provide effective spaces and permanent dialogue between
society and the state. (The Consultative Groups consists of
governments who have donated money to support the fulfillment of
the Peace Accords. It meets regularly to review the peace
process and the government's commitments.)
The Dialogue Group-which is comprised of government
representatives from Canada, the United States, Sweden, Spain,
Germany, Holland, Norway, and Japan, in addition to
representatives from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB),
the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the UN
Office in Guatemala-has supported the actions of the human rights
movements and those organizations who have received threats from
clandestine groups that act with impunity in the country.
The UN Verification Mission in Guatemala (MINUGUA) has had an
important role in the current political situation, positioning
themselves as monitor of the most important commitments. It has
also strengthened organizations and helped civil society achieve
advances in fulfillment of the Peace Accords, before closing at
the end of the year.
There are still several important commitments that have not been
fulfilled, including those regarding human rights, justice, and
security. It would be best for the multi-sector roundtables that
are supposed to start functioning to address these matters, in
order to summarize civil society's experiences and proposals, and
so that the organizations can present a unified position at the
next Consultative Group meeting.
The international community still needs to develop concrete plans
to evaluate the promises made in the Peace Accords and at the
Consultative Group meeting.
Civil Society Civil society has before it a challenge, as well as
an opportunity, as this space for change opens, to be able to re-
address the Peace Accords with the support of the international
community. It is important to participate, organize, and
construct a political alternative to the current government,
which benefits the right, the military and the traditional
The land conflicts continue while the campesino movement
demonstrates a high-level of organization and mobilization.
Marches and land occupations taking place throughout the country
are demanding solutions to a serious and complex situation. But
the magnitude of their demands conflicts with the attitude of the
land owners and authorities, which see repression and forced
displacement as the only ways to confront the demands. The Peace
Accords have adequate proposals to resolve this situation, but
the government has not fulfilled them.
The teachers' movement demonstrates organization, spirit,
coordination, and unity. They have confronted the government's
obstinate attitude and their struggle has strengthened civil
organization and created a base for growth in the union movement.
Conclusions Civil society is facing important challenges. The
first is to take advantage of the pressure the international
community is placing on Guatemala to hold the next Consultative
Group meeting in May, in order to achieve change, re-address the
fulfillment of fundamental points on the peace agenda. Using
civil pressure and participation from the international community
could cause a change in the government's agenda. Civil society
must also organize the population around their sector demands,
with a long-term vision of creating a new nation.
At this point in Guatemala's history, organization and
participation are an obligation.
The other challenge is to construct a viable alternative, in line
with the Peace Accords, that can offer Guatemalans something
different than the furtherance of the FRG's military right and
CACIF's corporate right. This is the challenge for those who
believe in a different Guatemala; a country that does not exclude
anyone, based on a real democracy that is participative and just.
Del mismo autor
- Analysis Of Situation In Guatemala 17/04/2003