VIII Encuentro de la Red En Defensa de la Humanidad y del Foro Mundial de Alternativas

Democracy, equality and relationships of gender

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The same notion of democracy is object of fight politics.


There is, on one hand, an imposed notion of democracy, that taken place by the multilateral organisms and for the other one one that struggles from a project transformer, of commitment with ethical values of defense of the nature and of the humanity.


Our reflections were guided to think the relationship with the democracy in a differential way:


·         On one hand, I lower conditions of democratic degradation, the accusation task, resistance, defense of the bourgeois legality can be considered as democratic conquests.

·         For the other one it is necessary to think of the process of transformation of the society in address to the construction of a socialist democracy, as well as in the difficulties and obstacles that can take place.


The processes of democratization are linked to the material and historical conditions in those that the fights are given by the amplification of the democracy.


A socialist democracy should transform the political law, the civil law and the family law, in the sense of transformation of the asymmetric relationships of being able to existent: the politicians, those of class, those of sexual gender. It is necessary to keep in mind those articulations because the division between civil society and state is a product of the capitalism. In a socialist society the state will reinstate to the civil society the functions that this deposited in the State. It is necessary, in the same process of construction of the socialism, to think of the obstacles that present those powers reificados and institutionalized. The construction of a new one should keep in mind the relationships between the old thing and the new thing, because the new thing is born of the old thing, often of its contradictions but he/she also collapses in him its roots. A new order is built it doesn't have more than enough but with the ruins of the old one. It is necessary to be located in the field of the social thing keeping in mind the density of the history. Starting from a historical and located (material, local and corporally) point of view we consider that the tasks of the transition toward the socialism will be determined in good measured by the material, political conditions, cultural of each social formation and for the relationships of force at world level.


·         Regarding the processes of conquest of a democratic socialism


The processes emancipatorias can take place or from above, like in Venezuela, or from below, like in the case of Bolivia. This is an outstanding topic because often they are not considered the tensions among the social movements and the State, the co-option risks, the institutional limits.


Such processes should keep in mind to the fellows as soon as corporal fellows, marked by the sexual difference, for the color of the skin, for the class.


The possibilities of participation of those and the fellows are marked by such determinations: for the effects that it has more than enough their lives he/she has the social and sexual division of work that affects the women mainly I don't only eat different, but also like mismatch


It is not enough with which the fellows participate, it is necessary to advance toward an informed organization, because the fellows should be convinced of the importance of their participation. In the same process attention should be paid to the continuous emergency of obstacles, because the transformation processes spread to stop.


·         Regarding the resistance processes: Colombia is a case witness


There is in Colombia 30.00 missing persons, 5000 extrajudicial executions, 4.000.000 of having displaced and displaced intern@s, most of them and them negr@s, indi@s, campesino@s. In this case the simple respect for the bourgeois legality is an achievement. The Colombian right is the axis of organization of the antidemocrat offensive and antisocialista in Latin America.


In Colombia, for example, those democratic tasks will consist on the appeal to the defense of the bourgeois legality, while in Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador the work will be guided toward the production of practical able to achieve the restitution of the functions alienated in the State in benefit of the civil society.


We coincide in locating the tensions between the new thing and the old thing in the level of the relationships among the capitalism, the racism and the patriarcado and the polemic practices of the fellows that you/they want to build the socialism.


As soon as political fellows are necessary to find rupture points in the tendency to the reproduction of the capitalist order that tries to sustain the monopoly of the financial, natural resources, comunicacionales, warlike, energy.


Dich@s fellows is located, to say it in a simplified way, in the search of building a new order. However that new to build it implies in good measure the recovery of the traditions of those / ace fellows, of the discontinuous and fragmentary histories of the subordinate and subordinate fellows.


The construction of the new order, an order fully democratic that understand as socialist, because the capitalism is incompatible with the democracy, it supposes: the audacity to look for the rupture points with the tendency to the reproduction of the capitalist relationships of exploitation and patriarchal of dominance.


That audacity commits us to:


  • To recognize and to recover our theoretical and political traditions

  • To pay more attention to the / the fellows that to the things

  • To offer the recovery of a dialogue between civil society and state

  • To consider the democracy like a space for the elaboration of the possible agreements, but also for the conflict and the disagreement, for the plural practice


It is necessary to transform:


  • The laws

  • The institutions, the public politicians

  • The ideologies, the ideas, the knowledge, the sciences

  •  The values


The strategies for the production of these transformations were considered as of located character, that is to say: recipes don't exist, but proposals formulated under certain, located historical conditions and socially and hence temporary, subject to revision and susceptible of reificarse.


·         As for the laws


The amplification of rights (those of the women, of the communities, of the environment, of the groups with sexual different orientation) not only implies new rights, but an amplification of subject of right.


In the case of the women the right to the participation political paritaria, the right to decide on their own bodies in an autonomous way, to decide their vital projects.


That is to say: it is not enough with the legal instrument, this he/she has limits, it is necessary to keep in mind to the fellows interpellated / included in that amplification of rights.


·         As for the institutions and the public politicians:


o        They should guarantee the protection of the / the fellows. It is necessary to recover the concept of benevolence and of care toward those and the weakest and fragile to generate to be able to and to promote their character of fellows avoiding the risk of the asistencialismo.

o        to recover the history of those instruments, how they have been used in each context (reference was made to the voucher Juancito I Paint in Bolivia and the origin of that instrument in that country)

o         to articulate the public politicians to political tax that burden in capital and not the work

o        to attack the mechanisms of privatization of the things and of the procedures that are of public interest

o        to generate control mechanisms in the face of the risks of bureaucratization, because the bureaucracies spread to generate logical and own interests, unaware to the general interest

o        to promote transformations in the field of the economy (with all their complexities)

o        To promote transformations in the armed forces


·         As for the ideas, the knowledge, the sciences


It was insisted in the necessity of mental descolonización


o        In the necessity of rigorous conceptualizations

o        In the understanding of the political character of the debates and battles of ideas

o        In the necessity of to share and to produce knowledge on what is happening, opportune knowledge, able to produce appropriate diagnoses


He/she intended the creation of a Latin American Institute of Social High Studies and politicians for the formation of our intellectuals, leaders, etc. recovering and criticizing the reaches and limits of the experiences of the past.


  • As for the production of new values


The socialism should be a society of care. In this point it is necessary to highlight the feminist perspective regarding the political and social value of the care of the human life and of the nature


It should recover of the feminist critic the critic of the relationships of patriarchal dominance and of the obligatory heterosexuality. It supposes it, among other outstanding things, since the Latin Americans have not still consented to the right to the abortion, the critic of the obligatory maternity and the valuation of the maternity like experience that it implies the right to decide in autonomous, legal and sure form on the interruption of not wanted pregnancies.


It was also insisted in the necessity of being guided in the practice by ideas reguladoras linked to the Marxist critic of the values of the capitalism.


The instruments that we build should keep in mind the necessity to be able to distinguish between the administration of the things and the government of the human beings, in the same way that to be attentive and attentive to their limits in order to preserve the rectification capacity.


It was noticed against the powers of abstraction, fetichizacion and reificación characteristic of the tendency to the reproduction of the capitalism.




  • It is necessary to assume the function of critical intellectuals organically bound to the political practices of our towns not only recovering the dimensions emancipatorias of the freedom and the equality, but also that of the fraternity and the international solidarity.

  • Especially on the Colombian situation we want to highlight that this forum should be pronounced by a political exit and negotiated to the social conflict and armed in Colombia


Synthesis of that worked the 13 and 14 of October of 2008
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