Briefing Paper for the Climate Summit in Copenhagen, 7-18 December 2009

Substance or Greenwash Show? The Time for Half Measures is Over

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Executive Summary
A few days before the Climate Summit in Copenhagen it is still unclear how much substance, and how much show there will be. The heads of government are confronted with a decision comparable in scale with the dismanteling of slavery: to agree to the exit out of the fossil fuel economy and the entrance in a new welfare model. More than 100 heads of government are expected in Copenhagen. Of course, they want to present the world a result. But it is not yet clear whether they will give in to the temptation to stage the biggest greenwash show in history.
Will they agree to reduction goals that put the world on a path which limits global warming to a maximum of 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius – or will they only agree to nonbinding long-term goals, contradicted by weak or even no short term goals, and made meaningless through various loopholes?
Will industrialized countries agree to the necessary financing streams to developing countries, in order to make climate and tropical forest protection as well as adaptation to the consequences of climate change possible there? Or will they announce high finance numbers, but in reality barely making new, public money available?
Will they discuss a "politically binding” agreement, which is non-binding in reality, or will they actually initiate a "legally binding” agreement which future governments will also have to fulfil?
The time for half measures is over. The political leaders of the world must decide whether that want to burn both us and future generations.
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