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Democracy? "State of exception" and human rights?

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The truth is within the historical wholeness and in the dialectical relation of the whole and its parts.


Real democracy is achieved through the people’s struggle for social and political emancipation by historical construction of the truth, freedom, social justice in unity with the emancipation of people of the world against the history of lies, racism, patriarchism, violations against gender, sexual diversity, social trauma, terror, torture, murder and violations of all human rights.


In 2009, there was a military coup against the people of Honduras sponsored by the Honduran oligarchy and army, allied with the North American, European and Latin American ultra-right.


Honduras is the epicenter of the experimental laboratory of Coups d'état, military intelligence and torture in Latin America because it is a key geopolitical space in the military strategy because of its contacts with different geographical, air, sea and territorial points that relate it to the different countries of the world.


Within the framework of this policy, a total war against people has developed, where the State of Exception is a permanent rule since impunity of repressive forces is greater than 90%.


The total war is economic, political, ideological, media related, police, military, judicial, religious fundamentalist against the opposing forces of the oppressive regime.


Being the opposition: political parties, indigenous movements, garífunas, environmentalists, human rights, peasant organizations, feminist workers and sexual diversity groups.


These racist policies have forced the emigration of more than 50 thousand Hondurans to the United States of America, Europe and fundamentally violate economic, social and environmental rights by the accumulation of capital by dispossession and deprivation of all forms, conditions and quality of life, where there’s an imprisoned democracy by imperial domination.


On November 26, 2017 presidential, National Congress and municipal mayor’s elections took place where the opposition forces participated in inequality conditions within a police/military State framework:


1. The guarantors of the electoral process were the Armed Forces (authors of the 2009 coup).


2. The Electoral Tribunal integrated without the participation of the opposition forces, and the President of the Tribunal representative of the ruling sector participated in other fraudulent processes.


3. The General Attorney of the Republic (prosecutor’s office) and the Supreme Court of Justice were also controlled by the ruling party.


4. There were no fair reforms to the Electoral Law.


5. The technical mechanisms for electoral transparency were not established.


Based on the above, the electoral count and the entire process was handled fraudulently, consequently losing legitimacy before the Honduran people and the international community.


The establishment of a curfew during the electoral counting process is in order to manifest the death penalty, the psychological torture of a State of bloody Exception and a war against the people.


During this fraudulent electoral counting, businesspeople protested and the National Police (the basic sector of the special forces of the cobras and other levels) rebelled, to express their repudiation to the official orders of repression against the people and the discrimination and violation of their rights before the privileges of the police and military hierarchies. The Armed Forces obey more orders from the Southern Command than what is established in the Constitution of the Republic.


We express our gratitude to all journalists, social communicators, electoral observers and honest national and international human rights defenders who have and continue to be in solidarity with the people of Honduras who peacefully fight for their sovereign right and self-determination.


We reject any military maneuver or process of a military Coup or of any other nature that serves the interests of the United States or any hegemonic power or international organism, such as the OAS and its satellite bodies that have been promoters of Coup d'Etat in Latin America and Honduras.


With dignity and historical responsibility, I embrace the struggle of the Honduran people for the social and political emancipation of sovereignty and self-determination.


The real struggle for human rights is not only for individual, civil and political rights but also to help defeat the nefarious policies of capital accumulation, colonialism and imperial colonialism.


Unity and struggle against the Honduranization of the Coups d'État in Latin America.


- Juan Almendares is Executive Director of the Center for Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture and their Families (CPTRT) and Former Rector of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH).
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