The pandemic and beyond… a political approach

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For almost two months now, the inhabitants of our planet have been engaged in a frontal combat against one of the most serious pandemics in human history. Very slowly at first, but now we have been experiencing the consequences of the virus unfolding. Since then, people, through traditional media and social networks, have been permanently receiving information about the characteristics of the virus, its causes, its consequences, the sanitary facilities of countries, global and national statistics, etc. Also, to the extent of the worsening scenario, the request for collaboration to the community in the observance of isolation or quarantine rules. The symptoms and medical care measures necessary to prevent the spread of the virus on a daily basis are also the cause of permanent media bombardment.


Governments are juggling to balance health and economy. We know that both are two sides of the same coin. What we mean when we refer to the economy is how to maintain minimum production levels to supply people with food and medicine and to allow the minimum operations of logistics, public transport and vital production to face this pandemic.


It is not possible to detach oneself from the high number of infected and deaths as a result of this situation. Consequently, the media attitude is correct. The debate on strategies is also presented as a permanent topic on television. It allows you to become aware and take care of yourself and others. The World Health Organization has just announced that quarantine, at this point, is not enough to defeat the virus. Countries that have been able to test large number of people, have lower mortality rates in relation to the infected. Testing is essential. Now, testing is expensive. So the debate is not just scientific and medical. It is economic and political.


The LABOUR WORLD INSTITUTE (IMT) from the NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF 3rd. OF FEBRUARY (UNTREF) from Argentina, wants to make a contribution to the debate on these political and economic issues that, in general, except for some sporadic comments, do not appear in the media. It is in this sense that we are circulating an article written by our Research Director, PHD. and trade unionist Alberto Pepe Robles, called "The pandemic and beyond ... A political approach”.


With this contribution, we intend to promote a perspective towards the future. This quarantine, which we do not know how far it will extend, should serve, in addition to taking care of ourselves, to think about why things are happening, how it is possible to get out of problems, how to improve political proposals for the future and how to contribute to the construction of an inclusive and democratic globalization. As the document states, when the First World War ended, the world tried to build a new status that was not enough to prevent the outbreak of World War II. Let's not repeat that experience.


Ruben Cortina


Labour World Institute IMT

UNTREF University



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