NETmundial Multistakeholder Statement

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April, 24th 2014  19:31 BRT
This is the non-binding outcome of a bottom-up, open, and participatory process  involving thousands of people from governments, private sector, civil society,  technical community, and academia from around the world. The NETmundial  conference was the first of its kind. It hopefully contributes to the evolution of the  Internet governance ecosystem.
The Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance, also  known as NETmundial, is convened to discuss two important issues relevant for the  future evolution of the Internet, in an open and multistakeholder fashion:   
1. Internet Governance Principles, and
2. Roadmap for the future evolution of the Internet Governance Ecosystem 
The recommendations in this document have been prepared with the view to guiding  NETmundial to consensus. This has been a collaborative effort among representatives of all stakeholder groups.
More than 180 contributions have been received from all stakeholders around the  globe. Those contributions have been taken as the basis for the elaboration of the recommendations submitted here to the participants of NETmundial towards the  development of broad consensus.
The recommendations of NETmundial are also intended to constitute a potentially  valuable contribution for use in other Internet governance related fora and entities.

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