Civil Society statement on the World Food Emergency:
No More “Failures-as-Usual"!
- Opinión
The attached statement was prepared ahead of the "FAO High Level Conference on Wolrd Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy" taking place in Rome (3-5 June 2008).
This statement and global plan of action was prepared by members of the IPC, the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty. The IPC is a facilitation mechanism in which key international social movements and organisations collaborate around the issue of food sovereignty: these include ROPPA, WFFP, WFF,La Via Campesina , and many movements and NGOs in all regions (see:
The IPC is coordinating in Rome the Forum "Terra Preta" parallel to the FAO High-Level Conference
This statement and global plan of action was prepared by members of the IPC, the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty. The IPC is a facilitation mechanism in which key international social movements and organisations collaborate around the issue of food sovereignty: these include ROPPA, WFFP, WFF,
The IPC is coordinating in Rome the Forum "Terra Preta" parallel to the FAO High-Level Conference
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Soberanía Alimentaria
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