No F-16s in our garden
- Opinión
The idea was simple enough: If all of the US' 702 foreign military
bases in 40 countries around the world were shut down, then the US
wouldn't find it so easy to launch its illegal wars.
And who better to push for the closure of these bases than the
people who've been forced to live around them? Those who've been
enduring the sonic-boom from the F-16s 24/7, those who've been
evicted from their islands so that the Army can build its barracks
and spy stations on their farmlands, those whose neighbors have been
raped by bored GI's out for a night of fun, those whose children are
dying from previously unknown cancers because of the toxic water
they are drinking -- all those who could not plant flowers in their
gardens because the Humvees keep crushing them. If there's one thing
that could unite these people, it is the demand to keep those F-1 6s
out of their sight and out of their lives.
Now, if they could only all meet, share what they've been through
with others who know only too well what it's like, discuss how
they've struggled through the years, and maybe come up with a common
plan to confront the ba ses of their insecurity, imagine what all
that could achieve.
The international conference against US bases during the recent
World Social Forum was an attempt to do just this. It brought
together veteran -- but still very energetic -- campaigners against
US bases as well as young a nd new activists; grassroots and
community based activists focused on foreign military presence
together with those working on other related issues, such as
globalization, human rights, democratization, etc.
Among those who participated were Corazon Fabros, who was
instrumental in the spectacular and historic "No" vote in the
Philippine Senate that finally drove out the American troops from
one of their first colonies; Suzuyo Takasato, an untiring
campaigner from Okinawa; Lindsey Collen who's been working on the
case of the refugees from Diego Garcia for years; Olivier Bancoult,
himself a refugee from Diego Garcia; Reverend Myun, a revered an ti-
US bases activist from Korea; Joseph Gerson, author of the
definitive anti-US bases text, "The Sun Never Sets"; and Myrna
Pagan, who triumphantly spoke about the inspiring victory of the
people of Vieques, Puerto Rico, over the US Navy, to name just a
few. Even after the physical meetings in Mumbai, discussions about
various ideas and proposals are continuing in a vibrant e-mail
community that has gathered over 200 people working on th e issue
around the world.
The range of participants was an indication of just how widely
scattered the US foreign military presence is around the world but
it was also a sign of how global opposition is broadening.
And apparently expanding. At the beginning of the "speak-out"
session, Joseph posted a big map of the world in front of the
panelists' table, with all the countries hosting US military
presence marked in red, just to have a visual reminder that the US
has got the world covered. During the session, two women from
Kyrgyztan, whose participation were not expected by the organizers,
took the mike and pointed out that their country should also now be
in red. After the invasion of Afghanistan, Tolekan Ismailova
reported, the US established bases in her country and it was
approved by the parliament in two days. "It was the fastest decision
it ever made," Ismailo va said, pointing out that the local ruling
elites who collude with the US must also be targeted.
During the strategy session, the participants began to wrestle with
certain controversies and questions: Should we only target US bases?
What about the foreign bases of other countries? What should be the
perspective of t he campaign, anti-imperialist or anti-militarist?
Would it be effective to select a few key bases as strategic sites
of struggle? What structure would best serve the objectives of the
network? What value-added can an inte rnational group provide for
local anti-bases activists? The network needs to be inclusive and
expansive but to what extent can it be broadened without losing
focus and without diluting the message? What now?
Some of these questions could become potentially divisive for this
nascent community but they will need to be resolved implicitly or
explicitly for the network to move forward. This is just the
beginning. But the first st ep in the process of building up the
movement and its constituency has now been taken. What has emerged
so far is a promising consensus on various points.
First is that the time is now. The "war against terror" has swung
the spotlight back on the US overseas military network. Where did
all those troops that invaded Iraq come from? Some from the bases in
Kuwait; some came al l the way from Sasebo in Japan; others may have
been flown in from Ramstein, Germany or from Pine Gap in Australia.
Now they want six bases in Iraq. Interestingly, the very same
Halliburton that's been raking in billions from the destruction and
reconstruction of Iraq was also the same corporation that
constructed the military bases in Diego Garcia -- home to 1,500
Chagossians who were forcibly removed and dumped on the dockside of
Maurit ius by the British, who then rented out the island to the US.
Thanks to war on terror, "the task that never ends", people around
the world are now looking for Diego Garcia in the map (just below
India, northeast of Mauri tius) and wondering what on earth American
GIs are doing there. US bases have become visual aids for all those
trying to educate people on the workings of imperialism.
There are very dynamic and very effective international networks and
campaigns against Third World debt, against the World Bank and the
IMF, against the WTO, etc. These are all integral but then, would
the US really be ab le to enforce its economic agenda around the
world without its massive military firepower backing it? Can one run
an empire without military outposts?
Most of the delegates were in agreement that any campaign against US
military presence cannot be isolated from the bigger struggle
against corporate-driven globalization, against war, against empire.
This is not about clo sing the bases for the sake of closing them
down. The bases need to be shut down not just because they're noisy
or so that we can build golf courses on the land instead. The people
from Okinawa don't want to close the bas e in their island just so
that it can be moved back to Olongapo. The US bases are a means to
an end; an anti-bases campaign can't therefore be an end in itself.
The equation is simple enough: No bases = no empire = no war s. The
grass will grow again only when the Humvees have been pushed out of
the fields.
Del mismo autor
- La nueva estructura de bases militares estadounidenses en Filipinas (II) 03/01/2008
- La nueva estructura de bases militares estadounidenses en Filipinas (I) 19/12/2007
- An Anti-Bases Network Finds its Base 18/03/2007
- The U.S. troops 'unconventional' presence 15/01/2007
- Júbilo e inquietud en Beirut 04/09/2006
- In Beirut, jubilation and trepidation 13/08/2006
- Iraq's neo-liberal Constitution 11/09/2005
- Shock and awe 28/06/2005
- No F-16s in our garden 08/03/2004
- Morir por McDonalds en Irak 21/10/2003
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Guerra y Paz
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