The U.S. Hit List at the United Nations
- Opinión
Quietly, and without the fanfare that accompanies the campaign in the
mountains of Afghanistan, the administration has begun a long march
through multilateral institutionS. At the UN and elsewhere, the U.S.
has mounted a campaign to purge international civil servants judged
to be out of step with Washington in the war on terrorism and its
insistence that the U.S. have the last word in all global governance
The first and most prominent to go was Mary Robinson, the former
Irish president whose work as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
has been acclaimed by human rights groups across the world.
Officially, she retired after a one-year renewal of her contract. In
fact, the U.S. ferociously lobbied against here reappointment. UN
officials and Western diplomats also said she was "difficult to work
with"-the usual euphemism for not taking dictation. Most human
rights activists see this as precisely her strength in an
organization where not rocking the boat seems to be genetically
engineered into many officials.
The U.S. could not forgive her for her stands on the Middle East
issues or for her endorsement last year of the results of the UN's
Durban Conference on Racism, which both the U.S. and Israel walked
out of. The rest of the world stayed and adopted a toned-down
document, and subsequently Washington began its campaign to force
Robinson out.
Another recent victim of the U.S. campaign was Robert Watson, the
much-respected chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change. On April 19, the U.S. administration succeeded in replacing
him with Rajendra Pachauri, an Indian economist. The panel is (or
perhaps was is the correct tense) an independent scientific body
established to assess the degree of climate change and the
contribution made by human activities such as burning fossil fuelS.
The panel's work had come to a consensus, not shared by the Bush
administration, that human activity is a factor in climate change. A
Leaked memo from ExxonMobil had previously asked the White House,
"Can Watson be replaced now at the request of the U.S.?" The memo
goes on to recommend that the administration "restructure the U.S.
attendance at upcoming IPCC meetings to assure none of the
Clinton/Gore proponents are involved in any decisional activities."
Apparently, the administration heeded ExxonMobil's recommendation.
Pachauri himself attributes his selection to being the developing
world candidate, but environmental NGOs ascribe it to U.S. lobbying.
A few days later, on April 22, the U.S. right achieved a new level of
success with the deposition of Jose Mauricio Bustani, the head of the
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), a mere
year after he had been unanimously elected for a second five-year
term. The voting was 48 votes to 7 with 43 abstentionS. The OPCW was
created by the Chemical Weapons Convention, which outlaws the
production of chemical weaponS. It arranges regular inspections of
member countries' facilities to ensure that no one is cheating.
Bustani, a Brazilian, has headed it from its creation five years ago,
and his inspectors have overseen the destruction of two million
chemical weapons and two-thirds of the world's chemical weapon
facilities in the past several yearS. They have carried out 1,100
inspections in more than 50 nations.
From the beginning of 2002, however, the U.S. has treated Bustani
almost as if he were some form of bureaucratic Bin Laden. Bush
administration officials accused him of "ongoing financial
mismanagement, demoralization of the Technical Secretariat staff, and
ill-considered initiatives." Only last year he had been reelected
unanimously, with plaudits from all, including Colin Powell.
Moreover, his staff pointed out that the organization's finances and
management were controlled not by Bustani but by a U.S. government
So what had changed? Not Bustani, but Washington. His main
persecutor was John Bolton, Under Secretary of State for Arms Control
and International Security. Bolton earned his right-wing credentials
when he served as the house UN-basher for the Heritage Foundation.
But his anti-UN convictions have never stopped him taking money from
the organization himself. Most recently he served as assistant to
James Baker on the failed Western Sahara mission. For years, Bolton
had argued that the U.S. should get out of the United NationS. At the
same time, however, Bolton served as a consultant to Taiwan advising
the government how it could get into the UN, according to The Nation.
Although Bolton may have flexible principles, like many of Bush's
hard right entourage he has a rigid line in grudges and he soon
developed a major one against Bustani.
Having Bolton in charge of disarmament is like letting a pyromaniac
have the run of a fireworks factory--as his recent hardnose attitude
to nuclear limitation talks with Russia, and staunch advocacy of the
"Star Wars," Strategic Defense Initiative suggestS. Bustani first
started running into problems when he resisted American efforts to
dictate the nationality of the OPCW inspectors assigned to
investigate American facilitieS. What's more, he had opposed a U.S.
law allowing the president to block unannounced inspections in the
United States and banning OPCW inspectors from removing samples of
its chemicalS. Diplomats suggest that Bustani's biggest "crime" was
trying to persuade Iraq to sign the convention, which could mean that
OPCW inspectors would inspect Iraqi facilitieS. The hawks in the
administration resented these "ill-considered initiatives." If Iraq
would sign the convention and allow UN inspectors, it would deprive
Washington of a quasi-legal justification for military action against
Earlier this year the U.S. asked Brazil to recall him, but the
Brazilian government pointed out that Bustani was not a Brazilian
appointee but rather was elected unanimously by the entire OPCW.
Then Bolton, personally, asked Bustani to resign. After he refused,
the U.S. then attempted to have the OPCW Executive Council sack him.
Failing that, Washington called for a special session of member
states to fire him, threatening that the U.S. would not pay its dues
if he were reappointed. Faced with losing an effective and popular
disarmament agency, a majority of states succumbed to this blackmail.
This acquiescence to Washington was is in stark contrast to the
willingness of so many countries to defy the U.S. by ratifying the
Rome Treaty establishing the International Criminal Court only two
weeks before.
In the end, it seems most members of the OPCW, with varying degrees
of pragmatism and reluctance, decided that the survival of one of the
most successful disarmament organizations was more important than the
fate of its director.
However, they set an ominous example--and possibly gave the hawks in
Washington a strong scent of blood to follow. As Bustani presciently
told the kangaroo court, "By dismissing me ? an international
precedent will have been established whereby any duly elected head of
any international organization would at any point during his or her
tenure remain vulnerable to the whims of one or a few major
contributorS. They would be in a position to remove any Director-
General, or Secretary-General, from office at any point in time."
To Play, U.S. Must Get Its Way
The right wing has long had a reflex hostility to international and
multilateral organizationS. But during the Reagan administration,
which was the first time that the right wing exercised such control
over U.S. policy, there was the fear that the U.S. could not pull out
of the UN and leave it in the hands of its cold war enemy. Today,
however, the U.S. has no counterweight at the UN, and the Bush
administration officials are unabashedly insisting on exercising the
influence that comes from being the world's only superpower.
Playing upon its indispensability in this unipolar world, the Bush
team is playing hard ball at the UN-in effect, threatening to render
the multilateral organization impotent unless it gets its way.
It bodes ill for global affairs the way the administration has
managed to achieve these recent coups with little or no public
awareness, let alone discussion. In the case of Mary Robinson, the
U.S. did fear that any open campaign to unseat her would upset Irish
American voterS. Instead of tapping its public diplomacy, the
administration used stealth tactics against Robinson.
Human rights organizations complained, but this administration has
successfully sidelined these organizations from foreign policy
decisionmaking and now routinely dismisses the concerns of these
Who is the next target? It may be Hans Blix, who heads UNMOVIC, which
is the UN organization established at the end of the Persian Gulf War
to inspect Iraqi arms facilitieS. It's been reported that Paul
Wolfowitz, Under Secretary of Defense, ordered a CIA investigation of
Blix. One reason that the administration is concerned is that under
the framework supported by Powell, if Blix's team goes into Iraq and
gives the regime a clean bill of health, then the sanctions regime
against Iraq will be largely terminated. For Wolfowitz and other
hardliners, this eventuality would remove another main causus belli
against Baghdad. Deposing the highly respected Blix, who formerly
headed the International Atomic Energy Authority, would facilitate
the administration's case for launching a war on Baghdad.
It's also likely that included on the administration's hit list are
the individuals on the proposed fact-finding mission to Jenin that
have found disfavor with the Sharon government. One was Mary
Robinson, who has already been ousted. The others were Terje Roed
Larsen, one of the main agents in establishing the Oslo channel that
led to what was once the peace process, and currently the UN's
special coordinator for the peace process.
Although half-heartedly defended by Shimon Peres, it will be
difficult to keep him in position when he has "lost the trust" of
Sharon, and presumably his allies in the U.S. administration. The
third person the Israelis regarded as biased is Peter Hansen, the
recently reappointed Commissioner General of UNRWA, the U.S.-funded
agency that helps Palestinian refugeeS. Hansen was appointed by the
Secretary General Kofi Annan, who angrily sprang to the defense of
all three individuals criticized by Israel. But Annan may find it
hard to stand behind monitors criticized by the U.S. and Israel,
especially if the U.S. would threaten to cut off its funding of
UNRWA, which would likely result in starvation in the Palestinian
refugee camps.
Kofi Annan, himself, may also be targeted soon. Even though he has
only just started his second term, and even though he is immensely
popular, Kofi Annan has recently become stronger in his public
exasperation with Sharon's behavior. Given the recent pattern of
arrogant American diplomacy, one cannot help but suspect that, but
for Colin Powell and Shimon Peres--who have a strong rapport with the
secretary-general--the anti-Iraq and pro-Sharon hardliners in the
Bush administration will soon begin a campaign to invite Annan to
retire. It's likely that they will first suggest that he could
retire with honor and that this decision would be for his own good.
If that strategy doesn't work, they will likely accuse him of
managerial incompetence and inability to work well with member states
combined with yet another threat to withhold dues.
If the U.S. purges continue and rise to higher levels, other UN
member nations may regret their pandering to Washington as they see
the entire post-World War II framework of multilateralism start to
Ian Williams writes for Foreign
Policy In Focus And is the author of The UN for Beginners.
Del mismo autor
- Ejecutivos de la ONU en la mira de EU. 20/05/2002
- The U.S. Hit List at the United Nations 29/04/2002
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